这句英语怎么说 第1期:我希望你也在
我希望你也在。 Wish you were here. D:Lily!How is your trip to New York? Lily, 玩得如何? L: Its a blast! I wish you were here. 很棒。我真希望你也一起去了。 D: You and me both. My weekend is a total disaster! 我也是。我
Would you like a lift?/Do you need a lift? 你想搭便车么? lift 作动词时是举起的意思。 Lift a bottle of water. 举起一瓶水。 Do you need a ride? 你想搭便车么?
Would you like to see a movie with me? 你要不要一起去看电影? 你还可以这么说: We're going to see a movie, do you want to come? D: Richard and I are going to see a movie, do you want to come? L: It depends. Which one? D: Captain Am
太过分了 英语怎么说? You're way out of line! You've gone too far. You've crossed the line.
我想永远跟你在一起 I want to be with you forever. 也可以这么说: I want to be with you always. I want to spend eternity with you.
Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙 你可以这么回答: Anytime. 随时都乐意帮忙。 Don't mention it. 不用客气。 I'm glad I could help. 很高兴可以帮上忙。 It's no big deal. 没什么啦!
小笼包Steamed Bun 其他词汇: famous attractions 著名景点 traditional Chinese architecture 中国传统建筑 antique market 古物市场 Local snack 地方小吃 Fuchun Steamed Bun 富春小笼 mixture of the past and modern times 过去和
今天我们来看一看各个国家的名字用英语怎么说: 中国 China 美国 United States of America 英国与爱尔兰 United Kingdom and Ireland 法国 France 澳大利亚 Australia 南美 South America 意大利 Italy 日本 Japan
今天我们来看一看周末有空吗怎么说: Are you free this weekend?=when are you free?=when is it convenient? D: Are you free this weekend? L: I have classes in the morning, but I'll be free in the afternoon. What's up? D: I want to take you
今天我们来看一看你愿意和我约会么怎么说: Would you like to go out with me? go out with 和...约会、交往 你可以这样回答: I'm sorry. I've got a boyfriend/girlfriend. 不好意思,我已经有男友了。 I thought you'
今天我们来看一看我不想出门怎么说: I don't feel like going out today. 今天我不想出门。 = I think I'm just going to stay home today. 我今天只想留在家里。 = I can't face going outside today. 我今天不想露脸。 片语
今天我们来看一看不好意思让你久等了怎么说: Sorry to keep you waiting. 让你久等了! 类似的说法: Thanks for waiting. 谢谢你等我。 Thank you for being patient. 谢谢你这么有耐心。
今天我们来看一看不要拐弯抹角怎么说: Stop beating around the bush! 拐弯抹角 类似的说法: Get to the point.
今天我们来看一看从来没这么开心怎么说: I've never been so happy. 非常开心 类似的说法: I couldn't be happier. This is the best moment of my life.
今天我们来看一看都是我的错怎么说: It's my fault. 都是我的错 回答可以有以下几种方式: It's all right. Never mind. Don't worry about it. Forget it. Don't mention it.
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