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听电影学英语-字典情人 03

时间:2011-02-26 05:46来源:互联网 提供网友:lt2132   字体: [ ]

  [00:03.36]But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks, 突然   一个孩子的声音传来
[00:05.64]’Play up! "奏乐!
[00:08.24]Play up and play the game!"’ 奏乐 跳起来!"
[00:31.20]? Da-dum-dum-dum ?
[00:33.88]? Da-da-da-da, Dum-dum-dum-dum ?
[00:35.36]? Da-da-da-da ?
[01:05.00]Oh, Truscott, you are very funny Englishman. 哦 托斯卡 你是个很有趣的英国人
[01:18.48]Excuse me. What’s going on? 对不起 怎么了?
[01:21.48]The dancing is over. 舞会结束了
[01:25.36]We go to sleep now. 现在该去睡觉了
[02:24.24]You deliberately1 dropped me in it, didn’t you? 你故意把我丢在那的 对吧
[02:26.88]You know I made a complete fool of myself? 你知道我当时看起来是多么傻
[02:29.56]They like a man who makes them laugh. 他们喜欢让他们发笑的人
[02:31.56]Iban society is based on heavy drinking, 依班人的社会是建立在酗酒、
[02:34.68]violent sport and practical jokes. 激烈运动和实际笑话之上的
[02:35.24]Just think of it as English public school 想像一下英国公学里
[02:38.32]without the buggery. 没有鸡奸会怎样?
[02:41.72]I’m on a mission to civilize2, not to entertain. 我来的任务是教化他们的,而不是来享受
[02:44.40]The mining concessions3 at Kera Pulau 在卡拉普拉的矿场的矿工
[02:49.64]have been trespassing4 outside their boundaries. 已经越界开采

[02:49.84]Your local Longhouse 你的当地长屋的人
[02:51.32]got to some Chinese miners before I did. 在我到达前杀害了些中国矿工
[02:56.24]You’re going to have to bring in their heads. 你必须将头颅带来
[02:56.72]What? 什么?
[02:60.80]Well... 好吧
[03:01.20]we limit the areas where the mining concerns can-- 我们限制了所能开采的矿区…
[03:02.76]No, no, no. You said... 不 不 不 你刚才说…
[03:06.36]you said "their heads." 你刚才说"他们的头颅"
[03:08.36]Well, yes. 哦,是的
[03:10.24]The Iban have cut them off. 依班人已经把他们割下来了
[03:11.32]What? 什么?
[03:15.28]Ahh. 啊
[03:19.28]My dear. 亲爱的
[03:26.04]This is Selima. 这位是塞丽玛
[03:27.40]She’s going to live with you. 她将会跟你住在一起
[03:30.72]As what? 为什么?
[03:31.32]Uh... she performs wifely duties. 哦… 她会尽些妻子的职责
[03:35.68]Oh yeah? What... sewing? 是吗? 比如缝衣服?
[03:42.44]She performs wifely duties in the bedroom. 她要在卧室里尽职责
[03:49.40]- For God’s sakes, man. - I sleep with you. -看在上帝的面子… -我跟你一起睡觉
[03:52.16]We expect you to know the language within six months. 我们希望你在6个月里学会依班语
[03:55.04]Selima’s what’s known around here as a "sleeping dictionary." 塞丽玛在这里被称作"睡觉的字典"
[03:59.20]My mother was also sleeping dictionary. 我母亲也曾经是睡觉的字典
[03:59.96]Sleep... 睡觉的…
[04:02.52]That’s why I speak the King English. 这就是为什么我会说纯正的英语
[04:05.48]There’s nothing like bed for learning a language. 再没有比在床上更好的地方来学习语言了
[04:08.60]It’s the only reason I speak Portuguese5. 这就是为什么我说葡萄牙语

  [04:11.96]No, look, poor girl. 不 你看…她很可怜耶
[04:14.68]- She was just-- picked? - I pick you. -她是被选中的吗? -是我选中了你
[04:17.84]And she’s really choosy. 她选的很挑剔
[04:18.64]She turned down my last two cadet officers. 她曾拒绝了我的前两个军校官员
[04:21.92]Listen, your contract forbids you 听着 你的合约禁止你
[04:24.68]to marry for three years. 在三年内结婚
[04:25.40]Three years can be very lonely. 三年时间会很孤单的
[04:28.04]And after three years? 三年以后呢?
[04:31.52]We’ll probably all be dead, so why worry? 也许我们都死了 有什么担心的?
[04:38.88]Listen... 听着
[04:40.08]you’ll go home on leave to England 你会回英国休假
[04:45.56]and you’ll come back with a rosy-cheeked little wife. 然后跟你面色红润的妻子回来
[04:47.32]Selima will go home to her Longhouse 塞丽玛会回到她在长屋的家
[04:51.40]speaking fluent English. 说着流利的英语
[04:53.60]Oh, damn it, man, it’s worked for centuries. 可恶 几个世纪来都是这样的
[04:56.28]There’s no reason why you should be different. 你没有理由例外的


1 deliberately Gulzvq     
  • The girl gave the show away deliberately.女孩故意泄露秘密。
  • They deliberately shifted off the argument.他们故意回避这个论点。
2 civilize 1VcyC     
vt.使文明,使开化 (=civilise)
  • We must civilize away the boy's bad habit.我们必须教育这孩子使其改掉恶习。
  • Those facilities are intended to civilize people.那些设施的目的在于教化民众。
3 concessions 6b6f497aa80aaf810133260337506fa9     
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权
  • The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。
  • The concessions did little to placate the students. 让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。
4 trespassing a72d55f5288c3d37c1e7833e78593f83     
  • He told me I was trespassing on private land. 他说我在擅闯私人土地。
  • Don't come trespassing on my land again. 别再闯入我的地界了。
5 Portuguese alRzLs     
  • They styled their house in the Portuguese manner.他们仿照葡萄牙的风格设计自己的房子。
  • Her family is Portuguese in origin.她的家族是葡萄牙血统。
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