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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2016/02/12

时间:2016-05-13 07:43来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour

Evening Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Friday, February 12th, 2016.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...

Coming up on the program this evening...

There have been at least 94 deaths in southern Taiwan following the earthquake last weekend, with 30 people still missing...

Top diplomats1 participating in a Syria Support Group meeting have announced an agreement on a nationwide ceasefire, to take effect soon...

And scientists in the US have announced that gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago in his Theory of General Relativity, have been detected for the first time...

And In the second half of our program, we will bring you a special edition of People in the Know.


Taiwan quake death toll2 rises to 94

The earthquake in southern Taiwan last weekend has killed at least 94 people, while 30 others remain missing.

92 of the confirmed deaths happened at the 16 story Wei Guan building in Tainan City, which collapsed3 during the shaking early Saturday morning.

Rescuers say the chance of finding any more survivors4 is very slim because of the amount of time that has passed since the disaster. But search efforts will continue.

People from all walks of life in Taiwan have also joined in relief efforts.

The head of the Network & Technology Division of Taiwan FarEast Telecommunications, Herman Rao, says some temporary service points have been made available at the west of the Wei Guan building.

"It is critical that basic infrastructure5 can send out communication signals at this place. We are now providing necessary support, including communication devices, cellphone batteries and mobile phones for emergency."

Tainan City held a service on Friday morning to mourn the dead.

Outgoing Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou and the island's leader-elect, Tsai Ing-wen, attended the service, joining with bereaved7 family members.

40 Dustbins on Fire in Mong Kok

About 40 garbage bins8 were burned in an amusement park in Hong Kong's Mong Kok area on Friday morning, and a similar incident was also reported in the area on Thursday night.

China central television reports that local police are investigating it as an arson9 case.

The latest news came after Chinese central government expressed strong support for the Regional Government in safeguarding public safety and in punishing illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law.

Foreign ministry10 spokesperson Hong Lei made the remarks on Thursday evening in response to the riot that erupted in the Mong Kok district of Hong Kong on Tuesday.

The spokesperson said the riot was plotted mainly by a local radical11 separatist organization, causing injury to 89 police officers and several journalists.

Int'l support group agrees on cessation of hostilities12 in Syria

Top diplomats participating in a Syria support group meeting have agreed on a nationwide cessation of hostilities in the war-torn Middle East country.

The talks were hosted by the United States and Russia.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says a cessation of hostilities across Syria will be carried out soon.

"First, we have agreed to accelerate and expand the delivery of humanitarian13 aid beginning immediately. Sustained delivery will begin this week. Second, we have agreed to implement14 a nationwide cessation of hostilities to begin in a target of one week's time. That's ambitious but everybody is determined15 to move as rapidly as possible to try to achieve this. This will apply to any and all parties in Syria with the exception of the terrorist organizations DAESH and Al-Nusrah."

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the talks will be a "complicated task" to finally achieve a cease-fire in Syria.

"The negotiation16 process that was suspended when a part of the opposition17 took an unconstructive stance, and tried to impose preconditions. We have written down that talks should resume as soon as possible in strict compliance18 with resolution 2254, that is without any ultimatums19, without any preconditions."

In addition, all diplomats have also called for an early resumption of the Geneva peace talks.

A working group is to start meeting in Geneva to oversee20 this issue.

All communication Hotlines between South and North Korea Cut off

All of the communication hotlines linking South Korea and North Korea have been completely cut off as of Thursday, following the shutdown of the Kaesong Industrial Zone.

The South Korean Defense21 Ministry spokesman confirmed the developments on Friday.

Concerns have surged about possible military clashes across the heavily armed border as all communications channels that can help prevent military skirmishes have disappeared.

The telephone and fax lines were cut off from Thursday by North Korea, after it decided22 to shut down the joint23 factory park in its border city of Kaesong, and to freeze all South Korean assets in the industrial zone.

Seoul has denounced the move, since all its deported24 citizens were only allowed to bring back personal belongings25, without any of the finished products, materials and equipment they had been using.

Earlier on Wednesday, South Korea had announced the halting of operations at the joint industrial zone as part of punitive26 measures to the North's recent launch of a long-range rocket and its fourth nuclear test last month.

Scientists detect gravitational waves 100 years after Einstein's prediction


Scientists say they have, for the very first time, detected the existence of gravitational waves, which were predicted by Albert Einstein in his Theory of General Relativity 100 years ago.

Researchers say the historic discovery, announced on Thursday, will allow people to explore the universe in a whole new way.

CRI's Niu Honglin has more.


