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  • 2010年上海世博会会徽与世博展览中心

    2010年上海世博会会徽与世博展览中心 世博会会徽Expo Emblem上海世博会会徽,是三个人你,我,他/她手牵手肩并肩的图案,它象征着全人类统属一个大家庭。设计灵感来源于中国汉字世(世界的...

  • 美国英语口语俚语(12)

    美国英语口语俚语(12) 1.kick around讨论;多考虑一下Lets kick around a few more proposals before we come to a final decision. 我们最后决定之前多考虑几个方案吧。 2.junkie吸毒者The junkie stole money in order to buy mo...

  • 商务合同英译应注意的问题(三)


  • 英语面试问答大全

    Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成个新项...

  • Tree climbing: Part 2

    Tree climbing: Part 2 NB: This is not an accurate word-for-word transcript Dan: Hello and welcome to this weeks 6 Minute English. Im Dan Walker Smith and today, for the second part of our tree climbing programme(节目,计划), Im joined by Kate....

  • 高中课本听力人教版 第二册课本朗读2-17-2

    THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS Every four years, mentally disabled athletes come together to take part in the Special Olympics. Just like the regular Olympic Games, it is surrounded by ceremony and competition is fierce, but there is also a strong sense of uni...

  • 高中英语第二册课本朗读2-17-1

    DISABLED? NOT ME! I know people are trying help, but I wish they wouldnt treat me as if I were a child. Zhong Xiaowen is sixteen and a middle school student in Northern China. She is one of the best students in her class and she won an award for youn...

  • 高中课本听力人教版 第二册课本朗读11

    Watever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern beijing. Zhongguancun, in Beijing's Haidian District, is the new centre for Chinese science and technology. It is home to t...

  • 高中英语人教版高一年级上25

    [00:-1.00]1.Have you read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the films? [00:-2.00]2.Harry Potter has magical powers. [00:-3.00]Do you know of any other heroes who have strange powers? [00:-4.00]3.Do you like to watch magic tricks? [00:-5.00]Hav...

  • 高中英语人教版必修高三16

    [00:06.69]ON READIGN [00:08.72]On the subject of reading, [00:11.08]Francis Bacon, who lived at about the same time as Shakespeare, [00:15.44]wrote these words: Some books are to be tasted, [00:19.88]others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed...
