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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>资源技巧>求职英语>
相关教程: 求职英语
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    work experience is the type of work you've done in the past. If you haven't started working yet you can say Right now I'm still a student. or I'm a recent grad and Ihaven't started working yet. In the second sentence, recent grad is short for recent...

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  • 我被录用了吗?

    在面试后一两周,如果您还没有得到通知,您会怎么做呢?第一个冲动就是要打电话询问一下吧?在打电话询问的时候,该用哪些表达呢?下面这些表达可以帮帮你。 1) I am just calling to follow...

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  • 英文简历中离职原因、爱好方面词汇

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  • 英语面试时必须了解的甜言蜜语

    1. What is important to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 它带来的挑战感,成就感以及为之做出贡献的满足. 2. Why do you wa...

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  • 这也许是你听过的最重要的面试建议

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  • 面试生存法则:站在HR的鞋子里去思考

    英语里有个用法叫stand in the shoes of others,直译为站在别人的鞋子里,意译为换位思考。在面试的时候,也要站在HR的鞋子里去思考,不然HR才不会告诉你,你哪句话说错了,你哪一个问题答得有...

  • HR会恨死你的十件事

    You might have said some pretty terrible things about particular hiring managers in the past, but in many cases, those in charge of HR duties are frustrated by the annoying antics of applicants in the dark. You might be qualified for the job, but you...

  • 我可以同时申请一个公司的多个职位吗?

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  • 如何在变态的面试中笑到最后

    Interviewing for a job is hard enough, but what if the person who interviews you does a terrible job? When that happens, all is not lost. Heres what to do when: 工作招聘面试已经相当困难了,然而,如果面试官还不靠谱,那要怎么...
