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相关教程: 英文语法 英文词汇
  • 英语流行语:“小目标”被列入新词汇,但不是唯一一个

    Xiaomubiao -small goal in English-was one of the hottest phrases in China last year, according to a new set of lists released by the State Language Committee. 小目标英语的意思是small goal,根据国家语言文字委员会最新公布的名单...

  • 英语热词:“忙碌儿童综合征” 儿童暑假也忙碌

    暑假到了,早高峰的公交地铁上,人们经常看到父母带着孩子背着大书包啃着汉堡去赶补习班的身影。假期的孩子过得好像比学期还要忙碌。 Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents o...

  • 英语新词:你患过“剧终抑郁症”吗?

    一部好剧会让你在追的过程中看得很爽,但也可能让你患上post-drama depression(剧终抑郁症),没有这部剧可看的明天要靠什么活下去?你不由得感到空虚和悲伤。 Post-drama depression refers to the feelin...

  • KTV里你不敢开口?“走调儿”英语怎么说

    走调儿有两层意思:人唱歌时音不准和乐器音不准。to go out of tune 的主语为乐器时,指乐器音不准。如果想说人唱歌时音不准,主语不能用人称代词,而要用one's singing。 1. 走调儿的第一个意思...

  • 英语热词:中国十余省区中到重度“干旱”

    Severe drought has sent river levels in parts of central and northern China to record lows, affecting millions of hectares of farmland and leaving more than a million people short of water。 严重干旱已导致华中和华北部分地区河水水位...

  • 英语流行语:什么是“上镜土豆”?


  • 英语热词:朋友圈中你有“拉仇恨”的人吗?

    深夜晒美食拉仇恨,朋友圈晒旅行美照也是拉仇恨。好像任何美好的东西晒给朋友看,他们都会说这是在拉仇恨。那么这个拉仇恨用英文到底怎么说呢? When someone shows off to his or her friends anyth...

  • 你的“笑点”低吗?


  • 英语流行语:“逗比”用英语怎么说呢?

    逗比这个词火了可有一段时间,年轻人喜欢用,郭德纲还在相声中调侃道你是猴子请来的逗比吗,这么深入人心的词可要跨越国界才好,就让我们来学学它的英文dobe(逗比)。 Dobe is the Japanese...

  • 英语流行语:流量收费新模式 “你app我收钱”

    Pay-as-you-app is a mobile phone payment model where users purchase data allowances for a predefined collection of apps, the model charges users different rates for data consumed by different apps. Pay-as-you-app是一种新的手机付费模式,手机...

  • 英语热词:和喵星人一起的“喵完美”

    Purrfect refers to a perfect and delightful status when keeping cats accompany or looking at their cute pictures. 喵完美就是因为有了喵星人的陪伴或看到它们的萌照而享受到的令人愉悦的完美状态。 A cat named Tard the...

  • 英语热词:“荧幕情侣”的真真假假

    Showmance means the romance actors engage in for the run of a show. Once the run is over so is the romance. 荧幕恋情(showmance)是演员在戏剧表演中上演的恋情。表演结束时,恋情也随之终结。 The term originated in the thea...

  • 英语热词:什么是“第一世界问题”?

    First-world problem refers to a trivial frustration or petty concern, particularly one that contrasts sharply with serious problems such as those faced by developing nations. 第一世界问题指的是微不足道的挫折或琐碎的烦心事,和发...

  • 英语新词:医生的“话语可卡因”是什么意思?

    在手术过程中,清醒的患者难免对疼痛和手术进展感到焦虑担忧。而此时,医护人员暖心的话语可卡因可以让他们感到安慰 Verbicaine refers to soothing words used to calm or distract a patient who is awake dur...

  • 英语流行词:社会的“第三部门”

    Third sector refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work, philanthropy, and volunteerism. 第三部门指的是经济体的慈善机构和事业、宗教工作、志愿服务等领域。 Most people understand the role...
