[00:03.52]- Thanks again for lunch. - Oh, I’ll get your door. - 再次感谢你的午餐 - 噢,我给你开门
[00:05.80]Oh. Okay. 噢,好
[00:08.20]Shit. 该死
[00:13.88]- Whew! - Yeah. - 唔! - 嗯
[00:19.24]Well, it was great seeing you again. 再见到你真好
[00:22.88]Yeah, it was a surprise. 对,是个惊喜
[00:23.00]Yeah, glad I ran into you last night. 很高兴昨晚碰到你
[00:24.88]Big surprise. Yeah. 大惊喜
[00:26.88]It’s cold out here. 外面很冷
[00:30.56]Yeah, it is. It’s like the South Pole. 对,没错 就像是南天极
[00:32.56]It’s like the deep South Pole if there was one. 就像是超南天极 如果有的话
[00:34.92]There isn’t, though. 然而却没有
[00:36.12]Um, thanks for walking me to my door. 嗯,谢谢你送我到门口
[00:37.04]Yeah. Again, it was great seeing you... 再次的,见到你很高兴...
[00:39.68]again. 再次
[00:40.80]- You, too. - Yeah. - 我也是 - 嗯
[00:42.12]Take care. Uh-- 保重,唔--
[00:45.60]Yeah, you too. Oh, uh... 对,你也是 噢,唔...
[00:49.84]- Oh. - That’s good. - 噢 - 很好
[00:51.16]Ow! 哦!
[00:57.40]- Take care. - You too. - 保重 - 你也是
[00:59.52]Hmm. 哼
[01:23.44]Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! 笨蛋!笨蛋! 笨蛋!
[01:27.76]What the hell?! 到底是怎么?!
[01:32.40]God! 天哪!
[01:37.28]Oh my God! 哦我的天!
[01:38.64]It’s the South Pole! It’s the deep South Pole? 是南天极! 是超南天极?
[01:43.44]It’s the South Pole. The deep South Pole! 是南天极 超南天极!
[01:45.12]I bet it would be in the south! 我打赌它在南边!
[01:45.72]I don’t think there is one, but if there was one 我想没有 但如果有的话
[01:57.92]- I left my gloves in the car. - Oh. - 我把手套落在车里了 - 噢
[02:07.16]- There you go. - Thanks. - 给你 - 谢谢
[02:20.00]Hey, look who’s here! What’s up, Hollywood? 嘿,看看谁在那! 怎么样,好莱坞小子?
[02:24.48]- How the big date go? - It was terrible. - 约会如何? - 糟透了
[02:25.40]I went in for a kiss, but she wants a hug, okay? 我想要个吻 但她要的是拥抱,好吗?
[02:26.04]Then I get caught in a sort of kiss-hug limbo1 type thing. 然后我得到一个似吻似抱的什么玩意
[02:30.56]I don’t know what that is, then l ended up shaking her entire body. 我不知道是什么 然后我们以身体的摇摆告别
[02:34.32]So y-you gave her a body shake? 那么你-你就摇了摇她?
[02:36.24]Oh, God! I should’ve just kissed her! What am I doing? 噢,天哪!我应该吻她的! 我做了什么?
[02:41.40]It looks like you picked up right where you left off. 看上去你又走上了老路
[02:42.68]You’re back in the friend zone. 你又回到朋友界限了
[02:44.08]Oh, f-f... 噢...
[03:00.84]What? 什么?
[03:02.84]Little problem. 小问题
[03:04.96]Okay, she’s got a bit of a headache. 好了,她有点头疼
[03:07.04]It’s not that bad. Ha! 没有那么糟,哈!
[03:12.48]What the hell happened to her? 她到底怎么了?
[03:13.92]Oh my God! 哦我的天!
[03:16.36]Long story short, she fell. 长话短说 她摔了
[03:17.08]Samantha, are you okay? 萨曼沙,你没事吧?
[03:21.68]I’m gonna make bubble. 我要吹泡泡
[03:22.64]Dude, she’s fine! 兄弟,她没事!
[03:24.00]Look at her. She’s having a good time. She’s got her toothpaste. 看看她,她挺好的 她拿着她的牙膏
[03:26.44]All you had to do was watch her for a few hours. What did you do to her? 你要做的就是照顾她几小时 你对她做了什么?
[03:29.32]Nothing! She’s just all loopy from all the Vicodin. 什么都没做!她只是因为吃了 止疼药而神经错乱
[03:31.68]Where did you get the Vicodin? 你哪来的止疼药?
[03:34.64]Mom. 妈妈那里
[03:36.76]Blueberry! 蓝梅!
[03:38.24]Okay. I’m gonna kill you. 好吧 我要杀了你
[03:42.00]What?! You said detain her! 什么?! 你说的绊住她!
[03:43.20]- You’re a dead man, Mike! - She’s detained! - 你个死人,麦克! - 她被绊住了!
[03:49.96]- My balls! - Oh. - 我的蛋蛋! - 哦
[03:52.36]You’re dead. 你死定了
[03:55.96]No, Chris! No! 不,克里斯!不!
[03:57.00]Chris, no! 克里斯,不!
[03:57.96]Chris-- 克里斯--
[04:01.60]- My boss! Truce2! - Truce! - 我的老板!休战! - 休战!
[04:02.28]- Truce! - Okay. - 休战! - 好的
[04:06.08]- Hello? - Nyah! - 哈喽? - 呀!
[04:07.36]Hey, Chrissy! 嘿,克里斯!
[04:09.08]How’s my future star doing? 我的未来之星怎么样了?
[04:11.08]Great. She’s doing great, sir. 很好 她很好,先生
[04:11.92]So let me-- let me-- let me say hi to her. 让我--让我-- 跟她打个招呼
[04:15.12]Uh, she’s a little incapacitated at the moment. 嗯,她现在不行
[04:15.20]Oh, a little incapacitated, that’s my baby, that’s my boy! 噢,现在不行 那是我的宝贝!
[04:18.88]Look, when you two get back, I’ve got this incredible marketing3 campaign 听着,等你们两个回来 我有不寻常的销售活动
[04:22.36]Iined up for the spring quarter. Our number one priority: 排在这个春季 我们的第一顺位:
[04:27.16]- Samantha James! - Awesome4. - 萨曼沙 杰姆斯! - 太棒了
[04:28.52]Three two, one! 3,2,1!
[04:33.72]Ho-ho-ho. 吼-吼-吼
[04:36.72]- Yeah-ha-ha! Yeah! - Merry Christmas! - 耶-哈-哈!耶! - 圣诞快乐!
[04:38.20]It’s a Palamino Christmas! 这是帕拉米诺的圣诞节!
[04:40.88]Again! 还是!
[04:44.84]- Hello? - Jamie. - 哈喽? - 洁蜜
[04:46.84]- Hey. - What’s up? - 嘿 - 出什么事了?
[04:49.92]Listen, you’re never gonna believe this, but I can’t get a flight out. 听着,你永远不会相信 但我还是走不了
[04:52.80]- I’m stuck here another day. - Oh. - 我又被困在这里一天 - 噢
[04:56.16]I want to apologize for earlier. 我为早先的事情道歉
[04:56.40]- Let me make it up to you. - I taste good. - 我跟你讲和了 - 我味道很好
[04:59.68]Do you want to go ice skating? 你想去滑冰吗?

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n.地狱的边缘;监狱 | |
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n.休战,(争执,烦恼等的)缓和;v.以停战结束 | |
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n.行销,在市场的买卖,买东西 | |
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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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