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  • 西部落:利比里亚前总统泰勒被判战争罪

    The trial chamber unanimously finds you guilty... 联合国塞拉利昂特别法庭一致裁决你有罪... After five years, 115 witnesses and 50,000 pages of gruesome testimony, the trial reached its conclusion, finding Charles Taylor guilty of aid...

  • 西部落:叙利亚最后停火期限将至 停火局面脆弱

    This is Homes just hours before the latest deadline for a ceasefire, and already shattered neighborhood is still being pounded by government forces. 这是最后停火期限前的人口聚居区,早已支离破碎的社区仍然遭受着政府军队的...

  • 西部落:莫斯科13万人集会支持普京竞选总统

    The theme of today's rally is very clear. 今天这个集会的主题很明确。 Thousands of people are gathering inside the Lu Ri Nicky Stadium, the Olympic Stadium. 上千的俄罗斯民众聚集在奥运体育馆卢日尼基体育馆。 They are...

  • 西部落:纽约七岁男童救母受嘉奖

    7岁小男孩的母亲癫痫病发作,他没有惊慌,而是及时拨打急救电话,救了母亲一命。 Well, a life saving corpora, seven-year-old boy in Brooklyn, his mom was having a seizure but he knew exactly what to do. He called 911 t...

  • 西部落:2010减肥须知

    New Exercise:diet tips for 2010 -This morning weve got kicking off a new series, New Year, New You. Every January, millions of Americans resolve to stick with diet and get healthy. But research shows more than 80% never follow through. How to beat th...

  • 西部落:圣诞罐的故事

    Christmas Jars A holiday tradition for every family Before my dad died, we never thought about money. I mean, it wasn't that we were rich, but we werent poor either, you know, we just were. We had a nice house; we had a hot dinner every night; we eve...

  • 西部落:奥巴马答CNN观众问

    Obama answers iReporter Pres. Obama answers a question from iReporter Guy Watson. I've received a lot of questions from CNN, iReporter, so went to our website, they wanna ask you question directly. This one was from Guy Watson in Albuquerque. My ques...

  • 西部落:有钱人的杯具

    Making the rich poorer and uglier So now, now not only are the rich going to be poorer, they're going to be uglier. As if socking them with higher Medicare taxes and then taxing them again on their fancy-schmancy, pricey, private health plans weren't...

  • 西部落:米歇尔.奥巴马的传奇家谱:从奴隶到第一夫人

    Michelle Obamas Slave Ancestry The first ladys family tree traces connections to slaves and a white forebear. It is moving, it is sobering, it is a reach back into history. The tales about the family tree of first lady Michelle Obama and an American...

  • 西部落:飞行员过站150英里后才发现问题

    飞行员过站150英里后才发现问题 两名西北航空公司的飞行员与地面控制人员失去无线电联系达1小时之久,结果,他们在飞机飞过目的地150英里后才发现问题。 [00:21.29]Two Northwest Airlines pilots...

  • 西部落:神经质的人容易患哮喘

    [00:21.34]People who are neurotic- [00:23.16]they tend to worry a lot [00:24.72]and to have emotional ups and downs- [00:27.25]seem to be at increased risk of developing asthma, [00:31.19]a new study hints. [00:39.78]一份新的研究显示, [00:4...

  • 西部落:怎样要求加薪

    W:Good afternoon,Mr Calroson.Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me. M:I always make time for my best workers ,Clorial,please have a seat!What can I do for you today? W:Well,as you know,I've been working here for about 15 years now...

  • 西部落:你的外科医生怎么准备大型手术

    Y:Hey,Don.Did you have wanna be a doctor when you are a kid? D:Yeah,I always wanna be a surgeon. Y:So,what happend? D:I'm afraid of blood.Plus,its a lot of pressure, having someones life in your hands. I mean one mistake and you can kill someone. Y:R...

  • 西部落:九岁女童上演警匪追逐

    Girl, 9, drives into cop car A 9-year-old girl took her grandmother's car and led police on a chase at speeds over 90 mph. WKRN's Teresa Weakley reports. This video taken at 3:30 a.m. shows the nine-year-old girl that led police on a chase from Bell...

  • 西部落:U.S. Graduates Look To China

    U.S. Graduates Look To China CNN's Emily Chang reports on the lure of China for freshly minted American graduates and entrepreneurs. Everyday in Beijing, 31-year-old Robin Chan walks through the doors of a multi-million-dollar company he built from t...