David Reitze, executive director of the U.S.-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory27, also known as LIGO, made the announcement in Washington D.C.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves, we did it!"

The gravitational waves that were detected were produced during the final fraction of a second of the merger28 of two black holes as they produced a single, more massive spinning black hole.

This collision of two black holes had been predicted but never observed.

The astronomer29 also gave a simpler explanation on gravitational waves using ripples30 in a pond as a metaphor31.

"Gravitational waves, sort of at a fundamental level, are very similar to that. In this case, the rock, is some big massive object, some accelerating object, and the surface of the pond is the space. It's basically a space. So when a big object moves and accelerates, you have two objects, orbiting around one another, it's creating these ripples that travel outward, and that's what a gravitational wave is. It's like ripples on a pond, but the ripples in this case are in space themselves."

The gravitational waves were detected on Sept. 14 last year by the twin LIGO detectors32, located in Livingston, Louisiana; and Hanford, Washington State.

Based on the observed signals, LIGO scientists estimated that the black holes involved in the event were about 29 and 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the collision took place 1.3 billion years ago.

Mass, about three times that of the Sun, was converted into gravitational waves in a fraction of a second -- with a peak power output about 50 times that of the whole visible universe.

John Mather, a senior scientist at NASA, says the discovery may prove it is possible that a binary33 black hole could exist.

Act 4 Mather

"We know from previous work that neutron34 stars, which turn into pulsars, can be binary, that they can be in pairs. We never knew for sure that they would be stars that could turn into black holes in pairs and then merge6 together to form this coalescing35 black hole and make this huge burst of gravitational energy to come out. This is not just a technological36 accomplishment37 in a word, and it's not just confirming that Einstein was right. This is saying that we now know something that we didn't already know about astronomy. It's spectacular."

Gravitational waves, first theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916 as part of his theory of general relativity, which is one of the two pillars of modern physics, are extraordinarily38 faint ripples in space-time, the hard-to-fathom fourth dimension.

Some physicists39 say this new discovery provides us with a completely new way of studying the universe, and may lead to the finding of things that existed out of our knowledge.

For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.

China renews blue alert for cold front

China's national weather observatory has renewed a blue alert for a cold front that will bring low temperatures and gales40 to most parts of the country.

The National Meteorological Center says the strong cold air will sweep southeastward across China over the weekend.

Temperatures will drop by 14 degrees Celsius41 in the next three days.

A national travel rush is set to start today as the week-long Spring Festival holiday will end on Saturday.

The Most Dreaded42 Spring Festival Question: Are You Married?


It's the sixth day of China's week-long Lunar New Year holiday. Many single young people, while enjoying family reunion, also have to cope with nagging43, personal questions from family members.

CRI's Huang Yue has more.


Recent surveys by a youth group show that more than 80 percent of single youths in China are constantly under pressure from their parents to get married.

As familial pressures are at an all-time high during big holiday gatherings44 such as the Spring Festival, many young people in China have developed a "fear of going home."

"The most dreaded Spring Festival question to me is 'When will you get married?' I've been asked like a thousand times and it's really … awkward. But the question is I don't even have a boyfriend now. How can they push me to get married soon while I don't have a boyfriend? I even fear of going home recent years. "

Once home, these young people are inundated45 with questions like "do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?" and "when would you like to get married?"

According to the youth group's research, people aged46 between 25 and 35 are the group that suffers most of the pressure with 86 percent being pushed with such questions. Even 3 percent of youth who have not reached marriageable age are not immune from such pressure.

It seems like parents all over the country have the habit of asking such nagging questions but they just do it in different ways. Parents from Shanghai, for example, seem to be the most insistent47, as they persistently48 harp49 at their children.

Parents in southwest China's Sichuan province like to take advantage of relatives who are usually called "annoying aunties" to persuade their children. They tend to always complain the kids are not doing as brilliant as their peers of other families. Such annoyance50 has accompanied the kids even from their school days. Years ago, the statements would be like "other people's kids have higher grades, the neighbor's kids had a higher Gaokao score" etc. As the kids grow older, questions became "other people's kids got married a long time ago, what about you?" "Other women of my age already have grandchildren, why not me?" "The kid who grew up together with you is a parent already, look at you?"

Still, parents in some other area choose to take action instead of relying on nagging alone. Parents from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous51 Region do it in a simple and direct way. They are "excellent" in arranging blind dates for their children.

And parents from Jiangsu are "outstanding representatives" of pushy52 parents. Nearly 20 percent of them push their children more than ten times a year, the highest frequency across the nation. As a result, the number of blind dates that young Jiangsu people participate in also ranks high in the nation. 19 percent of respondents participate more than ten times in a year.

