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相关教程: 英语单词 单词背诵
  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1678-blanket

    今天我们要学的词是 blanket。Blanket 有总体涵盖,没有限制的意思。After only a few hours, the Pakistan government re-imposed its blanket ban on YouTube. 短短几个小时后,巴基斯坦政府就重新恢复了对YouTube网站的...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1677-unstoppable

    今天我们要学的词是 unstoppable。Unstoppable 无法阻挡的。The Washington Redskins have won 7 games in a row. They're unstoppable. 华盛顿美式足球红人队连赢七场比赛,势不可挡。Ever since the introduction of Apple's i...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1676-grim

    今天我们要学的词是 grim。Grim 意思是残忍的,严酷的。The United Nations gave a grim count of the human costs of Syria's civil war, putting the death toll over 60,000 in 21 months. 联合国公布了叙利亚内战造成的无情的生...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1675-payout

    今天我们要学的词是 payout。Payout 是支付款项的意思。Toyota will make a payout of $1 billion to settle a class-action lawsuit against it. 丰田汽车公司将支付十亿美元,了结一桩针对丰田提出的集体诉讼案。A...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1674-installment

    今天我们要学的词是 installment。Installment 谈到文艺作品时,有一集,一期,一部的意思。The first installment of The Hobbit trilogy earned over $500 million within days of its release. 电影霍比特人三部曲第一部上...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1673-developer

    今天我们要学的词是 developer。Developer 开发者。On average, game developers in the United States make over $80,000 a year. 在美国,开发游戏的工作,年薪平均八万多美元。App store developers rushed to release new apps...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1672-free-of-charge

    今天我们要学的词是 free of charge。Free of charge 免费。The course is offered to students free of charge. 学生可以免费上这门课。Google's VoIP phone service will remain free of charge within the U.S. and Canada in 2013. 2013年用...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1671-subject-to

    今天我们要学的词是 subject to。Subject to 是要接受,要受到的意思。NFL players are subject to fines for missing mandatory practices. 美式足球联盟的球员缺席规定训练,就会被罚款。The company's reorganization p...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1670-intake

    今天我们要学的词是 intake。Intake 名词,有摄取量的意思。家人一起吃饭,有助于帮助孩子养成健康的饮食习惯。Even if only once or twice a week, eating meals together as a family, increases children's daily frui...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1669-intern

    今天我们要学的词是 intern。Intern 实习生。不久前,A Senate intern was found to be an illegal immigrant and a registered sex offender. 美国国会参议院的一个实习生被发现是非法移民,而且还是记录在册的性犯罪...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1668-substitute

    今天我们要学的词是 substitute。Substitute 名词,是替代,替补的意思。A substitute teacher is heir to a trove of gold coins worth more than $7 million. 一名代课老师继承了很多珍贵的金币,价值七百多万美元。...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1667-extended

    今天我们要学的词是 extended。Extended 是形容词,延长的,长期的。He has been on extended sick leave since this summer. 他因为生病,从今年夏天就开始休长假。圣诞节前,Many retail stores are offering extended...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1666-withdraw

    今天我们要学的词是 withdraw。To withdraw 意思是撤离,退出。Britain will withdraw half of its troops from Afghanistan over the next two years. 英国在今后两年内,会撤走在阿富汗的一半驻军。U.N. Ambassador Susan R...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1665-impersonator

    今天我们要学的词是 impersonator。Impersonator 假扮别人的人。The couple was robbed by a police impersonator. 这对夫妇被一个假警察给抢了。The doctor impersonator who scammed pharmacies was arrested. 那个假冒医生,从...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1664-in-flight

    今天我们要学的词是 in-flight, in-flight is spelled i-n, in, flight, f-l-i-g-h-t, flight, in-flight. In-flight 飞行中的。比如:in-flight meals 飞行餐点;in-flight movies 飞行途中播放的电影。A number of airlines in the U...
