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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>资源技巧>英文语法词汇>
相关教程: 英文语法 英文词汇
  • 高频英语词汇:与run有关的习语和短语

    The following idioms and expressions use the verb 'run'. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with 'run'. 下面的习语和表达都用上了动词run。每个习...

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  • 英语词汇辨析:soil & earth & land & ground

    Soil、earth、ground和land都可以表示地面,但这四个词的用法有很大的区别。一起来看看吧! soil意为:泥土、土壤,尤指生长植物的土地。或国家、国土。 The trees have rooted in the rich soil. 树木在肥...

  • 英语高频词:limit&limited用法

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  • 涨姿势:英语中由法语来的外来词

    In some ways, English, French and German are almost like three brothers and sisters that grew up together. Each language influenced the other two languages in some ways, but one of the biggest influences on English was French. 从某种意义上来说,...

  • 英语新词:假期失忆症 你患上了吗?


  • 英语热词说说CP这些事儿!

    Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is thedesire by fans for two people, either real-life celebrities or fictionalcharacters, to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise.Shipping often takes the form of creative works, includin...

  • 英语新词:说说男闺蜜的英文怎么说?

    Guy best friend is your non-romantic male soul mate. Usuallywhen a girl is deprived of a brother, this male ends up being thereplacement. They are as close as siblings and he means theworld to her. He is referred to as the guy best friend usuallywhen...

  • 英语新词:什么是“好友缺失症”?

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  • 英语热词:发朋友圈你会显示地理位置么?

    Do you have friends who post about their whereabouts everynow and then via Facebook and share it on other socialnetworks? Such behaviour is called geobragging, consisting ofrepeated status updates noting your location in an attempt toget attention or...

  • 牛津词典更新新词:怪咖、哥们等热词

    If youre hangry and some manspreading rando is riling you up,these snackable definitions should help, mkay? 要是你正饿怒呢,一个奇葩又在地铁上大爷式占座把你惹毛了,这些快餐词说不定能帮上一点忙,你说是吧?...

  • 英语新词:“大爷式占座” 你讨厌吗?

    Manspreading describes the situation when a man sits withhis legs wide apart on public transport encroaching on otherseats, also called man-sitting. Those who do so are known asmanspreaders. Manspreading,也叫man-sitting,指男士在乘坐公共交...

  • 英语新词:我们被"快餐式内容"席卷

    In simple terms, snackable content is an easy concept to grasp it is described as bite-sized chunks of info that can be quicklyconsumed by its audience. 简单来说,快餐式内容(snackable content)就是容易掌握的简单的概念,这种内容...

  • 让人出乎意料的英语词 你知道吗?


  • 英语新词:忙碌儿童综合症

    新词 hurried child syndrome n. 忙碌儿童综合症(指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求孩子在学业上取得佳绩,并且希望孩子像小大人一样行为和做事的现象。) 栗子 One symptom of the hurried...
