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  • 新奇事件簿 2017年--英国最为绿色的一年 The United Kingdom is doing a lot to increase its use of renewable energy. It is moving away from fossil fuels and making more use of green energies, such as wind power, nuclear power and solar energy. New figures from the UK's electricity provider s
  • 新奇事件簿 2018年是充满希望的一年 The year 2018 is just days old, but already there are indications it will be a great 12 months. This is according to a poll conducted by the international news service BNE. The service's top pollster asked pertinent questions about whether people wer
  • 新奇事件簿 好莱坞众女星反对性骚扰行动 Over 300 women in Hollywood have joined together to fight sexual harassment. They have started a movement called 'Time's Up'. They want men to know that time is up for women not being treated fairly and equally. They are angry about the inequality in
  • 新奇事件簿 网购所导致的烦恼 The huge surge in the popularity of online shopping is creating chaos on the streets of our cities and on our road networks. As the number of online deliveries is skyrocketing, the number of delivery trucks making sure we get our parcels has also inc
  • 新奇事件簿 三千美元的日本神户牛肉便当 The bento is a very common part of Japanese cuisine. It is a ready-made meal in a box for one person. People buy it from convenience stores and railway stations. Japanese mothers and wives often spend a lot of time carefully preparing a bento lunch b
  • 新奇事件簿 近六百名自愿者充当临时爸爸 A junior high school in Texas, USA was pleasantly surprised after being swamped by volunteers to stand in for absent fathers. Billy Earl Dade Middle School, in the city of Dallas, posted on Facebook asking for 50 male volunteers to substitute for abs
  • 新奇事件簿 曼谷“蟹肉蛋卷女王”的米其林之星 A street-food seller in Bangkok wants to give back a top international chef's award. The street-food seller is known as the crab omelet queen. Her name is Supinya Junsuta but she calls herself Jai Fai. Her street stall is in the middle of Bangkok and
  • 新奇事件簿 特朗普称移民国家为‘粪坑’ US President Donald Trump has caused outrage worldwide after he reportedly made racially charged comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries. He was in a meeting on immigration with lawmakers on Thursday when he asked why the US allowed p
  • 新奇事件簿 帮助解决失眠烦恼的任务清单 Scientists have an idea that could help us get to sleep faster. All you need is a pen and paper. The scientists are from Baylor University in Texas, USA. They did research into how we can fall asleep more quickly. They found that writing a to-do list
  • 新奇事件簿 美国旅游胜地地位不保 Spain is set to replace the USA as the world's second most popular tourist destination. This is according to statistics from the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The number of international tourists arriving in Spain grew by over 7 per cent in
  • 新奇事件簿 朝韩共举统一旗参加平昌冬奥会 South and North Korea have agreed to use the same flag at next month's Winter Olympics. The Olympics will take place between the 9th and 25th of February in the South Korean city of PyeongChang. Many people were worried about what might happen when t
  • 新奇事件簿 青春期被延至24岁 Scientists have changed their estimation of when adolescence ends and adulthood starts. Adolescence is that difficult time when children develop into adults. It was traditionally thought to coincide with our teenage years. However, scientists from th
  • 新奇事件簿 四名日本游客在威尼斯被宰后报警 Four Japanese tourists are very angry after a restaurant in Venice, Italy charged them 1,100 Euro ($1,350) for a dinner of steak, fish and water. In fact, the four tourists say they were ripped off (overcharged) for their meal. The four diners are st
  • 新奇事件簿 蜈蚣能吃掉体积比自己大15倍的动物 Centipedes are the kind of creatures that are not to be messed with. Their venom packs a serious punch and can cause rapid paralysis and death in insects and small animals. They have even been known to kill people with their highly venomous sting. Sc
  • 新奇事件簿 法国能多益榛子酱大暴乱 There have been crazy scenes in supermarkets across France. Shoppers have been fighting and punching each other to buy jars of the hazelnut spread Nutella. A nationwide chain of supermarkets cut the price of it by 70 per cent. The supermarket Interma