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听电影学英语-罗马假日 11

时间:2011-04-01 05:44来源:互联网 提供网友:dr8201   字体: [ ]

  [00:01.52]Irving! Why don't you answer? 艾荣!为何迟迟不接电话?
[00:03.68]It's Joe. Can you get here in five minutes? 是阿祖,可否马上赶来?
[00:05.44]No, I can't come now, Joe, I'm busy. 不行,现在我正忙着
[00:10.16]Oh, no. 别闹了
[00:13.92]Joe, I'm up to my ears in work. 阿祖,现在我忙得要命
[00:17.68]Get into your next outfit1. What kind of a scoop2, Joe? 你快换衫…究竟怎么回事?阿祖
[00:20.48]I can't talk over the phone. 不方便在电话说
[00:22.16]This whole thing might easily blow sky-high. 这件事非同小可
[00:26.56]It's front-page stuff, that's all I can say. 总之就是头条大新闻
[00:28.40]It might be political or a scandal, I don't know, 可能具政治性,可能是丑闻
[00:32.20]but it's a big story. I need pictures. 总之是猛料,我要图片
[00:34.28]But I can't come now, Joe, I'm busy. 但现在我很忙,不能赶来
[00:37.48]And I'm meeting Francesca at Rocca's in half an hour. 况且半小时后我要去见兰丝
[01:41.72]- Don't understand. - Don't understand? 我听不懂  听不懂?
[02:03.24]There you are. 原来你在这里
[02:07.24]I was looking at all the people. It must be fun to live in a place like this. 我在看街景,住在这里真有意思
[02:11.40]It has its moments. I can give you a commentary on each apartment. 没错,我可以给你介绍左邻右里
[02:16.36]I must go. 我要走了
[02:20.88]- I only waited to say goodbye. - Goodbye? But we've only just met! 我只是想跟你道别
[02:25.04]- How about breakfast? - I haven't time. 吃早餐吧?  我没时间
[02:28.20]It must be a pretty important date to run off without eating. 要空着肚子走,那一定是急事
[02:34.88]- It is. - I'll go with you. 没错  那我送你
[02:37.56]That's all right, I can find the place. 没关系,我认得路
[02:43.24]Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed. 谢谢你让我睡在你的床上
[02:47.52]- That's all right. Think nothing of it. - It was very considerate of you. 小意思,别客气  你真好人
[02:53.88]You must've been awfully3 uncomfortable on that couch. 要你睡沙发,一定很不舒服
[02:56.76]No, I do it all the time. 不,我常睡在沙发上
[03:01.60]- Goodbye, Mr Bradley. - Goodbye. 再见,布利先生  再见
[03:10.92]Thank you. 谢谢你
[03:10.96]Go right through there, and down all the steps. 沿这里走,落楼梯
[03:45.84]- Well... Small world! - Yeah. 世界真细小!  对
[03:47.44]I almost forgot. Can you lend me some money? 我差点忘了,可否借点钱给我?
[03:52.44]Oh, yeah. 可以
[03:53.48]That's right, you didn't have any did you? 是了,你身上没钱
[04:00.68]How much was it you wanted? 你想要多少?
[04:01.44]I don't know. How much have you got? 我不知道,你有多少?
[04:06.44]Suppose we just split this fifty-fifty. Here's a thousand lire. 一人一半吧,这里有一千里拉
[04:09.08]A thousand! Can you really spare all that? 一千元!你借这么多钱给我?
[04:14.48]- It's about a dollar and a half. - Oh. 那只是1.5美元  明白了
[04:16.88]I'll arrange for it to be sent back to you. What is your address? 我会派人来还钱,地址呢?
[04:23.04]Via Margutta 51. 马古达街51号
[04:24.40]Via Margutta 51. 马古达街51号
[04:29.36]Joe Bradley. 祖布利
[04:31.88]Goodbye. Thank you. 再见,谢谢你
[04:47.40]Double my money, eh? You tell me how? 加倍奉还?天方夜谭
[04:51.96]- Tomorrow. - Yes, tomorrow. 明天  又是明天
[07:27.12]What a wonderful hair you have. 你这把头发真美
[07:31.60]- Just cut, thank you. - Just cut? 把头发剪短  剪短?
[07:35.44]- Well, then... Cut so? - Higher. 那么…剪这个长度?  高一点
[07:40.56]- Higher? Here? - More. 高一点?这里  再高一点
[07:47.72]- Here! - Even more. 这里!  再高一点
[07:50.28]Where? 哪里?
[07:54.08]- There. - There. 这里  这里
[07:56.12]- Are you sure, Miss? - I'm quite sure, thank you. 你肯定?  肯定,麻烦你了
[08:05.12]- All off? - All off. 剪到这么短?  对
[08:08.04]Off! 好吧!
[08:20.48]- Are you sure? - Yes! 你肯定?  肯定!
[08:23.28]Yes! 好吧!
[08:26.96]Off! 剪短!
[08:35.12]Off! 剪短!
[08:40.56]Off! 剪短!


1 outfit YJTxC     
  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
2 scoop QD1zn     
  • In the morning he must get his boy to scoop it out.早上一定得叫佣人把它剜出来。
  • Uh,one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.我要一勺咖啡的和一勺巧克力的。
3 awfully MPkym     
  • Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.过去农业遭到严重忽视。
  • I've been feeling awfully bad about it.对这我一直感到很难受。
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