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  • 早安英文 第605期:大多数人是most of people还是most people Most people / most of the people 大多数人 Most people like spicy food. 大多数人都喜欢吃辣的食物。 For how many people? 几个人用餐? For two persons. / for two people. 大多数人是most of people还是most people Little people
  • 早安英文 第606期:老外说then居然不是然后 当then表示时间或者事物的先后顺序时,替换词有: Next, so later, after that, afterwards 1.I finished my work and I was feeling tired. So later when I got home, I had a nap. 我完成工作之后觉得非常累,之后就回家睡了
  • 早安英文 第607期:'不为什么'到底该怎么说 Let's change the subject. 我们换个话题吧。 I don't want to explain. 我不想解释。 Just because. 就因为所以啊。 I don't want to say anything. 我什么都不想说。 Dillon, I heard you might be going back to America? 迪伦,我听
  • 早安英文 第608期:与植物相关的俚语 sow the seeds of sth 播下的种子 Let's plant the seeds of interest in English with our awesome plant idioms! 我们来用这些很酷的植物俚语来给大家播下对英文兴趣的种子。 Beat around the bush To approach or discuss somethin
  • 早安英文 第609期:I'm broke不是说我受伤了! I'm broke. 我破产了。 What were you day dreaming about? 你刚刚做什么白日梦呢? I could feel him zoning out on me as I was talking to him about work. 我在和他说工作的时候,我明显感受到他走神了。 I'm broke不是说我
  • 早安英文 第610期:与white有关的俚语 White lie 善意的谎言 White knight 白衣骑士 White as snow 脸色惨白,头发花白 To raise the white flag 举白旗投降 White as a sheet/ghost 脸色苍白 Whiter than white 比白更白 White knuckled 神经紧张的,害怕的 White
  • 早安英文 第611期:催人快点只会说hurry up? 排队时/堵车时: What is the hold up? 怎么不动啦? Hurry up! 快点! Chop-chop! 快点! 催人快点只会说hurry up? 场景一:要迟到了 Formal: I am sorry but can you move a bit quicker, I am running late for a meeting. 不好
  • 早安英文 第612期:剪头发可不是cut my hair! haircut 理发 roommate 室友 barber 理发师 screw up 搞砸 hairstyle 发型 What can I do you for? 有什么需要帮忙的吗? What are you looking for today? 你今天想做个什么样子啊? I would like to cut a lot from the top part of
  • 早安英文 第615期:old和school放在一起居然90%的人翻译错 nostalgic 怀旧的 decent 体面的 trend 趋势 baggy 宽松的 chain 链子 stripes 条纹 old和school放在一起居然90%的人翻译错 谈论衣服: Hey your clothes are so old school that I feel that we are in the 1980s. 你穿的这身衣服
  • 早安英文 第616期:要上厕所可别问Where is W.C! WC: Water Closet n. 盥洗室,厕所 Some of the ways we refer to the place where you relieve yourself in English include: Toilet - Any place that has an actual toilet. 马桶 Restroom - Often in a restaurant or public place. 公共场所的厕所
  • 早安英文 第617期:表示紧张的10个地道英语表达 bundle of nerves: 神经紧张、担惊受怕的人 To shit a brick 十分担心,非常忧虑 I/they am/are sweating bullets 非常紧张(到汗滴像子弹一样大) Afraid of one's own shadow 风声鹤唳;草木皆兵,胆小到极点 Bate
  • 早安英文 第618期:find a job不是找工作 找工作: Job hunting hunting for the Job On the hunt for a job She is Job hunting. / She is hunting for a job. / She is on the hunt for a job. 她在找工作。 C.V(英式)= Resume (美式)简历 I need to write a CV. I need to update my
  • 早安英文 第619期:Where was I 不是我在哪里! 我刚刚说到哪儿了? Where was I? What was I saying? I just had it! 怎么说来着? It's on the tip of my tongue... 话就在我嘴边啊!Tongue是舌头,tip是尖端,tip of my tongue很生动,表示就要想起來,但吐不出來
  • 早安英文 第620期:聊一聊我们的身体部位 forehead 额头 jaw 下颌 chin 下巴 neck 脖子 fore arm 前臂 fore- 在前部,在前头 eyebrow 眉毛 shoulders 肩膀 breast/chest 胸脯,胸部 belly/tummy 肚子 back 背 waist 腰 pelvis 盆骨 thigh 大腿 knee 膝盖 calf 小腿 s
  • 早安英文 第621期:I'm dead可不是我死了! I am so dead. 我累死了。/我死定了。 You are dead. 你死定了。 death 名词 死亡 dead 形容词 死的 die 动词 死 died 动词死的过去式 My cat is dead. 我的猫死了。 It died yesterday. 它昨天死的。 Its death was a s