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  • 早安英文 第560期:关于lose这个单词的用法 lose = failed in winning something. One more wrong move and we will lose the match. 再错一步,我们就会失掉比赛。 lose = waste Do not lose your time on something stupid like video games. 不要浪费你的时间去打游戏。 lose 走神
  • 早安英文 第561期:夸人只会用油腻的beautiful? 夸赞时要注意: 1.Try to compliment a talent or gift that has been acquired by the women and not something she is born with. I.E. Her intelligence or the choice of clothes she is wearing. 尽量夸赞异性的能力,才艺,而不要夸赞那些
  • 早安英文 第562期:有关book的短语 bookworm 书虫,也就是非常爱看书的人。 My friend Jane is a bit of a bookworm. 我朋友Jane特爱看书。 hit the books 狂啃书,看书学习 Hey, Jenny, have you watched Avengers: Infinity war? Jenny 你看了复联3没? Not yet.
  • 早安英文 第563期:two-time居然不是两次? two-time or two-timer: 劈腿,或者劈腿的人。 She was two-timing on me, so we broke up. 她脚踏两条船,所以我们就分手了。 He is a ten. / She is a ten. 他/她很有魅力,很完美。 dressed (up) to the nines:精致打扮,
  • 早安英文 第564期:对中美人民的刻板印象 stereotype n. 刻板印象;v. 形成刻板印象 We all love to stereotype. We love to cast forth oversimplified ideas about certain groups. 我们都很容易形成刻板印象,喜欢用一些过于简单的概念对特定的群体下定义。 h
  • 早安英文 第565期:fat cat居然不是大肥猫 fat cat 有钱有势的人 A fat cat refers to someone who is wealthy or powerful and typically works in business or politics. 在商界和政界有钱有势力的人 cat burglar 飞贼 A nimble, silent, sneaky thief. 一个敏捷,安静,狡猾的贼
  • 早安英文 第566期:家常菜用英语怎么表达 culinary vocabulary 烹饪词汇: fry:炒 to cook something in hot fat or oil, or to be cooked in hot fat or oil She was frying some mushrooms. 她在炒蘑菇。 deep-fry:油炸 stir-fry:大火炒,快炒 stir-fried bean sprouts 炒豆芽 s
  • 早安英文 第567期:quick和fast的区别 fast强调速度 a fast car 一辆快速的车 a fast train 一辆快速的火车 You are talking so fast. 你说话说得太快了。 quick强调时间 a quick shower 快速洗个澡 We just need a quick answer. 我们需要你快速给个答案。
  • 早安英文 第568期:关于英文中数字的表达 987,654,321 Nine hundred and eighty-seven million six hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one. 10,400 ten thousand four hundred (对) ten thousands four hundreds (错) 345 英式:three hundred and forty-five 美式:th
  • 早安英文 第569期:大姨妈不是big aunt! period 大姨妈 miscommunication 错误传达 misunderstanding 误解 pull my socks up 加把劲 refreshing 提神的 humility 谦虚 modest 谦虚 I have noticed that western girls are always drink cold water and cold beers on their period times! 西
  • 早安英文 第570期:have a green thumb是有绿手指的意思 关于hand give a hand 帮忙,相当于do sb. a favor give someone a big hand 为某人鼓掌 bite someone's hand off 用来形容迫不及待地、毫不犹豫地答应一件事情或接受一个条件,因为这件事情或条件实在是太好了
  • 早安英文 第571期:服气只会说I服了you? 通常我们会在以下3种情况下说我服了你 第一种情况:表示放弃跟别人争论 比如你和一个朋友争论一件事情,一开始唇枪舌战互不相让,最后你往往会有点不耐烦地说:好吧,好吧,你赢了。
  • 早安英文 第572期:I'll say到底是要说什么? No hard feelings. 别见怪!不计前嫌了! I'm sorry that things ended this way. But no hard feelings right? 很遗憾最后事情变成了这样,但是,没关系的对吧? hard feelings refers to anger between people because of something
  • 早安英文 第573期:懂了是get it 还是got it? 有关I get it 和 I got it I get it It is most often used when you want to let someone know that you understand what they are saying. 当你想让对方知道,你明白他的意思了,你就可以说I get it。 eg. If your English teacher has ex
  • 早安英文 第574期:外国人经常犯的语法错误 1.The service was terrible, but anyways the meal was gorgeous. 应该是:The service was terrible, but anyway the meal was gorgeous. anyways是anyway的一个非正式的形式,很多人认为是错误的。 其他示例: You're late. Anyways,