《Slow Down》是一首由美国女流行乐歌手赛琳娜戈麦斯演唱的歌曲,作为她的首张个人录音室专辑的宣传单,发布于2013年6月3日,iTunes音乐商店也同时发布数字下载。 Now that I have captured your att...
Victoria's Secret FashionShow每一年都在挑战人类创造力与想象力的极限,以至于人们每年都认为下一年的时尚秀无法再超越。然而, 维多利亚的秘密 时尚内衣秀一年比一年惊艳、性感。能够荣登该秀...
Tom Odell来自伦敦的钢琴民谣唱作人,摘得刚刚出炉的2013年全英音乐奖评论选择奖桂冠。Odell是继Adele、Emeli Sande ,Jessie J之后第一个获此殊荣的男歌手。Odell有着从一张嘴便瞬间融化所有人的心...
翘首以盼的水果姐Katy Perry二单《Unconditionally》!!Katy Perry的嗓音总是有这样的魔力,精致的旋律中透露着大气,奢华的宫廷舞会与华贵的装束并存,雪与火的相容,就像水果在采访中提到的那...
加拿大乡村女歌手Leah Daniels单曲《We Got Snow》,尤克里里带出前奏,钢琴等各种乐器在温暖小木屋中上演欢快的乡村曲调。 Oh Baby look outside we got snow! I don't think you should go, In the terrible storm. Oh...
You make me feel so young You make me feel as spring has sprung And every time I see you grin I'm such a happy individual The moment that you speak I want to go and play hide-and-seek I want to go and bounce the moon Just like a toy balloon You and I...
英国偶像男团#Union J#单曲《Loving You Is Easy》!!!在茫茫人海中,我终于找到你。这一次,绝不放手!!! We were lost in the middle Like bottles in the ocean But we found one another Like the answer to a question...
来自年仅18岁的英国新人女歌手Amelia Lily因参加英国X音素第八季走红,出道首单即带来主流的舞曲曲风与成熟的RB演唱风格。 Tell me is the party over, over over, yeah Is the party over, over over, yeah Its not...
贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)出生于加拿大,是欧美乐坛最具影响力的青年男歌手之一,当今乐坛流行音乐小王子。在美国发行的全球福布斯名人榜上,贾斯汀连续2年名列第三。Billboard与VH1评选的...
Tell em that is my birthday Tell em that is my birthday Tell em that is my birthday When I party like that Every night's my birthday They don't know, so it's okay Tell em that is my birthday When I party like that Jazz it up, jazz it up Happy as can...
小精灵#Pixie Lott#时尚单曲《Kiss The Stars》。 uuuh oooh uuuh oooh we're on the rocket baby baby, we're on the rocket venus and mars now, can't be apart now baby baby, put me in your pocket we're on a mission, get in position put the plug i...
瑞典超人气DJ Avicii 联手美国肯塔基州着名兰草乐队Dan Tyminski 超赞单曲 Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover Hey sister, no the water's sweet but blood is thicker Ooooooh with the sky comes falling down, for you the...
瑞典音乐创作才子Jonas Myrin出道首单《Day of the Battle》。 Jonas Myrin早期曾是伦敦Hillsong Church London的主唱,并为多个国际戏剧创作歌曲,2012年单飞。本歌出自2012年即将发行的个人首张专辑《Dre...
Befour是一个来自德国的男女4人组合,成员分别是Alina,Manou,Dan和Angel,走的是纯流行舞曲路线,组合名字的由来是源自他们所主演Super RTL channel的befour电视系列。 How do you do You like me and I like...
英国X-Factor第四名新晋男子组合Union J首单《Carry You》!这个组合的风格和One Direction很是接近有木有~看来腐国盛产男团这个道理是毋庸置疑的哈~唱的还是很有Feel的啊,看好他们! Don't ever say...