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  • 英文情书写作范文:The Miracle Of You你的奇迹

    Dear Ben, The miracle of life shone in front of my eyes when you entered my life. Nothing can be compared to this feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement which tortures me while waiting for you to enter the ICQ, the sweet night-calls th...

  • 英文情书写作范文:Thank You For Your Love

    Dear Lebazaa, Hi, Baby Bear You're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up...

  • 英文情书写作范文:The Day We Met我们相遇的日子

    Dear Fabrizio, The day we met is the day I will never forget. Over and over I replay our chat and our first telephone conversation in my mind! You are so amazing you drive me crazy! You make me feel so happy and complete. If I hadn't met you. I know...

  • 应用文常用句型

    一、邀请信 1、Id like ...to come to dinner 非常希望...共进晚餐 2、request the pleasure of 恭请 3、The favor of a reply is requested 敬赐复函 4、May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 敬备菲酌,恭请光临 5、Tha...

  • 英文情书写作范文:Love Of My Life我一生的爱

    Dear Malyce, You make me feel special, like I'm your one and only. You make me feel like I'm a star in the sky lighting up your life. You make me feel safe when I'm near you, wrapped up in your arms. You make me feel like an angel from heaven because...

  • 英文情书写作范文:My Angel我的天使

    Dear Tasha, You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a h...

  • 英文情书写作范文:Genuine Love真爱永远

    Dear Ayo, Seriously, Babes, I love you because I have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. I feel like a complete woman. I love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you hold me when I am sleep...

  • 如何让演讲一鸣惊人?

    绝招一:排比的运用 排比是一种写作修辞手法,也是一种普遍应用的演讲技巧。排比是用句法结构相同的段落、句子或词组,把两个或多个事物加以比较,借以突出它们的共同点和不同点。很...

  • 英文情书写作范文:Return To Me回到我身边

    Dear Alexis, I believe in my heart and soul that we were meant to be with one another. I think about you everyday and night. When I am with you you light up my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wish upon a star for you t...

  • 中秋节放假通知用英语怎么写?

    2013年中秋节为9月19日,放假日期为9月19日至9月21日,共三天。2013年中秋节放假通知英文版、2013年中秋节放假通知英语范文、中秋节放假通知用英语怎么写? Dear Colleagues Please kindly be informed th...

  • 写作中易被忽略的小错误

    关于写作相信大家都买了不少参考书,并且背诵了不少好段子,但是有的同学的作文分数依然不理想,究其原因在写作时可能不太在意,大家要引以为戒,无则加勉。 1. 结构不平行例:I was...

  • 学术文章写作注意要点

    1、避免使用反问句、设问句。特别是作者也没有答案的问题。 例如: Whats the objective of the information? Is it to make people more confused and astray? I partly agree with the authors contention that the enormous and otios...

  • 考试写作10个易扣分点

    一、不一致 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,还包括了数的不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。比如:When one have money, he can do what he want to. 分析:one是第三人称单数,因此本句的have应改为...

  • 屌丝逆袭:英文情书追女孩五式!

    一句粗心的话可能会引起冲突;一句残酷的话可能会毁灭一个生命;一句及时的话可能会减轻压力;一句示爱的话可能会给你永远的幸福。 一个广为流传的关于王子变成青蛙的故事经常被讲给...

  • 2013年国庆节放假通知怎么写?

    2013年国庆节放假日期为9月30日至10月7日共8天。28号上班。2013年国庆节放假通知英文版、2013年国庆节放假通知英语范文、国庆节放假通知用英语怎么写? Dear Colleagues Please be noted the following holi...