There are reasons behind these efforts. According to data from Jiangsu civil affairs department, the average age of first marriage for locals is 32.4. In contrast, for the elder generation, their children were already in primary school when they reached 30.

But young people feel wronged, as they believe a narrow life circle and tight work routine are the biggest hurdle54 for them to find a partner. More than three quarters argue that they travel between home and work every day and barely have a chance to meet members of the opposite sex.

Even if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, it is not easy to get married. 68 percent of people think their "partner or partner's family is overly demanding", which leads to breakups.

Most respondents say they understand their parents but only a few choose to talk over the issue. More than 70 percent keep silent or escape the topic.

"Actually I understand my parents. I'm the only child in my family and all their attentions are focused on me. As I am growing up, they are getting older. They just worry about me like they always do. I will keep as patient as I can when they talk about the marriage issue since it is almost like the once-a-year grill55."

Response strategies for the most dreaded "Spring Festival questions" have been a hit on China's social media platforms such as Sina Weibo and Wechat a few days before the holiday. Some even re-wrote a song to tease about the phenomenon.

But all joking aside, given the dramatic change of life style and living environment that most of the parents are unfamiliar56 with, there needs to be effective communication and real understanding of each other before the "fear of going home" can be overcome.

For CRI, this is Huang Yue.

Conviction of minority police officer prompts discrimination concerns

A New York City police officer of Chinese descent has been found guilty of manslaughter over the shooting of a black man.

Upon hearing the jury verdict, 27-year-old Peter Liang, who shot and killed Akai Gurley in November 2014, admitted his guilt57. A manslaughter conviction could lead to 15 years in prison.

The defense said the shooting was an accident, not a crime.

Liang's indictment58 and trial were controversial among New York's Chinese community.

Last year, thousands of Chinese-Americans marched and called for a fair trial for Liang.

His supporters say Liang has been made a scapegoat59 to counterweigh the number of white officers who have shot and killed black citizens but have not been indicted60 by grand juries.

Liang is the first policeman from the New York Police Department to be convicted of homicide in the shooting of a civilian61 since 2005.

Liang was also facing charges of assault, reckless endangerment and criminally negligent62 homicide.

His sentencing is set for April 14.

Clinton, Sanders battle over Super PACs, campaign financing

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled over Super PACs and campaign financing in a television debate on Thursday.

In their sixth presidential debate, Sanders repeated his accusation63 that Clinton is too beholden to the Wall Street interests she once represented as a U.S. senator from New York.

"Secretary Clinton super PAC as I understand it received some 25 million dollars last reporting period. Fifteen million dollars from Wall Street. Our I average contribution is 27 dollars."

Clinton said the donations did not mean she was in Wall Street's pocket, and noted64 that President Barack Obama had taken donations from Wall Street during his campaigns.

"I would just say I debated then-Senator Obama numerous times on stages like this and he was the recipient65 of the largest number of Wall Street donations of anybody running on the Democratic side ever. Now when it mattered he stood up and took on Wall Street."

Clinton entered Thursday's debate under acute pressure to calm a growing sense of nervousness among her supporters.

For his part, Sanders hoped to harness the momentum66 and enthusiasm he gained from the first two contests and prove he can be a viable67 contender to lead the Democratic Party to victory.

2nd pregnant Australian woman tests positive

A pregnant woman in Australia has tested positive for the Zika virus after traveling overseas.

The woman, from Victoria state, was diagnosed with Zika after returning from a country where the mosquito-borne virus is prevalent.

This is the second such case in a week in the country.

Victoria State Health Minister Jill Hennessy says the virus poses no public health risk as it is not easily transmitted from person-to-person.

"The Zika virus is not present in Australian mosquitoes and there is no risk to others in the community that this condition will be passed on. However, we are advising all people, but especially pregnant women, or women who may be in trying or intending to get pregnant, to avoid travelling to those countries and places where there has been Zika outbreaks."

Experts say most people who contact the virus have either mild or no symptoms, but it is suspected of causing a birth defect that results in babies born with abnormally small heads.

Eagles trained to take down illegal drones in Netherlands


Drones are increasingly common all over the world, but in the wrong hands can become a trouble or even a danger.

Police in the Netherlands have been working on a pilot project training birds of prey68 to take down illegal drones.

CRI's Luo Laiming has more.


Drones have many legitimate69 uses, but the technology can be abused - causing damage or injury, or used to transport illegal items.

Dutch police have teamed up with a company based in the Hague to train eagles and other birds of prey to swoop70 down on illicit71 drones.

