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英语听力精选进阶版 7886

时间:2018-12-25 06:23来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Rob1: Jingle2 bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Hello I am Rob, welcome to the Christmas special from BBC3 Learning4 English.

Helen: Hold on Rob. It's only November. Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? 这才几月份儿? 圣诞节还没到呢?

Rob: Well, maybe you are not feeling festive5 yet, but look around the streets of London. It's looking Christmassy already.

Helen: 这倒也是。现在伦敦已经充满了圣诞节的气氛,商店里的橱窗都挂上了闪烁的小灯串,还有雪花装饰。

Rob: It seems that Christmas is starting earlier and earlier every year.

Helen: 商场可是早早的就把圣诞装饰摆出来了,可是对人们来说什么时候比较适合准备圣诞呢?

Not until, preferably first of December, but not till after bonfire night.

Probably around Halloween I'd say.

I think beginning of December.

Usually about the 2nd or 3rd of December.

I was thinking about Christmas in June, that early? Yeah, I love Christmas.

Rob: Do you know when Bonfire night and Halloween is?

Helen: Bonfire night, 这是英国的烟花节,在11月5号.

Rob: And Halloween that's on the 31st of October. That's two months before Christmas.

Helen: 很多人是在12月初开始准备过圣诞节的。

Rob: We did have one young man who loved Christmas SO much, he started thinking about Christmas back in June.

Helen: June 六月份,提前6个月准备,真的是很早。不过真的有商店在6月份就开设了圣诞专柜。

Rob: I have to say that's WAY too early for me. What about you? When do you start Christmas plan?

Helen: Not till the last minute to be honest. 我是属于那种临时抱佛脚的人,肯定等到最后一刻再准备。And you?

Rob: Usually about the start of December, then I start to feel a bit festive. We also asked people what's their best Christmas.

Helen: 人们记忆中最美好的圣诞节是怎样的呢?你知道说一个人 alive and kicking 是什么意思吗?

My best Christmas was probably when I was a child, when I really believed in father Christmas, because he's still alive and still kicking.

Helen: 这位女士说她记忆中最美好的圣诞节是她小的时候,那时她还相信圣诞老人的存在。Alive 活着, kicking 踢腿,这两个词加在一起就是一个固定短语,形容谁还活着,而且精神饱满。

I have been very lucky, I have never had a bad Christmas, they were all with family.

I just love every Christmas where I am with my family and friends really. So every Christmas is different and just as good.

Rob: A good Christmas is really about being with your family and friends.

Helen: 是的,圣诞节是家庭团聚的时刻。几乎所有人都说最美好的圣诞时光是和家人一起度过的。

My best Christmas I would say was, when I was a child I suppose. When you believe in the Christmas spirit. It's much more fun, and the family makes an effort.

Rob: Well, I believed in Santa when I was little too, and I hope my children will appreciate all the presents from Santa this year.

Helen: 那么人们记忆中有没有最差的圣诞节呢?

My worst Christmas was probably when my house was flooded. So we had to make do with that Christmas, but we still made it fun.

And my worst Christmas is when I had pneumonia6, I was very ill, so that was my worst Christmas.

When you lose a member of the family, it's very hard to celebrate, however we tried to keep the spirit up in their memory.

The worst Christmas was probably when I had to go to work, and I was in Johannesburg for Christmas.

Rob: It seems that even when things go wrong during the festival period, people will try to keep up with the holiday spirit.

Helen: 我们听到了有人在圣诞节期间家被水淹了, her house was flooded. 还有人生病卧床不起,得了肺炎 pneumonia. Poor thing!

Rob: Another man lost a member of his family and that made it very hard for them to celebrate Christmas.

Helen: 如果你家人去世了,这是最令人伤感的事情。不过这位先生虽然经历了这样的打击,他们全家也尽力庆祝圣诞节,怀念他们的亲人。

Rob: So Helen, what's your most memorable7 Christmas then?

Helen: 我记忆中最突出的一个圣诞节是16岁那年,我一个人在家。早中晚餐都是水果蛋糕,然后看了3天3夜的电视,也没有人来管我。I had complete freedom.

Rob: Sounds good. Would you repeat it again?

Helen: Probably never again. This year I shall spend it with my family.

Rob: Well, that sounds good, but there's plenty to organise8, so don't leave it too late this year.

Helen: I'll try to be organised. 谢谢收听,我们下次节目再见。

Rob: Bye.

Helen: Bye.


1 rob 6XAx9     
  • Two men formed a plot to rob the bank.两人制定了抢劫那家银行的秘密计划。
  • They were scheming to rob the bank.他们在密谋抢劫银行。
2 jingle RaizA     
  • The key fell on the ground with a jingle.钥匙叮当落地。
  • The knives and forks set up their regular jingle.刀叉发出常有的叮当声。
3 BBC PyrzFd     
abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
  • She works for the BBC.她为英国广播公司工作。
  • The BBC was founded in 1922.英国广播公司建于1922年。
4 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
5 festive mkBx5     
  • It was Christmas and everyone was in festive mood.当时是圣诞节,每个人都沉浸在节日的欢乐中。
  • We all wore festive costumes to the ball.我们都穿着节日的盛装前去参加舞会。
6 pneumonia s2HzQ     
  • Cage was struck with pneumonia in her youth.凯奇年轻时得过肺炎。
  • Pneumonia carried him off last week.肺炎上星期夺去了他的生命。
7 memorable K2XyQ     
  • This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.这的确是我一生中最值得怀念的日子。
  • The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。
8 organise organise     
  • He has the ability to organise.他很有组织才能。
  • It's my job to organise all the ceremonial events.由我来组织所有的仪式。
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