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  • 纸牌屋第四季 第1集:欢迎来达拉斯 Mayda slides her fingers in... 梅达把她的手指... all the way up to her... her wedding ring. 一直伸进她的婚戒里 She pushes you onto your back and leans down. 她把你推倒,然后倾下身来 Puts the fingers into your mouth so you
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第2集:稳妥的竞选策略 He is a classless, graceless, shameless barbarian. 他是个没有格调,没有风度,没有羞耻的蛮人 What he did to you, Elizabeth, it was disgusting. 他那么对你,伊丽莎白,简直恶心 Awful. Just vile. 可怕, 太过分了 C
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第3集:拼车 John! We're paying you to clean cars 约翰,我们雇你来洗车 not read the paper. 不是让你来看报的 Yeah okay. Sorry. 好的,抱歉 When I think of the goodness of Jesus 每当我感念慈爱的天主 and all that He's done for me 和他
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第4集:政治影响力 Less than 20% are comfortable 不到20%的人愿意看到 with a president and a vice president being related in any way. 总统和副总统有任何亲属关系 Less than 10% approve of someone who's never held elected office. 不到10%的人支持从
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第5集:被蒙在鼓里 Lucas Goodwin was released from a federal detention center 两个月前,卢卡斯古德温被从印第安纳州 in Terre Haute Indiana two months ago. 泰瑞豪特一家联邦监狱释放 FBI investigators searched his witness protection residence 联
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第6集:割让了开采权 China provides 40% of the bailout, 中国提供40%的救市金 the IMF provides another 40% 国际货币基金组织提供另外40% and a consortium of American and Chinese energy companies 一个美中能源企业的联盟 tackles the remaining 20%,
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第7集:竞选总部发表的讲话 supporting my efforts to reform the Democratic Party 支持我改革民主党的努力, and to restore integrity to the Oval Office. 恢复总统办公室的正直 Unfortunately 很遗憾 I won't be able to complete the work I set out to achieve. 我
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第8集:安德伍德夫妇 I just love your writing, Tom, 我非常喜欢你的作品,汤姆 ever since Scorpio. 从《天蝎》开始 I think it just gets better and better. 我觉得你写得越来越好了 Oh, yeah? What else have you read? 是吗,你还读过哪本 All
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第9集:波本酒的发源地 Kentucky you have 53 votes. 肯塔基,你们有53票 How do you cast them? 你们要投给谁 Madam Secretary 秘书长女士 as a senator for the great Commonwealth of Kentucky 作为肯塔基州参议员 I'm proud to speak on behalf of the delega
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第10集:总统提名墙 She squared off mano-a-mano with Petrov 她与佩特罗夫单独较量, to finalize the bailout deal. 敲定了救市协议, Meanwhile Secretary Durant twiddled her thumbs waiting 与此同时,杜兰特国务卿则无所事事地等候, witho
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第11集:一场筹款活动 President and Mrs. Underwood are back in Louisiana today 安德伍德总统夫妇今日返回路易斯安那州 in an effort to pick up 为争取获得 Underwood is in Las Vegas today 安德伍德今天来到拉斯维加斯 meeting with leadership fr
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第12集:辞去委员会职务 Otherwise it was just socialism 否则,这就是社会主义 which is built to fail. 那是注定要失败的 And you don't get points for failure Mr. President. 失败是不会为你加分的,总统先生 People don't want failure. They want suc
  • 纸牌屋第四季 第13集:释放米勒一家 This is the president. 我是总统 Put on Conway. You will speak to me. 让康威接电话, 你要跟我说话 No, we only talk to him or we hang up. 不,我们只跟他谈,否则挂断 Do you hear the helicopters yet? Or the dogs? 听到直升机