Police spokesperson Michel Baeten says they are now making use of the birds' natural instincts to tackle the problem of drones flying in restricted areas, including large outdoor events where the technology has been banned.

"The birds are well trained to spot an object with a particular characteristic, in this case, a drone that they can catch and take down to the ground."

The eagles have no problems catching72 the drones.

But drones come in all shapes and sizes and many are too big, even for the huge claws of a bird-of-prey.

Baeten says the birds are one of the options they have in the arsenal73 of countermeasures.

"We would like to be in the position that we have more options if we need to take some measures and to assess which of them would be the best for the particular situation. What we have experienced with testing and training birds is that they are very efficient in catching drones in the air and taking them down."

He adds that if tests continue to go as planned, police in the Netherlands will make a decision later this year whether to start using these birds as a counter-measure against illicit drones.

For CRI, I'm Luo Laiming.

Uber executives on trial over app based service

Two top executives of ride-hailing app Uber have appeared in a criminal court in France facing serious charges that could lead to a jail term.

Thibaud Simphal, the company's general manager in France, and Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty, its Western European chief, have gone on trial in Paris on six counts relating to Uber's now suspended low-cost service, UberPop, which linked service users to non-professional drivers.

Ahmed Senbel, President of National Federation74 of Independent Taxi drivers in France, accused the San Francisco-based company of not paying taxes, social charges, or licensing75 fees.

"We are interested in the capital of Uber, that today weighs in at more than General Motors. These people must pay into the French Republic so that we can maintain our social and economic system. That's the most important thing. One cannot continue saying 'these poor drivers'. We are not against the drivers. We are against the American platform that does not respect the French law."

The two have also faced criticism that the ride-hailing service had put passengers at risk by using untrained and unregistered drivers who aren't properly insured.

The two face up to five years in prison and fines of 335,000 US dollars per charge, over allegations of violations77 of privacy law and commercial deception78.

Uber has described the French system as outdated79 and says it needs "radical" reform to keep up with technological change.

The company also said the charges are unclear and the way the men are being prosecuted80 is questionable81.

Stocks of S. Korea, Japan plunge82

Trading in small-cap stocks was halted for 20 minutes on Friday after South Korea's benchmark Kosdaq index dropped over 8 percent.

The circuit breaker kicked in late on Friday morning.

The small-cap gauge83 had slumped84 8.2 percent from Thursday's close.

Analysts85 say this was mainly cased by growing concerns over the global stock market rout53 and rising geopolitical risk on the Korean Peninsula.

Business experts predict the benchmark Kospi index may slide over 2 percent.

Also on Friday, Tokyo stocks plunged86 with the benchmark Nikkei average falling below the 15,000 line for the first time in 16 months.

The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average dipped nearly 5 percent on the Japanese yen's rapid appreciation87 and on fears for the health of the global economy.

All industry categories on the main section ended in negative territory, with transport, financial and securities-linked shares comprising notable losers at the close.

Top Chinese woman shuttler Yu Xiaohan banned for doping violation76

A Chinese woman badminton player has received a seven-month sanction for a doping violation committed last year.

The Badminton World Federation announced the news on Friday, saying the sanction against Yu Xiaohan is based on the results from a sample taken on July 12 last year during the 28th Summer Universiade in Gwangju, South Korea.

Yu accepts there were prohibited substance in her sample but claims she did not violate the rules intentionally88.

Given the arguments and evidence, the doping hearing panel ruled that Yu did not intend to cheat or to gain a performance-enhancing advantage, but the sanction of seven months is "correct and fair."

The start of the sanction is backdated to when the sample was collected, meaning the punishment ends on Friday and Yu may resume her badminton career on Saturday.

IOC chief Thomas Bach focuses on doping prevention at Winter Youth Olympic

IOC chairman Thomas Bach says his organization is determined to tackle the problem of doping through the education of youngsters.

Bach was speaking ahead of the Winter Youth Olympics, which open Friday in Lillehammer, Norway.

Bach was given a tour of various workshops at the games, including one which tackles the problem of doping.

"This is about prevention and information. We have to make them aware of the risks and the dangers and inform them how they may be approached and how they should react. We have provided a hotline where every athlete from around the world can contact us at any time to seek advice or make us aware of any kinds of problems and we can react immediately."

Ongoing89 until the 21st, the Winter Youth Olympics will see 71 nations taking part.

1,100 athletes aged 15 to 18 will compete in 70 medal events.


Beijing expects some sleet90 tonight with a low of 2 degree Celsius; cloudy tomorrow with a high of 4.

Shanghai, wet overnight with a low of 15; still wet tomorrow with a high of 15.

