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英语访谈对话 368 Glasses

时间:2013-07-15 03:18来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   When I was living in Pisa, a few friends and I decided1 to go to Venice for the carnival2, so the carnival in Venice, it's usually, usually about February or March, depending on when Easter is that year cause Easter can change every year, it's a different day, so this time it was, I think about, it was about the middle of February, that's right, so we went there about the 11th or 12th of February, and it was so cold. I remember just being bitterly, bitterly cold. I remember a few of us had to buy extra scarves and gloves and jumpers cause it was just so, so cold, especially at night. During the day wasn't so bad, it was still cold but it was really awful at night if you were walking around, but it was an awful lot of fun to be in Venice for carnival because, em, lots of people dress up in really, really elaborate3 costumes and masks. One of my friends there, she goes almost every year to the carnival and she does face-painting on the streets so I met up with her, kind of by chance. We knew that we were both going to be there but it's such a busy time we weren't sure if we were going to meet or not, so it was really good that we met up in the huge piazza4, Piazza San Marco. She told me roughly5 which side of the piazza she would be and I found her, so that was really great to see her after such a long time and then the other amazing thing we did that weekend or that few days was that my friends and I went on a gondola6. So, a gondola, you've probably seen on television or in a book or something, a gondola is the long, kind of, boat that they have in Venice and there's a man who stands at the back with a big, long pole that he steers7 the boat with so he drives the boat along by pushing this long stick into the mud on the bottom of the canal, I suppose. It was really amazing because that's one of the, I suppose, the most stereotypical8 things when you think of Venice and when I'd been there the first time I hadn't gone on a gondola because I thought aw, it's too touristy, I'm not going to do that, but my friends this time, they really wanted to go on one, so we went and we asked some of the guys, the gondoliere as they're called, by piazza san Marco and asked them how much it would cost but we'd forgotten that that day it was the 14th of February so it was Valentine's Day and, as you can imagine, going out in a gondola is, is usually a very romantic occasion9 for a couple and whatever, to go off and be maybe serenaded by, by another gondoliere, so they sing all sorts of, of songs like you've probably seen on TV or heard in television adverts10 so they wanted an awful lot of money, I remember, just because it was Valentine's Day, so there were a few of us trying to argue with them in Italian and you know, we were saying that it wasn't fair because it was just a group of us and we just wanted the experience so I think eventually they kind of gave us a more reasonable price so we set off in the gondola and went along the canals, the little canals around Piazza San Marco so it was really, really, really nice. We got to see a lot of the, the backstreets, like I say, and lovely old bridges crossing, crossing the canals. It's a really unique experience as Venice is a pretty unique city really. There was, em, our gondoliere was pretty funny in the end as it turned out. He was very nice, and so there was a few of us from Ireland in the gondola he was asking us all where we were from and so as soon as we told him Ireland he started singing us a song by U2 which is a bit strange, not the usual song that you expect from a gondoliere but, em, it was quite funny, anyway. So, like I say, a really unique experience.


1 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
2 carnival 4rezq     
  • I got some good shots of the carnival.我有几个狂欢节的精彩镜头。
  • Our street puts on a carnival every year.我们街的居民每年举行一次嘉年华会。
3 elaborate XjPzr     
  • You understand the situation;I needn't elaborate any further.你对情况是了解的,我不必再进一步详谈了。
  • He made an elaborate hairstyle.他做了一个复杂的发型。
4 piazza UNVx1     
  • Siena's main piazza was one of the sights of Italy.锡耶纳的主要广场是意大利的名胜之一。
  • They walked out of the cafeteria,and across the piazzadj.他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场。
5 roughly nXrxK     
  • If you treat your coat so roughly,it will be worn out soon.你如果这么糟蹋你的外套,它很快就不能穿了。
  • The island is roughly circular in shape.这个岛屿大致是圆形的。
6 gondola p6vyK     
  • The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola.这条街太窄大型货车不能通过。
  • I have a gondola here.我开来了一条平底船。
7 steers e3d6e83a30b6de2d194d59dbbdf51e12     
n.阉公牛,肉用公牛( steer的名词复数 )v.驾驶( steer的第三人称单数 );操纵;控制;引导
  • This car steers easily. 这部车子易于驾驶。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Good fodder fleshed the steers up. 优质饲料使菜牛长肉。 来自辞典例句
8 stereotypical af5b561e94abd66f688fbfcccaffdce3     
  • Personas should be typical and believable, but not stereotypical. 人物角色应该是典型和可信赖的,但不是一成不变的。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Anything could be stereotypical, so I guess it could be criticism. 任何东西都可以变的老套,所以我猜那就是一种批评。 来自互联网
9 occasion DIAxo     
  • Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.在如此正式的场合,她的服装过分华丽了。
  • Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.在这种场合下她忍住了眼泪。
10 adverts c82a22098d5133b18bfb64b60b66048d     
advertisements 广告,做广告
  • the adverts on television 电视广告
  • The adverts are not very informative. 这些广告并没有包含太多有用信息。
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