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相关教程: 英语口语
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    主题句:It was really neat.真不错 SCENE 1 A: Did you watch the interview with the primier? 你看没看过对总理的采访? B: I watched the interview. It was really neat. 我看了,实在是太精彩了。 SCENE 2 A: Have you ev...

  • 情景会话:我努力使自己收支平衡

    主题句:I'm trying to make ends meet. 我努力使自己收支平衡。 SCENE 1 Lane: I heard you were going to buy a new house. 听说你要买新房。 Jack: Yes, that's true. I'm going to sell my car. I'm trying to make ends meet. 是啊,为...

  • 我很忙怎么说

    主题句:My hands are tied. 我很忙。 这个短语直译过来是我的手被缠住了,引申为我很忙,无法分身。在英语里,表示很忙的句子有很多,举例来说:I'm as busy as a bee. 我忙得跟蜜蜂一样。/I'm bu...

  • 安慰语中英文对照

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  • 节日问候语

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  • 实用经典的英文赞美30句

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  • 邀约朋友的十句话

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  • 汉语习语的英文说法

    1.【不妙】something is to pay The manager had a hunch that something was to pay. 经理感到事情有些不妙。 汉语的有些不妙或有点不对头的概念常可用something is to pay的句式来表示。这一短语常和feel或have a hu...

  • 表达“我感冒了”十句话

    1. I've got a cold. / I've got a bad cold.我感冒了。/ 我感冒很严重。 2. I've got a runny nose. / My nose is running.我流鼻水。 3. I've got a sore throat.我喉咙痛。 4. I've been coughing day and night.我早晚都在咳嗽。 5....

  • 表达“睡不着”的十句话

    1. I couldn't fall asleep last night.我昨晚睡不着。 2. I passed a wakeful night.我彻夜未眠。 3. I was up all night.我一整晚都没睡。 4. I had a sleepless night worrying about my exams.我因为担心考试一整晚没睡。 5. I'v...

  • 如何用英语表达请客

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  • 情景美语

    情感(安抚十句) 愤怒难平,好言相劝: 1.Don't letit get to you. 別把它放在心上。 2.He's / She's not worth it. 他/她不值得你生气。 3.Just let it go. 就别再想了。 诸事不顺,但求平静: 4.It'll be OK. 会沒...

  • 购物杀价的十句话 

    1. Could you give me a discount? 能给我个折扣吗? 2. Are these clothes on sale? 这些衣服在特价吗? 3. Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量嗎? 4. How about buy one and get one free? 买一送一怎么样? 5. Can you giv...

  • 在国外打出租车

    打出租车 Take a taxi A: Manhattan Square, please. B: All right, sir. When are you supposed to be there? A: I'd like to go around the city, if you don't mind. - 请到曼哈顿广场。 - 好的,先生。要求几点到。 - 如果你不介意,我...

  • 热门旅行口语盘点

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