Chongqing, overcast91 tonight with a low of 9; still overcast tomorrow with a high of 11.

Lhasa is clear tonight with a low of minus 2; sunny tomorrow with a high of 13.

Elsewhere in Asia,

Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow, with a high of 20.

Kabul also cloudy, a high of minus 1.

In the Southern Hemisphere.

Sydney, sunny, a high of 28.

Brisbane, wet, 28.

Perth, cloudy, 32.

And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be rainy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.

That's it for this holiday edition of the Beijing Hour. Please stay tuned92 for People in the Know.

There have been at least 94 deaths in southern Taiwan following the earthquake last weekend, with 30 people still missing...

On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing. Please join us again for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.


1 diplomats ccde388e31f0f3bd6f4704d76a1c3319     
n.外交官( diplomat的名词复数 );有手腕的人,善于交际的人
  • These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country. 这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。
  • The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country. 法院对驻本国的外交官无裁判权。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 toll LJpzo     
  • The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。
  • The war took a heavy toll of human life.这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
3 collapsed cwWzSG     
  • Jack collapsed in agony on the floor. 杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。
  • The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌下来。
4 survivors 02ddbdca4c6dba0b46d9d823ed2b4b62     
幸存者,残存者,生还者( survivor的名词复数 )
  • The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days. 幸存者在救生艇上漂流了六天。
  • survivors clinging to a raft 紧紧抓住救生筏的幸存者
5 infrastructure UbBz5     
  • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。
  • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture.加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。
6 merge qCpxF     
  • I can merge my two small businesses into a large one.我可以将我的两家小商店合并为一家大商行。
  • The directors have decided to merge the two small firms together.董事们已决定把这两家小商号归并起来。
7 bereaved dylzO0     
adj.刚刚丧失亲人的v.使失去(希望、生命等)( bereave的过去式和过去分词);(尤指死亡)使丧失(亲人、朋友等);使孤寂;抢走(财物)
  • The ceremony was an ordeal for those who had been recently bereaved. 这个仪式对于那些新近丧失亲友的人来说是一种折磨。
  • an organization offering counselling for the bereaved 为死者亲友提供辅导的组织
8 bins f61657e8b1aa35d4af30522a25c4df3a     
n.大储藏箱( bin的名词复数 );宽口箱(如面包箱,垃圾箱等)v.扔掉,丢弃( bin的第三人称单数 )
  • Garbage from all sources was deposited in bins on trolleys. 来自各方的垃圾是装在手推车上的垃圾箱里的。 来自辞典例句
  • Would you be pleased at the prospect of its being on sale in dump bins? 对于它将被陈列在倾销箱中抛售这件事,你能欣然接受吗? 来自辞典例句
9 arson 3vOz3     
  • He was serving a ten spot for arson.他因纵火罪在服十年徒刑。
  • He was arraigned on a charge of arson.他因被指控犯纵火罪而被传讯。
10 ministry kD5x2     
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
11 radical hA8zu     
  • The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.病人在医院得到了根治。
  • She is radical in her demands.她的要求十分偏激。
12 hostilities 4c7c8120f84e477b36887af736e0eb31     
  • Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。
  • All the old hostilities resurfaced when they met again. 他们再次碰面时,过去的种种敌意又都冒了出来。
13 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
14 implement WcdzG     
  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
15 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
16 negotiation FGWxc     
  • They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.经过一星期的谈判,他们的食糖生意成交了。
  • The negotiation dragged on until July.谈判一直拖到7月份。
17 opposition eIUxU     
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
18 compliance ZXyzX     
  • I was surprised by his compliance with these terms.我对他竟然依从了这些条件而感到吃惊。
  • She gave up the idea in compliance with his desire.她顺从他的愿望而放弃自己的主意。
19 ultimatums 9035f51e32ed228abc3e015add52415a     
最后通牒( ultimatum的名词复数 )
  • Environmental groups in Nevada and the Midwest have issued similar ultimatums. 内华达和中西部的环保团体也发布了类似的最后通牒。
  • A proactive teacher doesn't deliver ultimatums. [先发制人式]师并不下最后通牒。
20 oversee zKMxr     
  • Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵们看管着救济食品。
  • Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。
