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相关教程: 英文语法 英文词汇
  • 英语词汇:“保质期”英文解读

    请看《中国日报》的报道: Police in East Chinas Zhejiang province have detained a sales manager at Mengniu Dairy Group on suspicion of tampering with the production dates on batches of milk. 蒙牛乳业集团一名销售经理因涉嫌篡改...

  • 英语词汇:你会各种各样的英语“敲竹杠”吗

    Rip somebody off: to cheat somebody, by making them pay too much, by selling them something of poor quality, etc. 敲诈;讹诈Tourists complain of being ripped off by local cab drivers. 游客们抱怨被当地的出租车司机敲了竹杠. Soak: t...

  • 爱是love 与“爱”有关的英语词汇

    乔治桑(George Sand)曾经说过 There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. (生命里只有一种幸福:爱与被爱。)正所谓一杯白水,一口干粮,只要爱人在我身旁,荒漠也会变成天堂!找到了那...

  • 看《绯闻女孩》学习英语词汇

    寂寞男孩lonely boy也就是Dan,他一生的挚爱回来了。Gossip Girl总是把Dan称作lonely boy,lonely指的是寂寞的。和它有相思意思的词语还有alone、desolate、solitary。要注意的是lonely既可以作定语,也可以...

  • 英语词汇:“旅游法”热词

    请看相关报道: The draft law sets operating standards for travel businesses and scenic areas, and prohibits travel agencies from forcing tourists to purchase goods. 该草案设定了旅游行业和景点的运行标准,同时禁止旅行社强...

  • 英语词汇:第一次“活见鬼”Halloween

    已经记不起第一次见到 Halloween 这个单词是在何年何月,只记得我是靠海洛因的联想才记住这个感觉很遥远的单词的。但第一次亲眼目睹 Halloween(万圣节前夜)这一节日,却是在不久前,那也...

  • 英语词汇:词典“收录”英文怎么说?

    请看《中国日报》的报道: The scholars, including linguists and senior reporters, said the inclusion of words such as the basketball league NBA and PM2.5, a measure of air pollution, violated regulations covering the Chinese language, incl...

  • 英语词汇:何为“购物生理期”?

    A study finds that in the 10 days before their periods began women were more likely to go on a spending spree, which is called shopping period. Psychologists believe shopping could be a way for premenstrual women to deal with the negative emotions cr...

  • 英语词汇:英语里“Baby”不只是“宝贝”

    首先,它可以作称呼语,可以用来称呼心上人、爱人: Look, baby, I think we can work this out. 宝贝,你瞧,这件事我们能解决。 也可以用来表示老兄,朋友;姑娘,小妞儿等以称呼他人: Come on, b...

  • 英语词汇:菲律宾发生7.6级地震 海啸预警民众撤离


  • 遵循规律快攻GRE词汇 背诵是基础

    为大家整理了GRE词汇记忆的一些规律,这样整理在一起方便考生记忆。对于准备GRE考试的考生来说,新GRE词汇的背诵是基础,这仍是重点。 1. 记忆力用进废退不要临时抱佛脚。 2. 运用词频选择...

  • 英语词汇:开学了 师兄们不能不知道的英语

    大一 freshman(刚进入校园的新鲜人嘛) 大二 sophomore 大三 junior 大四 senior 研究生 graduate 还有一种正规说法postgraduate博士生: doctor 其他相关词汇: 开学 back to school 开学典礼 opening ceremony 开学日...

  • 英语词汇:微电影崛起

    随着微视频的崛起,微电影的火苗正在熊熊燃烧。在极短的时间里、使用极少的经费,却讲述了一个精彩而发人深思的故事,这正是微电影独特的风格和它日趋流行的关键。 A look at microfilms...

  • 英语词汇:引领潮流的“果冻鞋”

    Jelly shoes or jellies are shoes made of PVC plastic. Jelly shoes come in a large variety of brands and colors and the material is frequently infused with glitter. Its name refers to the semi-transparent materials with a jelly-like sheen. The shoes b...

  • 美国总统大选双方“民调持平”

    请看相关报道: Michelle, who is more popular than the president, is expected to woo women voters, an effort to eke out any advantage in a race marked bytoo-close-to-call polls and a dearth of undecided voters. 比总统本人更受欢迎的第一...
