本文由口语陪练网(http://www.oralpractice.com/) highgear2006老师提供。
各国黑市肾脏的价格: Price list of kidney in black markets of various countries:
一些贫穷国家的人出于生计,被迫出售肾脏。这是一名做过手术的男人身上留下的伤口。 Poverty-stricken people in some underdevelopednations are forced to seel their kidneys. This photo shows the scar on the waist of a man who sold one o his kidneys. A man shows the scar on his waist, which was left by the surgiical removal of one of his kidneys.
A man wears a T-shirt, on which the words read: I am willing to sell a kidney just for a ticket of a soccer game.
一个人需要用于移植的肾脏所贴出的小广告: An advertisement put by a man who needs a kidney for his transplant;
一个恐怖的“都市传说(urban legend)”:主要是说有的国家的都市专门有分工严密的盗取男人肾脏的犯罪集团,先由靓女在酒吧勾引男人,然后就去九点开房........清早起来,这个男人发现自己躺在浴缸里,身上堆满冰块,再看腰间一道长长的刀痕,原来自己的肾脏刚刚被人盗走......注意门口背着冰箱的那个人,正在开溜呢!
“器官捐赠卡”:(The real apperance of "Donor Card")(印度孟买),理论上讲,遭遇意外事故而亡故的人如果是“器官资源捐赠者”,身上带有这张卡,法律上将允许医师在当事人被宣布脑死亡后摘取他/她希望捐赠的器官。