[00:02.72]Yes. With preimplantation genetic1 diagnosis2. 是的,用早期胚胎基因诊断技术
[00:05.56]it would be a 1 OO percent match. 她会百分之百匹配
[00:08.52]A donor3 child? 一个供体婴儿?
[00:10.60]lt's not for everybody. 不是对所有人(都是供体)
[00:12.36]And legally. l can't even officially recommend it. 从法律上来说,我甚至不能向你们提这个建议
[00:14.16]But like l said. cord blood would be invaluable4. 但是正如我所说,脐血是非常宝贵的
[00:19.16]Well. we gotta do it. 好的,我们会做的
[00:21.20]We gotta try. 我们要试一试
[00:24.08]JESSE: That was it. 就这样
[00:27.88]Grown in a dish. they would have an in vitro child. 通过培养皿的培养,他们有了一个试管婴儿
[00:31.68]A perfect chromosomal5 match who would be Kate's genetic savior. 染色体完美匹配,她是Kate的基因救星
[00:40.80]SARA: Remember that time where we strapped6 that fabric7 on her feet? 还记得我们把布扎在她脚上的日子吗?
[00:44.48]Someone here to see you. 有人来看你了
[00:46.20]MAN: Sara Fitzgerald? - Yes. - Sara Fitzgerald? - 是我
[00:49.44]You've been served. 你被起诉了
[00:53.52]KELLY: What is that? 那是什么?
[00:58.24]SARA: 'Petition for medical emancipation8 by....' 医学自由请愿书
[01:03.00]SARA: 'The ability to make future medical decisions independent of parents... (Anna有)独立于父母做出未来医疗决定的能力
[01:04.76]...not to be forced to submit treatment including donating her kidney.' 不得强迫(Anna)服从包括捐肾在内的治疗方案
[01:10.16]Anna. what is this? Is this from you? Anna,这是什么,你弄来得?
[01:13.60]Yeah. l got a lawyer. 是啊,我请了个律师
[01:15.64]SARA: You're suing us? 你在告我们?
[01:16.12]Well. honey. what the hell is going on? 好啦,宝贝,这究竟是怎么回事?
[01:19.76]l don't want to do it anymore. Mom. 我不想再做了,妈妈
[01:21.48]You don't want to do it anymore? That's it? You don't want to do it? 你不想接着做?就这样?你不想做了?
[01:25.56]Guess what? Neither do l and neither does Kate. 你知道吗? 我和Kate也不想这样
[01:26.24]No. 是的
[01:28.80]- Please. - lt's not like we have a choice. - 求你了 - 看起来我们没有选择余地
[01:30.92]- That's the thing. l do. l do have a choice. SARA: Really? Is that so? - 是这样,但是我有,我有选择的权利 - 真的,真是这样的?
[01:34.60]- Yeah. - That's your sister. Have you forgotten? - 是的 - 那是你姐姐,你忘了?
[01:37.80]- No. - Do you know what's gonna happen? - 没忘 - 你知道会发生什么?
[01:39.40]Yeah. Believe it or not. Mom. l actually thought about it. 是的,不管你信不信,我确实想过
[01:42.44]Sara. Sara
[01:45.64]KELLY: Have you lost your mind? SARA: What is she doing? - 你疯了吗? - 她在干什么?
[01:46.00]KELLY: What the hell were you thinking? SARA: What the hell is she thinking? - 你究竟在想什么? - 她究竟在想什么?
[01:49.68]l don't understand.... 我不懂
[01:53.28]MAN: Let's hit it now. go. 快点,扑灭它
[02:02.44]GUS: Fit2geraldt Fitzgerald
[02:04.28]Your wife called. she said to give her a call. it's important. 911. 你老婆打电话过来,叫你回电,很重要的事,十万火急
[02:08.20]- Just telling me now? - l'm not your secretary. - 现在才告诉我? - 我又不是你秘书
[02:11.28]- Get your own frigging calls. - Goddamn it. Gus. - 打你那个要命的电话吧 - 该死的,Gus
[02:12.36]BRIAN: All right. Iet's hear it. What's going on? 好吧,让我们听听,发生了什么?
[02:18.72]Okay. 好吧
[02:20.20]Forget about the fact that the operation is dangerous. or that it would hurt... 忘了手术很危险这个事实,或者它可能伤害
[02:24.08]...or that l might not want to have something cut out of me. 或者我不愿意让别人从我身上切下来什么
[02:27.08]But if l only have one kidney. then what happens to me? 但是一旦我只有一个肾,我会发生什么事?