21 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
22 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
23 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
24 deported 97686e795f0449007421091b03c3297e     
v.将…驱逐出境( deport的过去式和过去分词 );举止
  • They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me. 他们剥夺我的公民资格,将我驱逐出境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The convicts were deported to a deserted island. 罪犯们被流放到一个荒岛。 来自《简明英汉词典》
25 belongings oy6zMv     
  • I put a few personal belongings in a bag.我把几件私人物品装进包中。
  • Your personal belongings are not dutiable.个人物品不用纳税。
26 punitive utey6     
  • They took punitive measures against the whole gang.他们对整帮人采取惩罚性措施。
  • The punitive tariff was imposed to discourage tire imports from China.该惩罚性关税的征收是用以限制中国轮胎进口的措施。
27 observatory hRgzP     
  • Guy's house was close to the observatory.盖伊的房子离天文台很近。
  • Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.格林威治天文台的职员们每天对大钟检查两次。
28 merger vCJxG     
  • Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger.对这项提议的赞同是合并的第一步。
  • Shareholders will be voting on the merger of the companies.股东们将投票表决公司合并问题。
29 astronomer DOEyh     
  • A new star attracted the notice of the astronomer.新发现的一颗星引起了那位天文学家的注意。
  • He is reputed to have been a good astronomer.他以一个优秀的天文学者闻名于世。
30 ripples 10e54c54305aebf3deca20a1472f4b96     
逐渐扩散的感觉( ripple的名词复数 )
  • The moon danced on the ripples. 月亮在涟漪上舞动。
  • The sea leaves ripples on the sand. 海水在沙滩上留下了波痕。
31 metaphor o78zD     
  • Using metaphor,we say that computers have senses and a memory.打个比方,我们可以说计算机有感觉和记忆力。
  • In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
32 detectors bff80b364ed19e1821aa038fae38df83     
探测器( detector的名词复数 )
  • The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors. 报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。
  • This is heady wine for experimenters using these neutrino detectors. 对于使用中微子探测器的实验工作者,这是令人兴奋的美酒。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
33 binary jybzWZ     
  • Computers operate using binary numbers.计算机运行运用二进位制。
  • Let us try converting the number itself to binary.我们试一试,把这个数本身变成二进制数。
34 neutron neutron     
  • Neutron is neutral and slightly heavier than the proton.中子是中性的,比质子略重。
  • Based on the neutron energy,the value of weighting factor was given.根据中子能量给出了相应的辐射权重因子的数值。
35 coalescing b795440b9ade4378fef3486b241378bc     
v.联合,合并( coalesce的现在分词 )
  • A mental model begins coalescing in their minds. 一个意识模型开始结合到他们的脑子里。 来自互联网
  • On the basis of coalescing this kind of element can separate oil from compressed air. 采用凝聚原理,分离压缩空气中的油份。 来自互联网
36 technological gqiwY     
  • A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。
  • Today,the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.当今, 随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快。
37 accomplishment 2Jkyo     
  • The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.这一系列的绘画真是了不起的成就。
  • Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.要实现我们的目标,钱是至关重要的。
38 extraordinarily Vlwxw     
  • She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl.她是个美丽非凡的姑娘。
  • The sea was extraordinarily calm that morning.那天清晨,大海出奇地宁静。
39 physicists 18316b43c980524885c1a898ed1528b1     
物理学家( physicist的名词复数 )
  • For many particle physicists, however, it was a year of frustration. 对于许多粒子物理学家来说,这是受挫折的一年。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
  • Physicists seek rules or patterns to provide a framework. 物理学家寻求用法则或图式来构成一个框架。
40 gales c6a9115ba102941811c2e9f42af3fc0a     
  • I could hear gales of laughter coming from downstairs. 我能听到来自楼下的阵阵笑声。
  • This was greeted with gales of laughter from the audience. 观众对此报以阵阵笑声。
41 Celsius AXRzl     
  • The temperature tonight will fall to seven degrees Celsius.今晚气温将下降到七摄氏度。
  • The maximum temperature in July may be 36 degrees Celsius.七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。
42 dreaded XuNzI3     
adj.令人畏惧的;害怕的v.害怕,恐惧,担心( dread的过去式和过去分词)
  • The dreaded moment had finally arrived. 可怕的时刻终于来到了。
  • He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital. 他害怕非得在医院过圣诞节不可。 来自《用法词典》
43 nagging be0b69d13a0baed63cc899dc05b36d80     
adj.唠叨的,挑剔的;使人不得安宁的v.不断地挑剔或批评(某人)( nag的现在分词 );不断地烦扰或伤害(某人);无休止地抱怨;不断指责
  • Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can. 别唠叨了—我会尽快做的。
