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英语听力精选进阶版 10702

时间:2019-03-22 02:58来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The man accused of carrying out the Boston marathon bombing in 2013 has been found guilty of multiple charges that carry a death sentence.After the jury deliberated for more than 11 hours. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted of all 30 counts, including using a weapon of mass destruction to kill 3 people at the marathon and murdering a police officer several days later. Nick Bryant has the details.

被控于2013年在波士顿马拉松比赛终点附近实施爆炸的男子多项控罪罪名成立,这些罪名可被判死刑。陪审团认真商讨了超过11小时之后,焦哈尔·察尔纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)所有30项罪状罪名成立,包括使用大规模杀伤性武器在马拉松比赛时杀害3人,几天之后又谋杀一名警察。Nick Bryant报道详细内容。

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is still with his head bowed as the 30 guilty verdicts were read out in court. He calls himself as "a soldier in a holy war". He targetted Boston's famous marathon because the eyes of the world would be on the city and placed a pressure coke bomb close to the finishing line and next to a row of small children. Tsarnaev's defence team had admitted his role in the bombings but claimed he was under the influence of his elder brother Tamerlan, who was killed in a shootout with police. They'll make that case again in the second phase of the trial, which will determine whether he will receive the death penalty or life imprisonment2. Sentencing will take place next week.

法官在法庭上宣读这30项罪状时,焦哈尔·察尔纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev)一直低着头。他称自己是“圣战战士”。他袭击波士顿著名的马拉松比赛现场是因为全世界都会关注该比赛,他在终点附近一些小孩子旁边放置了一枚压力焦炭炸弹。察尔纳耶夫的辩护律师团承认了他在爆炸中的作用,但是声称他是受自己的哥哥的影响,他的哥哥与警方枪战时被击毙。他们将在审判的第二阶段重新考虑该案件,决定对罪犯执行死刑还是终身监禁。判决将于下周出炉。

The Iraqi government has announced the start of a new offensive against Islamic state militants3. The campaign will focus on the vast of Anbar province, a predominantly Sunni Muslim terrority west of Baghdad. Jim Muir reports.

伊拉克政府宣布开始对伊斯兰国激进分子发动新一轮进攻。行动将集中在广大的安巴尔省,位于巴格达西部的主要由逊尼派穆斯林占领的领土。Jim Muir报道。

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi flew to the airbase at the Habbaniya on the Euphrates River to oversee4 the start of the campaign to,as he put it, liberate1 Al Anbar in its entirety from the IS militants1. As all security have began their immediate5 focus appeared to beyond an area to the east of the provincial6 capital Ramadi, where IS fighters were reported to have been pushed back. Another major city close to Baghdad Fallujah was said to be blockaded on 3 sides amidst a buildup for an assault.

伊拉克总理海德尔·阿巴迪(Haider al-Abadi)飞往位于幼发拉底河的哈巴尼亚空军基地监督这项行动的开始。用他的话说,行动是为了完全将安巴尔省从伊斯兰激进分子的手中解放出来。随着所有安全行动展开,他们的当务之急似乎在这个东部省份首府拉马迪以外,据报道这里是伊斯兰国战士向后推进的地方。据说,靠近巴格达的另外一个主要城市在酝酿袭击的过程中已经三面被封锁。

Aid supplies have at last begun reaching Yemen after a series of delays as the humanitarian7 situation deteriorated8 amids continued fighting.The International Committee of the Red Cross says a ship carrying medical supplies has docked in Aden. 2 planes were also expected to land in the capital Sanaa, loaded with aid.


A protest against police brutality9 is taking place in the US state of South Carolina, where a white police officer has been charged with shooting dead a black man who was running away. Aleem Maqbool reports.

美国南卡罗来那州举行了反对警察残暴行为的抗议活动。该州一名白人警察被控枪杀一名潜逃的黑人男子。Aleem Maqbool报道。

There have been demonstrations10 here in North Charleston after the killing11 of Walter Scott, who was 50 years old, but they are small. But this time around there has been unusually swift action against the police officer involved where about many feel because the mobilephone footage that exists in the incident. The footage is chilling, it shows Walter Scott running from officer Michale Slager, and as he gets further away, the officer pulls out a gun and fires 8 times. Mr. Scott slams forward to the ground motionless, but he's handcuffed in any case. It all happened after Mr. Scott apparently12 unarmed were stopped for having a broken rear light on his car.


An American woman has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing2 her son in order to attract attention for her blog on social media.Lacey Spears poisoned 5-year-old Garnett by ministering lethal13 doses of salt through a drape as he reamined sick in hospital. She then wrote online about his failing health. Prosecutors14 called her "a calculated child-killer". The judge in New York said she was suffering from a rare mental disorder15 Munchausen by proxy16 in which a parent deliberately17 inflicts18 harm on a child to seek attention.

一名美国女子在社交媒体网站的博客中引人注意,不惜杀害自己的儿子。这名女子被判20年有期徒刑。5岁的Garnett生病住院期间,Lacey Spears给他注射了致命剂量的盐水,导致他中毒。她随后在互联网上发布了儿子健康状况不佳的消息。检控官称她“蓄谋杀害儿童”。纽约这名法官表示,她患有孟乔森代理综合症,患有这种疾病的父母会蓄意伤害儿童以引起他人注意。

Russia's president Vladimir Putin says the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras did not travel to Moscow seeking a financial bailout. After meeting the Greek leader, Mr. Putin denied that Russia was cultivating Greece to exploy divisions in Europe over the Greek bailout. But he told reporters that Russia could lend money to Greece for large joint19 projects. Mr. Tsipras called for an end to what he described as "the vicious cycle of sanctions against Russia".

俄罗斯总统普京表示,希腊总理齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)并不是前往莫斯科寻求经济救助。与希腊总理举行会晤后,普京否认俄罗斯结交希腊,意图在希腊救助方面分裂欧洲。但是他告诉记者,俄罗斯可以向希腊提供贷款,用于大型联合项目。齐普拉斯呼吁停止他所说的“制裁俄罗斯的恶性循环”。

The member have confirmed new cases of Ebola in West Africa has fallen to its lowest level in nearly a year. The World Health Organization says there was a total of 30 new cases in the past week, most them in Guinea. Grant Ferrett has this report.

西非埃博拉确诊病例人数达到近一年来最低水平。世界卫生组织表示,过去一周共有30名新增病例,大部分在几内亚。Grant Ferrett报道。

You have to go back to last May when Ebola was beginning to take hold across Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to find a similarly low level in new infections. Liberia had no confirmed new cases in the past week, Sierra Leone fell to just 9. Schools there are due to reopen next week. Guinea also recorded a sharp fall down to 21, but the WHO has warned that unsafe burials are still taking place in Guinea, where the first case was recorded in December 2013.


The man in overall charge of England's cricket team Paul Downton has been sacked weeks after England's lack last performance in the World Cup. Paul Downton became managing director of the England and Wales cricket board last year.

英格兰队在世界杯比赛中表现不佳几周之后,总体负责英格兰板球队的Paul Downton被解雇。Paul Downton去年成为英格兰和威尔士板球委员会的常务董事。


1 militants 3fa50c1e4338320d8495907fdc5bdbaf     
激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 )
  • The militants have been sporadically fighting the government for years. 几年来,反叛分子一直对政府实施零星的战斗。
  • Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets. 尽管如此,巴勒斯坦的激进分子仍然发射导弹。
2 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
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