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  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 01 [00:14.00]英文片名:The.Perfect.Man.2005 中文片名:超完美男人 [00:27.64](knocking on door) (敲门声) [00:29.04](Becca) Holly, youve gotta open up. (贝卡) 郝莉, 你应该开门了. [00:31.12](Holly) Im not so sure about this. (郝莉
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 02 [00:02.60]on your list of things to do before you die. 你应该将这条加入你死前要做的事情的单子里. [00:28.36](Zoe) Oh, wow! (周) 噢,哇! [00:32.64]Oh, girls! 噢,女孩们! [00:35.64]l bet it`s full of quaint details, pretty m
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 03 [00:03.60]Me, neither. 我也不喜欢。 [00:06.12](all chattering) (大家都在聊天) [00:30.96](Gloria) lsn`t it big? (格劳丽雅) 很大,是吧? [00:32.32](Jean) lt`s gorgeous! lt`s so heavy. (简) 太耀眼了! 它太重了. [00:32.92]l ne
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 04 [00:01.24]Did it ever occur to you that the point of the meeting... 你有没有想过这次会议的要点不是... [00:02.00]wasn`t for the needs of the single parent? 讨论单亲家庭的需要? [00:04.92]That the point of the meeting was maybe f
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 05 [00:04.40]Boy, am l thirsty. 怎么还不来? [00:12.96](buzzer buzzing) (门铃响了) [00:15.84]Was that the buzzer? 是不是门铃响了? [00:17.52]Five letters for ``ln line to get, maybe.`` 5个字母 ``可能要排队买的东西。`` [00:20
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 06 [00:02.44]No, it isn`t. 不,不是的。 [00:03.84]Okay, the face a little bit. 对,脸有点象。 [00:06.00]But that woman is on a horse. 但她是骑在马上的。 [00:08.48]You`re not on a horse. 你没有骑在马上吧。 [00:10.96]That`s
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 07 [00:02.84]l re-built the tranny, tweaked the mill. 重新装了收音机,重新打磨。 [00:05.68]And as a matter of fact, l got... 事实上,我... [00:06.12]some new passenger mats right here, so would you mind... 在这儿放了一个新的垫子
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 08 [00:01.24]Where`s the problem? 有什么问题? [00:03.32]lt`s a small fortune. 运气不太好。 [00:04.40]No, that`s a lie. lt`s a large fortune. 不,骗你的。运气好极了。 [00:07.32]lt`s your day. Do it. 是你的好日子,去吧。
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 09 [00:01.44]What? 什么? [00:03.04]l got a letter. 我收到一封信。 [00:06.20]What kind of letter? 什么样的信? [00:09.20]lt`s a love letter. 是一封情书。 [00:09.40]What does it say? 上面写些什么? [00:14.08]One second. 等我一下。
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 10 [00:01.16]How are we ever going to get a stamp from China? 我们如何能搞到中国的邮票? [00:03.24]We won`t. 我们不需要。 [00:04.52]Now that he`s traveling, he asked her to send... 现在他正在旅行,他要她... [00:06.92]her e-ma
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 11 [00:13.70]How you doing? 你怎么样? [00:16.38]Surprise, surprise. 惊喜,惊喜。 [00:18.90]Lenny, there`s something l need to tell you. 莱尼,有些事情我必须告诉你。 [00:24.46]We don`t need words. 我们不需要说话。 [00:24.9
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 12 [00:02.62]wouldnt be Holly and Zoe. 不会是郝莉和周了。 [00:06.54]And life without Holly and Zoe, I cant even imagine it. 而且我无法想象没有郝莉和周的生活会是什么样子。 [00:10.62](sniffling) (抽泣) [00:12.02]Its just
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 13 [00:03.78](Holly) You do The Times crossword in pen? (郝莉) 你在做纽约时报的填字游戏? [00:05.06]Yeah. ls that a bad thing? 对。有什么问题吗? [00:11.06]How do you feel about the moon? 你觉得月亮怎么样? [00:13.62]Excuse me
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 14 [00:04.58]but that`s it. (all) Free beer! 说定了。 (所有人) 免费啤酒! [00:05.66](men cheering) (人们欢呼) [00:08.74]You`re a Jets fan, right? 你是Jets的球迷吧? [00:12.26]Oh my God, hello! l live for West Side Story. 我的天啊,
  • 听电影学英语-超完美男人 15 [00:04.58]Yes, because there`s something that l wanted to tell.... 对,因为我有些话要对你讲.... [00:07.46](quavering) lt`s really good to finally hear your voice. (颤音) 终于听到你的声音了,感觉真不错。 [00:10.46]Wait. A