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  • 有人要干净的盘子吗?

    Does Anyone Want a Nice Clean Plate? Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul said to him, I'm going to have a birthday party on Saturday, Peter. Can you you come? Peter asked his mother, and she said, Yes, you can go. She phoned Paul's mothe...

  • 三人同舟

    Three Men in a Boat Three men were sitting on a park bench. The one in the middle was reading a newspaper; the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks, cast lines and reeled in their catch. A passing policeman stopped to watch the...

  • Chaude and Cold 热与冷

    学英语要生动的学,看故事学英语,看着这幽默的英语小故事,必定会对提高你对学习英语的兴趣。 A patron in Montreal cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded. This is an outrage, he complained. The fau...

  • 十大搞笑英语句子变身为幽默达人


  • 7大原因揭秘:为何女性更爱幽默的男生?

    In a relationship, sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, too. In such a scenario, it is indeed a treat to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day. 恋爱中,相处一段时间后两性吸引力渐弱,朱颜易改,如此,...

  • 经济学人331:德国幽默 闻所未闻的幽默培训

    German humour 德国幽默 Get thee to an Institute 闻所未闻的幽默培训 Germans concede that in humour they need professional help 德国人认为幽默需要专门的训练 EVA ULLMANN took her master's degree in 2002 on the part that humour...

  • 经济学人206:美国式幽默-有趣的人

    American humour 美式幽默 Funny man 有趣的人 The talent of an American lyricist 一位富有天赋的美国抒情诗人 CALVIN TRILLIN made his reputation over four decades as the author of US Journal in the New Yorker, reporting extensively a...

  • 出国必备的十个美式幽默

    1. Is she big-boned? 她是不是很魁梧啊? Big-bone看字面解释就知道是指骨架很粗大。这对美女(美国的女人) 来说是见怪不怪的。在电影Something about Mary中就有这一句,Is she big-boned? 那娇小的女子怎么...

  • 研究:女人觉得帅哥更幽默

    It has long been said that a man with a good sense of humour can laugh a woman in to bed, despite his looks. Now researchers believe the opposite may also be true - that we also find attractive members of the opposite sex more amusing. Psychologists...

  • "你很蠢"的种种幽默表达

    ★Marry is so stupid, she stole free pudding. 玛丽太蠢了,偷免费的布丁。 ★He's never slept with his wife. He says it isn't honorable to sleep with a married woman. 他从不跟妻子一起睡。他说跟一个已婚女人睡是不光彩...
