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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语单词荟萃>
相关教程: 英语单词 单词背诵
  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1648-high-point

    今天我们要学的词是 high point。High point 意思是高潮,顶峰。The game was a nail biter. It's definitely the high point of the season. 这场比赛扣人心弦,绝对是本赛季最棒的一场。Lighting of the Christmas tree push...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1647-identity

    今天我们要学的词是 identity。Identity 有个性,个体,个人身份的意思。identity theft 身份盗用。有统计数字显示,As many as 9 million Americans have their identity stolen each year. 美国每年有多达900万人身份...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1646-questionable

    今天我们要学的词是 questionable。Questionable 意思是有问题的,尚未确定的。The quarterback hurt his knee in the first quarter. His return to the game is questionable. 美式足球四分位比赛第一节膝盖受伤,能不能继...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1645-preterm

    今天我们要学的词是 preterm。 Preterm 没到预产期的,也就是我们常说的早产。For the fifth consecutive year, the preterm birthrate in the USA continued its steady downward trend. 美国早产出生率连续第五年平稳下降。...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1644-headhunter

    今天我们要学的词是 headhunter。Headhunter 猎头。Headhunters are usually people who are experienced in sales, marketing, and telemarketing. 当猎头的往往是那些具备一定销售,推销和电话推销经验的人。Most headhunte...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1643-repercussion

    今天我们要学的词是 repercussion。Repercussion 意思是反响,反应。11月12到18号是美国的防止困倦驾车周。在美国,40%以上的人都说,很少能睡个好觉。When they hit the road, sleep deprivation can have serio...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1642-reserve

    今天我们要学的词是 reserve。Reserve 做为形容词,是后备的意思。Israel is preparing to mobilize 30,000 reserve troops. 以色列正准备动员三万预备役。The British defense secretary proposed to allow reserve soldiers to...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1641-closed-door

    今天我们要学的词是 closed-door。Closed-door 形容词,闭门的。A deal was finally reached through closed-door negotiations. 闭门谈判终于达成了协议。The closed-door meeting was canceled at the last minute. 这次闭门会议召...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1640-self-gifting

    今天我们要学的词是 self-gifting。Self-gifting 自己买礼物送给自己。近年来在美国,Self-gifting has been gaining popularity. 自己给自己买礼物变得越来越流行。美国全国零售业协会的调查显示,People a...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1639-self-centered

    今天我们要学的词是 self-centered。Self-centered 自我为中心的。Researches show the belief that Gen Y as a group are self-centered and unwilling to sacrifice is just wrong. 有研究显示,80后一代人完全以自我为中心,不愿...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1638-well-being

    今天我们要学的词是 well-being。Well-being名词,指的是健康,快乐,蓬勃发展的一种良好状态。Work-related stress can put a dent on a person's overall well-being. 工作压力会影响到一个人的整体健康和心情。...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1637-nonprofit

    今天我们要学的词是 nonprofit。Nonprofit 做为名词,意思是非盈利性机构。The financial crisis dealt a blow to the nation's nonprofits. 金融危机使美国的非盈利性机构受到了打击。最新报道显示,YMCA came up...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1636-respondent

    今天我们要学的词是 respondent。 Respondent受访者,受调查者。内华达州开车打电话发短信的人变少了,政府有什么灵丹妙药吗?Survey respondents say it's because of a ban on texting or talking on the phone whil...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1635-flash-sale

    今天我们要学的词是 flash sale。Flash sale 是限时抢购,也叫闪购。有研究显示,Accessories are among the most sought after items on flash sale sites. 闪购网站上,服装配饰属于最抢手的商品。Flash sale web site...

  • 学个词Learn a Word 第1634-in-the-know

    今天我们要学的词是 in the know。In the know 意思是随时了解情况。He's a political junkie. He even has apps on his cell phone about the presidential election to keep himself in the know. 他特别关心政治,手机上都下载了总...