[02:28.56]What if l need it? 如果我需要它呢?
[02:31.44]And am l really never allowed to play sports or be a cheerleader or get pregnant? 要是我永远不能运动或者成为拉拉队长或者怀孕呢?
[02:36.80]Can't drink. 不能喝酒
[02:38.12]What if l just want to live a long time? 要是我仅仅想活得长一点呢?
[02:41.32]Sweetheart. you're gonna live a long time. 宝贝,你会活很长时间的
[02:43.60]Yeah? Then tell me this: 真的?那么告诉我
[02:44.24]What if the transplant doesn't work? What then? 要是移植的肾不起作用呢,然后呢?
[02:49.44]- She's your sister. - l know that. But l'm not like you. Mom. - 她是你姐姐 - 我知道,但是我不像你,妈妈?
[02:52.44]l see the other kids. l see what they do. They go to parties. the beach. 我见过其他孩子,我见过他们做什么,去聚会,海滩
[02:54.84]l don't understand why you didn't say something earlier. 我不懂你早些时候怎么什么都不说
[02:56.80]When? When should l talk to you about it? 什么时候?我应该什么时候和你谈这个?
[02:58.96]You're never home. You leave me here with her. 你从不在家,把我丢给她
[03:03.64]Excuse me? You've never had to do anything... 嗯?你从来不必做任何你不想做的事
[03:04.08]...you don't want to do. and you know that. 你也知道
[03:06.52]l always wound up doing everything. didn't l? 可到头来我什么都做了,不是吗?
[03:09.44]- You spoiled shit. - Stop yelling. - 你惯坏她了 - 别吵了
[03:10.40]BRIAN: Everyone be quiet. 所有人都闭嘴
[03:12.32]We said she gets the table. she gets the table. 我们说听她说,那就听她说
[03:15.16]Go ahead. 继续
[03:19.64]Remember how the doctor said if l did the operation... 记得医生说要是我做了手术
[03:22.96]...l would have to be careful for the rest of my life? 我的余生都得当心吧?
[03:24.80]But l don't want to be careful. Who wants to live like that? 但是我不想小心翼翼,谁想这么活?
[03:29.08]SARA: Anna. listen-- - l'm important too. Mom. l'm important too. - Anna,听着 - 我也很重要,妈,我也很重要
[03:33.48]- Hey. now-- - Let me go. - 嘿,现在 - 让我走
[03:38.16]BRIAN: Mom needs to cool off a bit. She's a little upset. 妈妈要冷静一会,她有点心烦
[03:42.56]ANNA: Yeah. l heard her. 嘿,我听见啦
[03:45.12]'Get her out of here. l don't want to look at her face anymore.' 带她走,我再也不想看见她
[03:51.68]BRIAN: l looked at my daughter and wondered how it got from there to here. 我看着我女儿,想知道一切怎么会变成这样
[04:01.20]MAN: Hey. - Hi. - 嘿! - 嗨!
[04:16.52]...-The truth. the truth. - Okay. - 要说实话,说实话 - 好的
[04:22.40]All right. so. what do you think? 好的,你觉得怎么样?
[04:24.96]A bit more salt. 再加点盐
[04:27.84]A bit more. 一点点
[04:41.40]BRIAN: From the moment we decided9 to genetically10 conceive... 自从我们决定基因怀孕之后
[04:42.84]...l suppose this was the eventual11 outcome. 我想这就是最终结果
[04:46.12]lt was our fault. We went against nature and this was our comeuppance. 是我们的错,我们与自然法则对抗,这就是业报
[04:53.80]But have we really pushed her too hard? 但我们是不是要求她做太多了?
[04:56.76]Have we forced her into helping12 her sister? 我们强迫她帮助她姐姐了吗?
[04:59.08]All those little encouragements and rewards, were they real? 这些小小的鼓励和报答,是真的吗?

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adj.遗传的,遗传学的 | |
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n.诊断,诊断结果,调查分析,判断 | |
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n.捐献者;赠送人;(组织、器官等的)供体 | |
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adj.无价的,非常宝贵的,极为贵重的 | |
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adj.染色体的 | |
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adj.用皮带捆住的,用皮带装饰的;身无分文的;缺钱;手头紧v.用皮带捆扎(strap的过去式和过去分词);用皮带抽打;包扎;给…打绷带 | |
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n.织物,织品,布;构造,结构,组织 | |
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n.(从束缚、支配下)解放 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adv.遗传上 | |
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adj.最后的,结局的,最终的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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