意译 当直译原文结果会令人为费解或造成误解时,如使用套译的结果不理想,还可以采用意译。例如: Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose whole lives were passed in skating on thin ice, and getting kni...
如果说物价飞涨,什么都买不起成了现状,那么租便是不得不提的另一个相关现象。而现今数目庞大的哈租族到底是怎样的一群人呢? The hire clan, or hazuzu, is a phrase coined in recent years. The philosop...
Has anybody ever told you that you're a very pretty girl? With these words to his co-star Elizabeth Taylor on the set of the 1963 movie Cleopatra, Richard Burton began one of the most passionate and stormy romances in the history of Hollywood. 1963年,...
1.字典越大才越好 实务考试可带两本字典。英译汉最大的字典是译文出版社出的《英汉大辞典》,收词20万,录有大量人名、地名等专有名词。汉译英最大的字典是外研社出的《新世纪汉英大...
一、语序(英译汉) 我们上课在解决表达问题时提出了4个技巧,就是断结构、换主语、动词化和调顺序,基本上是在维护顺翻的情况下,做微小的调整,这样产生的一个错误倾向是,一些同学...