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相关教程: 托福英语
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    Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the unknown region and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent,the two captains set out. (同位语从句rumors that) 当时有一些传言,说...

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    The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudesa fact that is not always evident when we examine commonly used projections of Earth's curved surface, since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudesand...

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  • 托福口语表达之不想明说的话要怎么说

    看过《疯狂动物城》的伙伴一定记得其中的鼬鼠weasel,同时weasel也指狡猾的人,并有逃避的意思。在此,新东方孟炎老师和大家聊聊weasel word。这些在口语考试中都可以信手拈来使用,在阅读中...

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  • 托福口语语料:跟down,around,和off相关的词组

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  • 托福口语中与睡眠相关的地道表达

    1)I am totally wiped out. 我太累了, 想睡觉。 Time to hit the sack/I just want to crash out. 我太累了, 想睡觉。 wipe out 两个意思,消除或者太疲惫了。 sack:本意袋子,引申为睡袋和床的意思。hit the sack...

  • 托福口语中与“金钱”相关的词组

    1)I am really short on dough. 我快没钱了。 dough本意为面包,没有钱当然就吃不起面包了。所以dough也有钱的意思。另外一个词breadwinner, 直译为赢得面包的人,可以理解为养家糊口的人。 2)He dropp...

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    对某人有意思: Tony was hitting on her at the party last night. Hit on可以换成mack on, 还可以说lay the mack on sb Tony was laying the mack on her at the party last night. 或者:Tony has a thing for her. 程度在深一点就是迷恋包...

  • 托福口语表达:如何简短地表达自己的态度

    当得知新的八卦的时候我们往往有很多的表情,比如一个同学托福考了120, 所有人都会很惊讶,这个时候我们可以说wow, crazy, wild 等等。今天我来教大家如何用一两个词来回复别人带来的新消...
