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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>资源技巧>托福英语>
相关教程: 托福英语
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  • 托福口语中与“吃货”有关的词组

    1)首先第一个chow down on, 理解为吃点东西; 举个栗子:想吃点pizza吗? Wanna chow down on some pizza? 我们可以吃了吗? Shall we dig in? 2)scarf up sth/shovel it in : 表示吃的很快,有点狼吞虎咽的感觉:比如:我...

  • 托福口语中关于“生气”的表达

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  • 托福口语中shit的各种用法

    shitty: 糟糕的 I had a shitty day. shit-faced:喝高了 Steve was shitfaced most of the time. shitbox:很破旧几乎不能开的车 Jesus Fucking Christ your car is a shitbox dude. shithole: 一个很小、(或很脏)、很无聊的地方 I w...

  • 托福口语中如何表达有趣

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  • 托福口语表达:开车时用到的俚语

    hit the brakes : 停车 I nearly went through the window when I hit the brake. I thought it was ABS. run a red light: 闯红灯 She is so careless when driving and she just runs a red light. cut someone off:强行超车 People like to cut each ot...

  • 2016年9月9、10、11日托福写作超级小范围预测

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    increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue)增加,财政收入 the value-added tax(VAT) 增值税 normal trade relations 正常贸易关系 policy bank 政策银行 separate administrative functions from enterprises management; separate adminis...

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