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  • 《辛普森一家》精讲15 一个免费的甜甜圈引发的后果

    Homer, you gotta get over here. 荷马,快过来 HeaIth inspector shut down the doughnut store, they're giving out free doughnuts! 卫生部门关掉了甜甜圈店 现在正免费发放呢! Oh, my God, oh, my God! I just got one thing I gotta do...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲14 不可思议的猪猪

    Don't get any ideas. 千万别瞎想 Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension. 也许我们应该亲一下 以缓解我们之间的紧张关系 Nothing. Nothing. 没什么,没什么 What's going on here? 这儿是怎么了? I'm not sure th...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲13 大清洁行动

    No, the Iift is stuck. 不,升降机卡住了 Am I getting through to anyone? 大家明白我的意思吗? HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things. 明白!我们需要一台新升降机! AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say ''aye. ''...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲12 污染的湖水

    Are we having fun yet? 玩够了吗? We are now. You've got a bite. 现在很好玩啊,你那有鱼咬钩了 Oh, no, my good poIe! 不!我的宝贝鱼竿! You're not strangIing me. 你怎么没掐我? What the--? StrangIing's onIy good for....

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲11 霍默和费兰德斯

    Rough day, huh, son? 心情不爽是吗,孩子? You don't know what rough is, sister. 你根本不知道什么是不爽,嬷嬷 Bart, you know, whenever my boys bake up a batch of frownies. . . 巴特,我家孩子不开心时 I take them fishi...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲10 曲卷的尾巴

    ''A thousand eyes. '' What couId that be? 一千只眼睛?什么意思? I'm pretty sure a thousand is a number. 嗯我很确定一千是个数字 Hey, Marge. Isn't it great being married to someone who's reckIessIy impuIsive? 嗨,玛芝,嫁给性...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲09 不关心孩子的爸爸

    Say, Bart? -What do you want, FIanders? - 嘿,巴特 - 你想怎么着,佛兰德斯? If you need pants, I carry an extra pair. 要是你需要裤子,我这儿有条备用的 You know how boys are, aIways praying through the knees. 因为男孩子...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲08 和霍默认真的话就输了

    I Iike men now. 我现在喜欢男人啦! Don't Iook where I'm pointing! 别看我正指着的地方! Stop in the name of American squeamishness! 以美国专制的名义,快给我站住! Boys, before we eat, don't forget to thank the Lord fo...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲07 终极大胆时刻

    Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever! 扭曲的尾巴、一千只眼睛,被困终生 What couId that be? 那是什么意思? I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . . 我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托 when Sinestro threw h...

  • 《辛普森一家》精讲06 丽莎怦然心动的时刻

    HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . . 您好,抱歉周日还打扰您. . . but I'm sure you're as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am. 但是我想您一定和我一样 忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题 Lake Sprin...
