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Scene 368 学校生活

时间:2024-05-30 00:26来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Scene 368 学校生活

❶ 说说你的大学生活吧。Tell me a little about your college life.

同类表达 Can you say something about your college life? 能谈谈你的大学生活吗?

What do you think of your college life? 你对大学生活有什么感想?

❷ 我的大学生活非常丰富多彩、富有成果。My college life is really colorful and fruitful.

同类表达 I always got excellent records in my courses. 我的学习成绩一直很优秀。

❸ 你在大学里学到了什么技能?What skills have you gained from being at university?

这样回答 I feel I have learned so much, particularly about organizing my time well. 我感觉我学到了很多,特别是能很好地管理自己的时间了。

❹ 除了课本知识,你在大学还学到了什么?What have you learned besides academic knowledge at university?

同类表达 Besides studying, I participated in many activities and learned a lot from them. 学习之余,我还参加过不少活动并从中学到了不少东西。

❺ 你大学时学了哪些课程?What courses have you taken in college?

同类表达 Can you tell me something about your major courses in college? 能给我介绍一下你在大学里的专业课程吗?

这样回答 The courses I took mainly included Artificial Intelligence Programming, Basis of Software Technique and so on. 我所学的课程主要包括人工智能程序设计、软件技术基础等。

❻ 你擅长哪些科目,为什么?Which subjects were you good at and why?

这样回答 In my opinion, the best subject at college was Pedagogical Psychology. 我认为大学时最好的科目是教育心理学。

❼ 我学到了独立生活的能力以及良好的人际交往的技巧。I've learned the ability to live on my own and good interpersonal skills.

❽ 在过去的四年里,我收获颇多。In the past four years, I have gained so much.

同类表达 The most important thing I have learned is the interpersonal skill. 我学到最重要的一件事情就是人际交往的技巧。

❾ 在大学时你经常参加什么社团活动?What club activities did you usually take part in at college?

❿ 我曾经参与了我们校报。I have been engaged in our school newspaper.

同类表达 I was mainly in charge of writing articles about events occurring in college. 我主要负责写一些关于校园事件的文章。

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