  • I've got a nagging pain in my lower back. 我后背下方老是疼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
44 gatherings 400b026348cc2270e0046708acff2352     
聚集( gathering的名词复数 ); 收集; 采集; 搜集
  • His conduct at social gatherings created a lot of comment. 他在社交聚会上的表现引起许多闲话。
  • During one of these gatherings a pupil caught stealing. 有一次,其中一名弟子偷窃被抓住。
45 inundated b757ab1facad862c244d283c6bf1f666     
v.淹没( inundate的过去式和过去分词 );(洪水般地)涌来;充满;给予或交予(太多事物)使难以应付
  • We have been inundated with offers of help. 主动援助多得使我们应接不暇。
  • We have been inundated with every bit of information imaginable. 凡是想得到的各种各样的信息潮水般地向我们涌来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
46 aged 6zWzdI     
  • He had put on weight and aged a little.他胖了,也老点了。
  • He is aged,but his memory is still good.他已年老,然而记忆力还好。
47 insistent s6ZxC     
  • There was an insistent knock on my door.我听到一阵急促的敲门声。
  • He is most insistent on this point.他在这点上很坚持。
48 persistently MlzztP     
  • He persistently asserted his right to a share in the heritage. 他始终声称他有分享那笔遗产的权利。
  • She persistently asserted her opinions. 她果断地说出了自己的意见。
49 harp UlEyQ     
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
  • He played an Irish melody on the harp.他用竖琴演奏了一首爱尔兰曲调。
50 annoyance Bw4zE     
  • Why do you always take your annoyance out on me?为什么你不高兴时总是对我出气?
  • I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨别人取笑我。
51 autonomous DPyyv     
  • They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。
  • This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。
52 pushy tSix8     
  • But she insisted and was very pushy.但她一直坚持,而且很急于求成。
  • He made himself unpopular by being so pushy.他特别喜欢出风头,所以人缘不好。
53 rout isUye     
  • The enemy was put to rout all along the line.敌人已全线崩溃。
  • The people's army put all to rout wherever they went.人民军队所向披靡。
54 hurdle T5YyU     
  • The weather will be the biggest hurdle so I have to be ready.天气将会是最大的障碍,所以我必须要作好准备。
  • She clocked 11.6 seconds for the 80 metre hurdle.八十米跳栏赛跑她跑了十一秒六。
55 grill wQ8zb     
  • Put it under the grill for a minute to brown the top.放在烤架下烤一分钟把上面烤成金黄色。
  • I'll grill you some mutton.我来给你烤一些羊肉吃。
56 unfamiliar uk6w4     
  • I am unfamiliar with the place and the people here.我在这儿人地生疏。
  • The man seemed unfamiliar to me.这人很面生。
57 guilt 9e6xr     
  • She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
  • Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
58 indictment ybdzt     
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
  • They issued an indictment against them.他们起诉了他们。
59 scapegoat 2DpyL     
  • He has been made a scapegoat for the company's failures.他成了公司倒闭的替罪羊。
  • They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their scapegoat when trouble comes.他们想叫我入伙,出了乱子,好让我替他们垫背。
60 indicted 4fe8f0223a4e14ee670547b1a8076e20     
控告,起诉( indict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The senator was indicted for murder. 那位参议员被控犯谋杀罪。
  • He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of murder. 他被大陪审团以两项谋杀罪名起诉。
61 civilian uqbzl     
  • There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。
  • He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.他辞去军职而从事平民工作。
62 negligent hjdyJ     
  • The committee heard that he had been negligent in his duty.委员会听说他玩忽职守。
  • If the government is proved negligent,compensation will be payable.如果证明是政府的疏忽,就应支付赔偿。
63 accusation GJpyf     
  • I was furious at his making such an accusation.我对他的这种责备非常气愤。
  • She knew that no one would believe her accusation.她知道没人会相信她的指控。
64 noted 5n4zXc     
  • The local hotel is noted for its good table.当地的那家酒店以餐食精美而著称。
  • Jim is noted for arriving late for work.吉姆上班迟到出了名。
65 recipient QA8zF     
a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器
  • Please check that you have a valid email certificate for each recipient. 请检查是否对每个接收者都有有效的电子邮件证书。
  • Colombia is the biggest U . S aid recipient in Latin America. 哥伦比亚是美国在拉丁美洲最大的援助对象。
66 momentum DjZy8     
  • We exploit the energy and momentum conservation laws in this way.我们就是这样利用能量和动量守恒定律的。
  • The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law.动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。
67 viable mi2wZ     
  • The scheme is economically viable.这个计划从经济效益来看是可行的。
  • The economy of the country is not viable.这个国家经济是难以维持的。
68 prey g1czH     
  • Stronger animals prey on weaker ones.弱肉强食。
