本文由口语陪练网(http://www.oralpractice.com/) highgear2006老师提供。
“homo-”是表示“相同的(the same)”的前缀(prefix),通常英语希腊系的单词;如: homosexual 同性恋的 (比较:heterosexual 异性恋的 heter(o)-表“其它的,相异的”前缀; homogenous 同类的,同质的 homograph 同形异义词(如“seal(海豹)”与“seal”(图章))
made 做(过去式)- maid (女佣)
made - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to make'
She made me a cup of tea. (泡了一杯茶)
maid - noun -> domestic help
The maid cleaned the room.
mail 邮件- male男性的(形容词)
mail - noun -> post
I got a lot of mail today.
male - adjective -> relative to men
His male friends are crazy!
marry 结婚- merry快乐的(形容词)
marry - verb -> to join in matrimony
Is a pastor going to marry them? 那个牧师会给他们主持婚礼吗?
merry - adjective -> happy Merry Christmas and happy new year!
bat - piece of sports equipment OR an animal 球拍或蝙蝠
bow - type of knot OR to incline 领结或鞠躬
fine - of good quality OR a levy 好的或罚款,如:“Yesterday he was fined for speeding on the highway.”
learned - past tense of learn OR knowledgeable “Learn(学习)的过去式或者“有学问的”,如: The old man is a learned scholar(那位老人是一名学识丰富的学者)。
minute - tiny OR unit of time 微小的,微细的或分钟, 如“minute particles (微粒)”;
number - more numb OR numerical value “Numb(麻木的,无知觉的)之“比较级”或“数字”;
row - line OR argument OR propel a boat 一排,或辩论或划船,如:to row a boat
sewer - drain OR person who sews 下水道或缝纫工
wave - move the hand in greeting OR sea water coming into shore 挥手或波浪
wound - past tense of wind OR to injure “wind(卷,绕)的过去式或“使某人受伤”