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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>英语歌曲>听歌学英语>
相关教程: 英语歌曲 英文歌曲
  • 听歌学英语:顺其自然 What Will Be Will Be

    Baby don't be sad with me tonight 亲爱的,今晚跟我在一起的时候可不可以不要悲伤 Because the mean bus driver drove me home tonight 因为那个不友善的公交车司机毕竟还是还是把我送我回家了 And on the undergrou...

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  • 听歌学英语:用歌声说‘我爱你’I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song

    Well, I know it's kinda late. 额,我知道已经不早了 I hope I didn't wake you. 希望我没有吵醒你 But what I gotta say can't wait, 但是我想说的话不能等 I know you'd understand. 我知道你肯定会理解 Every time I tried to...

  • 听歌学英语:一切如此真实 Seem So Real

    Didn't know you would be here; 没想到你会在这里 Guess you thought that I knew. 也许你以为我会知道 As I walk with your shadow, 当我跟著你的影子 Feel my heart tear in two. 我感到我的心被撕成两半 The last time I kisse...

  • 听歌学英语:时光机 Time Machine

    You lit the fire 你点燃了火焰/你点了火 Then drank the water 然后喝了水/喝了水 You slammed that door 你关上门/摔门而去 And left me standing all alone 留下我独自站在那里 We wrote the story 我们写下这个故事 We...

  • 听歌学英语:闺蜜情 L.O.V.E

    I'm talkin' 'bout love 我来说说关于爱这个东西 All my girls stand up in a circle 各位小妞起立站成一圈 And clap your hands. This is for you 并鼓掌;这首歌仅献给你们 Ups and downs, highs and lows 人生起伏,生活低谷...

  • 听歌学英语:雨中高歌 Singing in The Rain

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  • 听歌学英语:小谎言 Little Lies

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  • 听歌学英语:星光之城 City of Stars

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  • 听歌学英语:我很好 I'm Fine

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  • 听歌学英语:哪也不去.守护 Not Going Anywhere

    This is why I always wonder 这就是为什么我总是充满好奇 I'm a pond full of regrets 我是填满悔憾的小池 I always try to not remember rather than forget 我尽量不去记起,而不是去忘记 This is why I always whisper 这就是为...

  • 听歌学英语:我们可以更亲密吗?Closer to Me

    Too many memories and phone calls 脑中太多你挥之不去的记忆与手机铃声 Too many pictures of you on the walls 你的照片已挤满雪白的墙壁 And not enough of you in my arms, whoa 或许你在我怀中的感觉远远不够 I count...

  • 听歌学英语:爱你自己 LOVE YOURSELF

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  • 听歌学英语:心肝宝贝 Sugar

    I'm hurting baby. I'm broken down 我受伤了;我已经崩溃了 I need your loving, loving 需要你的爱,你的爱 I need it now 现在就要 When I'm without you 没有你在身边 I'm something weak 我虚弱不堪 You got me begging, beggi...
