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相关教程: 英语口语
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    (以M代表Mary,O代表Officer) M: Good morning. My name is Mary. O: Good morning. Sit down, please. Would you mind if I ask you some questions? M:Of course not. O: What do you go to America for? M: I'd like to study for my Master's Degree. O...

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  • 常用英语口语:我看看您的车票和证件

    John: I'd like to check some luggage. 我要办托运。 Lily: How many bags? 几件行李? John: 特伦斯 Two. 两件。 Lily: Please show me your ticket and IDDo you want to stow them aboard the train? 给我看看您的车票和证件是随...

  • 常用英语口语对话:我们至少还得等四十分钟

    John: Lily, what time is it? 莉莉,几点了? Lily: Don't worry. It's at least a 40-minute wait. 别担心。我们至少还得等四十分钟。 John: I hate waiting. Should I buy a magazine? 我讨厌等车。我去买本杂志吧? Lil...

  • 常用英语口语对话:看来我只能做长途大客了

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  • 旅游常用英语口语:各付各的

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  • 旅游常用英语口语:付账方式

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  • 旅游常用英语口语:支付小费

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  • 雅思口语发音完美十绝招

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  • 英语口语-咱们打个平手(even)

    1. We're even. 我们平了。 打个平手,平局/和局 The opponent won the first game and I won the second round. So were even. 对手赢得了第一局的比赛,我赢了第二局,因此我们打平了。 另外打平局还可以这样表达...

  • 英语口语-off你了解多少?

    在Friends中Joey在一部战争片接任角色,临去拍摄现场前他对大家说: Im off to fight the Nazis. 我现在得跟法西斯作战去了。 1. off在这里表示的是出发或是离开的意思。 出去旅游:Were off. Off we go....

  • 英语口语-钱生钱,钱也有好坏?

    1. 钱生钱:money begets/breeds/draws/gets. Eg. Whats the key to make money? 挣钱的秘诀是什么呢? Money gets. 让钱生钱。 2. 钱也有好坏? good/bad money: 也就是能/不能生钱的钱~~ We heard he had earned good money on co...

  • 英语口语-关于buck

    1. big bucks=a lot of money 比如:He owed me big bucks. 他欠我很多钱。 2. make a fast buck:一下子赚得一笔钱(通常指不义之财) He made a fast buck by smuggling. 他通过走私一下子挣了不少钱。 3. feel/look a mil...

  • 英语口语-Check一看究竟

    说道check大家首先想到的会是什么呢?它的基本意思是检查、查看,比如: Go check if the door is still open. 检查看看门是不是还开着。 那么还有什么其他不为人知的意思吗?一起来看看关于check的...
