[00:02.52]...but I'm hungry. 但我实在是饿了
[00:05.68]So how about we pretend this is a second date... 我们假装这是第二次约会
[00:06.00]...and we'll starve ourselves another time. 然后下次就什么都不吃
[00:08.80]Now, I've had the rib1 eye here, and it is too good to pass up. 我先吃牛腓利 实在是太难以抗拒了
[00:15.08]And, apparently3, so was he. 很显然, 就是他了
[00:18.36]From there on, we clicked in every way possible. 从那开始, 我们就尽可能的在一起
[00:25.08]Hey, I didn't want you to think I was easy. 嘿, 不要认为我很随便
[00:30.24]Now, don't think Ben was perfect. No guy is. Ben不是完美的, 所有男人都不是
[00:34.96]He had his rough spots too. 他也有他的缺点
[00:37.20]Hey, do I have lipstick4 on my teeth? 我的牙齿上有唇膏吗?
[00:38.68]Damn. 真要命
[00:46.28]But he learned quick. 但是他学得很快
[00:48.04]I can remember the exact moment when I decided5 to take that risk... 我仍然记得决定完全信任他
[00:53.60]...and really let Ben in, to really trust him. 并且把自己交给他的那一刻
[00:56.68]What's up? 想些什么?
[01:00.56]I just hate this song. 我讨厌这首歌
[01:01.76]It was the theme song at homecoming my senior year of high school. 这是高中同学聚会的主题曲
[01:05.64]Rough night? 那夜他很粗暴?
[01:05.76]Because I'll find the guy and kick his ass2. 我会找到这家伙, 踢他屁眼
[01:09.04]Or administer a sharp tongue-lashing, depending on his size. 或者鞭打他的舌头
[01:15.48]No, it's nothing like that. 不, 不是这样的
[01:17.88]Just I was into that whole rah-rah, school-spirit thing. 我只是想体会一下那种气氛
[01:20.48]You know, I did all the decorations and brought in the sand... 我准备好所有装饰品和沙子
[01:22.36]...and made the fake palm trees. 还有塑料橄榄树
[01:26.40]And after all that work, no one even asked me to go with them. 但最后却没有人邀请我!
[01:30.88]There was nothing to say... 不用再说了
[01:33.20]...so Ben found something to do. - Keep coming. Ben已经知道怎么做了 - 继续走
[01:37.76]Keep coming. 继续走
[01:40.32]And open your eyes. 睁开眼睛
[01:41.16]Okay. Ok
[01:44.04]It was amazing. 太意外了
[01:47.00]The sign, the sand, the palm tree. 墙上的标记, 沙子, 还有橄榄树
[01:50.00]He got every detail right. 他每一个细节都做到了
[01:58.84]Except for one. 除了一样
[02:02.00]This time, I had a date. 这次, 我被邀请了
[02:10.44]A date I knew I never wanted to let go of. 一个我耿耿于怀的聚会
[02:23.48]Sam, wait. Sam, 等等
[02:25.68]Stone needs you to drop this off at the Grand Hotel for a client. Stone要你把这东西送到Grand酒店 交给一个客户
[02:28.76]- What? - I offered to do it... - 什么? - 我有提出要去的
[02:31.64]...but he insisted it was you. He was very specific. 但他坚持要你去
[02:35.52]- You're kidding. - I wish I was. Sorry. - 你在开玩笑 - 对不起, 我也希望是
[02:38.48]So now I'm the courier? 我成了送信的了?
[02:40.48]Great. 好极了
[02:43.64]Fabulous. 难以置信
[02:59.64]Hello? 有人吗?
[03:05.80]Speedy delivery? 收快递
[03:12.88]Hello? You know, your door's open. 有人吗? 你的门打开了
[03:25.88](Sam, 跟你说呢)
[03:46.20]Left hand, ring finger. 左手, 无名指
[03:52.56]That's where it goes. 把它戴上
[04:03.96]You imagine a moment all your life, and trust me... 试想一生中能有这一刻
[04:06.04]...whatever you think you'll feel, ain't nowhere near the truth. 又怎能让人不感动呢?
[04:10.12]I love you. 我爱你
[04:14.92]I'm not a crier, but... 我不是个爱哭的人, 但...
[04:16.12]Yes. 好的
[04:50.88]I'd been engaged for a shade under three hours... 我已经忙碌了三个小时
[04:54.60]...and already I felt behind. 真觉得自己有点落伍
[04:54.88]I had work to do. 我要找点东西
[04:57.08]Men get porn, women get wedding websites. 网络为男人准备了黄色礼物 但也为女人送上介绍婚礼资料

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n.肋骨,肋状物 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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adv.显然地;表面上,似乎 | |
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n.口红,唇膏 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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