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  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/25

    中国量子通讯网络取得突破,领跑西方 Today Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --A Chinese city plans to launch an ultra-safe communications network by the end...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/24

    撼山易撼解放军难,军队建设浴火重生 Today Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --IMF revises up China's growth forecast while downgrades the US and the UK. --Th...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/21

    国务院《新一代人工智能规划》出炉,蚂蚁金服专家前瞻AI Today Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: The Chinese government has just unveiled a national art...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/22

    一周新闻回顾 ,你会嫌弃自己的猪队友嘛? Today Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --impoverished students fight ways to top university --city tackles demand f...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/20

    莫迪同党派总统出炉,贱民身份引爆眼球 Today Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: China says it's willing to mediate the spat between Qatar and its gulf neig...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/19

    乌克兰分裂再升级,亲俄国中国或将诞生 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: China and the US are set to hold a key economic dialogue in Washington China reit...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/18

    美国政治成选秀,看纸牌屋在现实中上演 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: The opposition in Venezuela is organizing a protest against the government plan t...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/17

    军变一周年,强人厄尔多安带领土耳其何去何从 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: Data show China's economic growth in the second quarter beats expectatio...

  • 新闻纵贯线

    Today updated 20:00 2017/07/16 一周新闻回顾,宁当鸡头不当凤尾? Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: --Chinese doctors must have guard to see mentally ill, d...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/14

    中印边界对峙紧张, 前瞻局势未来。 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: In the past month, China and India have been involved in an eye-ball to eye-ball stand...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/13

    南海仲裁案一周年,中菲友谊需勉励 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Trump is traveling to Paris while problems mounting at home. --China rejects Indian fore...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/12

    IS大魔头巴格达迪被炸死;中东反恐前进重要一步 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --The Islamic State has confirmed the death of its top leader Abu Bakr al...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/11

    卡塔尔威胁退出GCC;乌克兰削尖脑袋入北约 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Qatar is threatening to quit the Gulf Cooperation Council. --The US has deploye...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/10

    G20亮点多多,G19抛弃美国达成气候协议 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan Coming up: --This year's G20 Summit has concluded with leaders not reaching consensus on climat...

  • 新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/07/09

    一周新闻回顾,腾讯限制玩王者荣耀未成年人时间 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Suyi Coming up in this weekend edition, we will have a conversation about news stories hap...
