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  • CNN 2010-01-27

    Some help for all of you who are helping Haitis earthquake victims and a new bill let you write off your donations this tax season. Our personal financier Jerry Malice is on top of that force. Jerry, look, this sounds like good news all round. Well,...

  • 新标准初中英语九年级(上):UNIT3 What's up, Andy

    [00:00.00]Module 2 EVERYDAY ENGLISH [00:12.76]UNIT 3 What's up, Andy? [00:16.34]5 Listen and complete. [00:20.16]Listen to the recording and complete the form. [00:24.58]Hello. Mr Wu's Book Shop. [00:28.36]May I help you? [00:29.51]Hello. I'm looking...

  • 英文原创-On Language Environment

    On Language Environment As an in-h ouse English trainer for a small class in the International Business Department of the company I work with, I often encourage my colleagues to use the language in practical situations rather than merely learn it. A...

  • 英文小说-Mr Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights

    I have just returned from a visit to my landlord, Mr Heathcliff. I am delighted with the house I am renting from him. Thrushcross Grange is miles away from any town or village. That suits me perfectly. And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautifu...

  • 英语故事-I can do anything

    I was born with a rare birth defect天生缺陷 called TARSA Syndrome综合症 , which means I am missing the radius桡骨,半径 bone in my forearms. My arms were shorter because of this condition, but I never thought of myself as different. I don...

  • 英语民间故事-The farmer and his gold pieces

    There was once a farmer. His land was hilly多坡的,丘陵的; the soil was not the best. He had a cow that wasn't giving much milk; he had chickens who were laying few eggs. The place looked run-down: barn and fences needed repair. The farmer and...

  • 英语美文-Friends forever

    虽然伊丽莎白远在千里之外,我只能偶尔见到她,但是我们所拥有的永远是朋友的相框和挂盒能帮助我们弥补彼此的思念之情。 所以,亲爱的寂寞者,与朋友分开并没有那么糟,照片、信件、...

  • Heat and Health

    83 炎热的天气可能引发疾病甚至导致死亡 DATE=8-14-01 TITLE=SCIENCE IN THE NEWS #2137 - Heat and Health BYLINE= Oliver Chanler VOICE ONE: This is Bob Doughty VOICE TWO: And this is Sarah...

  • Female Hormones and Heart Disease

    80 雌性荷尔蒙不能缓解心脏病发作 DATE=8-9-01 TITLE=SCIENCE REPORT- Female Hormones and Heart Disease BYLINE=Nancy Steinbach (Start at 59")This is Bill White with the VOA Special Engli...

  • (1) WHO and (2) Tuberculosis

    68 世界卫生组织呼吁加强治疗肺结核 DATE=7-16-01 TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - (1) WHO and (2) Tuberculosis BYLINE=Jill Moss (Start at 01'2")This is Bill White with the VOA Special English D...