  • The lion was hunting for its prey.狮子在寻找猎物。
69 legitimate L9ZzJ     
  • Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.生病是请假的一个正当的理由。
  • That's a perfectly legitimate fear.怀有这种恐惧完全在情理之中。
70 swoop nHPzI     
  • The plane made a swoop over the city.那架飞机突然向这座城市猛降下来。
  • We decided to swoop down upon the enemy there.我们决定突袭驻在那里的敌人。
71 illicit By8yN     
  • He had an illicit association with Jane.他和简曾有过不正当关系。
  • Seizures of illicit drugs have increased by 30% this year.今年违禁药品的扣押增长了30%。
72 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
73 arsenal qNPyF     
  • Even the workers at the arsenal have got a secret organization.兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。
  • We must be the great arsenal of democracy.我们必须成为民主的大军火库。
74 federation htCzMS     
  • It is a federation of 10 regional unions.它是由十个地方工会结合成的联合会。
  • Mr.Putin was inaugurated as the President of the Russian Federation.普京正式就任俄罗斯联邦总统。
75 licensing 7352ce0b4e0665659ae6466c18decb2a     
v.批准,许可,颁发执照( license的现在分词 )
  • A large part of state regulation consists of occupational licensing. 大部分州的管理涉及行业的特许批准。 来自英汉非文学 - 行政法
  • That licensing procedures for projects would move faster. 这样的工程批准程序一定会加快。 来自辞典例句
76 violation lLBzJ     
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
77 violations 403b65677d39097086593415b650ca21     
违反( violation的名词复数 ); 冒犯; 违反(行为、事例); 强奸
  • This is one of the commonest traffic violations. 这是常见的违反交通规则之例。
  • These violations of the code must cease forthwith. 这些违犯法规的行为必须立即停止。
78 deception vnWzO     
  • He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.他承认曾与人合谋骗取财产。
  • He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。
79 outdated vJTx0     
  • That list of addresses is outdated,many have changed.那个通讯录已经没用了,许多地址已经改了。
  • Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.我们许多人都遵循祖先立下的过时习俗。
80 prosecuted Wk5zqY     
  • The editors are being prosecuted for obscenity. 编辑因刊载污秽文字而被起诉。
  • The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act. 这家公司被控违反《卫生安全条例》。
81 questionable oScxK     
  • There are still a few questionable points in the case.这个案件还有几个疑点。
  • Your argument is based on a set of questionable assumptions.你的论证建立在一套有问题的假设上。
82 plunge 228zO     
  • Test pool's water temperature before you plunge in.在你跳入之前你应该测试水温。
  • That would plunge them in the broil of the two countries.那将会使他们陷入这两国的争斗之中。
83 gauge 2gMxz     
  • Can you gauge what her reaction is likely to be?你能揣测她的反应可能是什么吗?
  • It's difficult to gauge one's character.要判断一个人的品格是很困难的。
84 slumped b010f9799fb8ebd413389b9083180d8d     
大幅度下降,暴跌( slump的过去式和过去分词 ); 沉重或突然地落下[倒下]
  • Sales have slumped this year. 今年销售量锐减。
  • The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel. 司机伏在方向盘上,疲惫得睡着了。
85 analysts 167ff30c5034ca70abe2d60a6e760448     
分析家,化验员( analyst的名词复数 )
  • City analysts forecast huge profits this year. 伦敦金融分析家预测今年的利润非常丰厚。
  • I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts. 研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。
86 plunged 06a599a54b33c9d941718dccc7739582     
v.颠簸( plunge的过去式和过去分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降
  • The train derailed and plunged into the river. 火车脱轨栽进了河里。
  • She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death. 她没有站稳,从100英尺的高处跌下摔死了。
87 appreciation Pv9zs     
  • I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。
  • I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。
88 intentionally 7qOzFn     
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。
89 ongoing 6RvzT     
  • The problem is ongoing.这个问题尚未解决。
  • The issues raised in the report relate directly to Age Concern's ongoing work in this area.报告中提出的问题与“关心老人”组织在这方面正在做的工作有直接的关系。
90 sleet wxlw6     
  • There was a great deal of sleet last night.昨夜雨夹雪下得真大。
  • When winter comes,we get sleet and frost.冬天来到时我们这儿会有雨夹雪和霜冻。
91 overcast cJ2xV     
  • The overcast and rainy weather found out his arthritis.阴雨天使他的关节炎发作了。
  • The sky is overcast with dark clouds.乌云满天。
92 tuned b40b43fd5af2db4fbfeb4e83856e4876     
adj.调谐的,已调谐的v.调音( tune的过去式和过去分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike. 这个度假胜地适合各种口味,老少皆宜。
  • The instruments should be tuned up before each performance. 每次演出开始前都应将乐器调好音。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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