《欲望都市》精讲 01纽约式的初遇
Once upon a time an English journalist came to New York. 从前,有一个英国记者来到纽约。 Elizabeth was attractive and bright, and right away she hooked up with one of the city's typically eligible bachelors. 她叫伊利莎白,既迷人
《欲望都市》精讲 02他再也没有打给我
One warm spring day, he took her to a town house he saw in the New York Times. 阳春三月的一天,他带她去看一所从《纽约时报》上看到的房子。 How about if we start at the top and work our way down? 我们从楼上开始参观好
《欲望都市》精讲 03非纯真年代
Then I realized no one had told her 我意识到,没有人告诉过她 about the end of love in Manhattan. 在曼哈顿人们是怎样结束一段恋情的。 Welcome to the ''age of un-innocence''. 欢迎来到非纯真年代。 No one has ''break
《欲望都市》精讲 04三十岁中期的权力大转移
I explore these issues in my column and I have terrific sources: my friends. 我在我的专栏里探讨这些问题,而且我拥有最好的研究对象:我的朋友们。 When you're in your 20s, women control the relationships. 二十几岁的时
《欲望都市》精讲 05女人跟男人享有同样的权利
Happy birthday, Dear Miranda. Happy birthday to you. 亲爱的Miranda,祝你生日快乐! Another thirty-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends. 一群未婚的女性朋友又聚在一起庆祝三十几岁的生日。 We woul
《欲望都市》精讲 06那家伙是个人渣
I'm beginning to think that the only place where one can still find love and romance in New York is the gay community. The straight love has become closeted. 我觉得在纽约,唯一存在爱情和浪漫的地方就是男同性恋的圈子了,异性
《欲望都市》精讲 07我喜欢姐姐型的
I left feeling powerful, potent, and incredibly alive. 我离开的时候感到了力量、潜能,还有无与伦比的活力。 I felt like I owned the citynothing and no one could get in my way. 感觉就像自己是这个城市的主宰,没有任
《欲望都市》精讲 08我喜欢现在的你
Friday night at Chaos. 星期五,在混乱俱乐部。 It was just like that bar in Cheers where ''everybody knows your name''. 酒吧沉浸在一片干杯声中,就像是在干杯俱乐部,人人都知道你的名字。 Except here they were l
《欲望都市》精讲 09我十分理解你的想法
You see that guy? 看见那个人没? He's the next Donald Trump, except he's younger and much better looking. 他将成为下一个唐纳德特朗普,不过他更年轻,也更帅气。 Hi. 你好啊。 Do you know him? 你认识他? No, I've
《欲望都市》精讲 10你最近在做什么
Meanwhile, Skipper was hopelessly smitten with Miranda Hobbes. 与此同时,斯基普拜倒在了米兰达的裙下。 Where are we going now? 我们现在要去哪儿? Listen, Skippy, you know, you really are a nice sweet guy, but... 听我说,斯