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相关教程: 英语美文
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  • 英语美文-爱的价值

    从前有一个岛,所有的情感都住在那里:幸福、悲伤、知识和所有其它的,爱也不例外。一天,所有的情感听说小岛即将沉没,因此建造小船,纷纷离开,除了爱。 Once upon a time, there was an is...

  • 英文诗-A March Snow

    就让过去那段悲伤在美好的风景里隐藏,随着雪白而安静的雪花而降,让这地球上所有的生命都化在这永恒的春季....... Let the old snow be covered with the new: The trampled snow, so soiled, and stained, and sod...

  • 英语美文:英文诗歌Still I Rise


  • 英语美文:生命中的四位爱人

    There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. 从前,一位富有的商人娶了四个老婆。他...

  • 英语美文:如果生活总是欢乐

    If life were always merry If all the skies were sunshine Our faces would fain Feel once more The cooling splash of rain If all the world were music Our hearts would often long For one sweet strain of silence To break the endless song If life were alw...

  • 英语美文:错过的祝福

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  • 英语美文:永生难忘的一课

    一天,我们大学里一个年轻的学生和一位教授一起散步。这位仁慈的教授常称呼学生为朋友,他对那些急切希望得到指教的学生非常友善。 散步途中,他们看到一双旧鞋放在路边,便猜测鞋子...

  • 英语美文:你们究竟要我们怎样生存

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    Life from seven coup生活中取长补短的七大妙招 Alternative Wisdom: 7 Ways to Zig When Everyone Else is Zagging 二选一的智慧:众人取长,吾短求之,献上七个建议 The world is whizzing by and your head's spinning. 世界变化...

  • 英语美文:命运的天平

    Most people complain of fortune, few of nature; and the kinder they think the latter has been to them, the more they murmur at what they call the injustice of the former. 很多人抱怨命运,却很少有人抱怨自然;人们越是认为自然对...

  • 英语美文:不完美的人生

    When you are first learning or perfecting a skill, whether it be baking, archery, or public speaking, it is easy to get stuck in the cycle of analysis paralysis. You want to learn as much as you possibly can before you actually do the task, but you e...

  • 英语美文:如何看待幸福

    Are you happy? I asked my brother, Ian, one day. Yes. No. It depends on what you mean, he said. Then tell me, I said, when was the last time you think you were happy? April 1967, he said. 你幸福吗?一天我问我的兄弟伊恩。 又幸福,又...

  • 英语美文:我是自然界的奇迹

    I am nature's greatest miracle.我是自然界最伟大的奇迹。 Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none...

  • 英语美文:最棒的礼物

    这是一位自闭症患儿的妈妈写的关于爱和感动的故事: Relax. He is the same little boy you loved yesterday. I smiled trying to hold back the tears. No he isnt. Yesterday I dreamed he would be an astronaut. Today I am hoping he will...
