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  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/30

    中国网红事业蓬勃发展 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Wuyou Coming up: --Gaokao scores gain acceptance in US school --Lard is among top ten nutrious foods --Online celeb...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/29

    中国22各领域进一步扩大对外开放 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up This Sunday marks the 97th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Ch...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/28

    习主席:祖宗留下的每一寸土地都不能丢 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Xi Jinping and James Mattis agreed that the common ground between China and...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/27

    韩朝将联手修建铁路公路 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --The U.S. is pressing others to terminate Iran oil imports in months --Ethiopia receives first...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/26

    美国防部长马蒂斯访华 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --China and the EU stand Against Trade Protectionism --Harley, stung by tariffs, shifts some produc...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/25

    教育部长呼吁高等教育回归初心 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Wuyou Coming up: --Erdogan wins in Turkey's presidential race --Dozens injured in Zimbabwe rally blast...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/23

    支付宝世界杯竞猜投注 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Wuyou Coming up: --WHO says video gameaddicts are mentally ill --China to build national AI-assisted translation pl...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/22

    一挑多!贸易战风云 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: IMF director Christine Lagarde has warned that the Trump administration's trade policies are likely to...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/21

    特朗普总统签署非法移民拘留期骨肉团聚令 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm zhaoying Coming up: --Donald Trump backs down on migrant family separations policy --Pap...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/20

    再退群!美国退出联合国人权理事会 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm zhaoying Coming up: --U.S. pulls out of UN Human Rights Council over accusations of 'political bi...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/19

    Today updated 20:00 2018/06/19朝鲜委员长金正恩三个月三访华 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm zhaoying Coming up: --Kim Jong Un is making a two-day visit to China, a w...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/18

    谷歌5.5亿美元与京东结战略合作伙伴关系 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm zhaoying Coming up: --Melania Trump speaks out against child separations at border --China-...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/16

    中国产品车载斗量入俄世界杯 Headlines: --Realistic dramas bring young audiences back to TV --The culinary diplomacy of the Trump-Kim summit lunch menu --China's love of wedding photo documentary at Sydney Film Festival --Chinese element...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/15

    Is Trump-Kim Summit Beginning of a New Era? After months of speculation and threats, US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Singapore this week. The two men held a 40-minute meeting, followed by the signing of a joint st...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2018/06/14

    世界杯今晚开赛,小龙虾啤酒备齐 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Mike Pompeo is here in China following Kim-Trump Singapore summit --US Fed raises...
