Mantis: What's taking so long?
Po: The world moved too slow for Mantis. He was too fast for the world.
Mantis: Give me that!
Po: One day, it would get him into trouble.
Goat: A gang of crocodiles stole my village's supply of..
Mantis: Wood?
Goat: ...wool coats. And if we don't get them back, we'll...
Mantis: Look unfashionable?
Goat: ...freeze to death.
Mantis: Just as I thought. And where did these scaly savages run off to?
Goat: They went...
Mantis: West!
Goat: No, east! –
Mantis: What are you...?
Goat: Towards the... –
Mantis: Hill!
Goat: No! The island of...
Mantis: Rhinos?
Goat: Crocodile bandits!
Mantis: Crocodile bandits? East? Wool coats! I knew it! I'll need a boat.
Goat: You need to be very...
Mantis: Quick.
Goat: Careful. And take...
Mantis: A packed lunch?
Goat: This map.
Mantis: No maps!
Goat: Mantis, they...
Mantis: Won't know what hit 'em.
Goat: But traps! They're famous for setting traps.
Mantis: A trap! Why didn't anyone warn me?
Crocodile:Well, if it isn't the world-famous Mantis. Guess you were so fast you forgot to check for traps.
Mantis: How about you let me out and I'll show you how fast I can make you cry.
Crocodile:Why don't we leave you in there and see how fast you can grow old?
Po: No matter how hard he tried, Mantis could not escape.
Mantis: No matter how hard I try,I cannot escape.
Po: He could do nothing but sit and wait for something to happen. And so he waited. And waited...and waited. Until something mind-blowing happened. For the first time, the world around Mantis moved faster than he did. Forced to wait, Mantis entered a trance-like, totally awesome state of mind. Mantis had found the one thing he'd been missing. Patience and a brilliant plan.
Crocodile:Hey, Mantis! Wake up! It's time to eat. Hey, you guys? That's yucky. I think he's dead. Touch him. Poke him with something! Careful. Careful.
Po: Mantis had to summon every ounce of chi he could muster. Just to keep from laughing. The crocodiles totally fell for his amazing "staying still for a really long time" technique.
1.a gang of:一帮,一伙,一群。鳄鱼帮偷走了我们村的羊毛衣服。”来看例句:
A gang of convicts chained together. 一群罪犯被铁链锁在了一起。
A gang of criminals raided the bank. 一伙罪犯袭击了银行。
2.packed lunch:午餐,盒装饭。影片中螳螂大侠对山羊说:“拿上干粮当午饭?”
He takes a packed lunch to work every day. 他每天带午饭上班。
I've heard that story and it's really mind-blowing. 我听过那个故事,真的很震撼人心啊。
I've got plenty of other mind-blowing ideas.我还有很多很好的点子。
yucky school dinners 学校里难吃的饭菜
5.every ounce of:每一分精力,力气。影片中说:螳螂大侠运用了所有的内力才能不笑出来。
They expended every ounce of energy.他们消耗了每一分精力。
6.fall for: 上...的当。鳄鱼们完全被他的“坐禅入定”的招术骗到了。
Don't fall for it! 别上当!
Don't fall for such nonsense. 别听信这种胡说八道。
片 名 Secrets Of The Furious Five
译 名 功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密
年 代 2008年9月
主 演 杰克·布莱克 Jack Black .....Po(阿波)
达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin offman .....Shifu (师父)
影片类型 动画 / 短片
片 长 25 Mins
国 家 美国
剧情 盖世五侠的秘密]讲述了关于阿波结束了与泰龙的决斗之后的故事。短片中阿波开办了一个功夫培训班,班里的学生都是[功夫熊猫]中的那些小巧可爱的兔子。看到了学生们想要学习功夫的坚定决心,阿波教授给他们的不是功夫招式,而是在武术中最重要的精神品质:自信,坚毅,勇气以及更多……

电影里的辩证法 螳螂:最强点,其实也是最弱点 蛇:因为有弱点,所以可以突破本身限制 仙鹤:懦弱是成功最大的敌人,自信才能创造奇迹 虎:控制自己,是一切的前提 猴:能力只是能力,看你用在什么地方而已 耐心、自律、勇气、同情心、自信