New IMAX Space Documentary Brings Images to Life
新的3D IMXA给生活带来新的享受
What we watched then were blurry1 and grainy TV transmissions. Now, the 45-minute IMAX documentary puts the audience on the surface of the moon next to the astronauts.
Oscar winning actor Tom Hanks wrote and produced the documentary.
Tom Hanks: 3D IMAX on that huge screen would mean it would almost be like they are standing2 on the moon right next to Neil (Armstrong), right next to Buzz (Aldrin), right next to Dave (Scott), right next to Gene3 (Cerman) and Jack4 (Young) and all the other guys who walked up there.
IMAX executive producer Hugh Murray recently attended the premiere of "Magnificent Desolation." Mr. Murray was one of the people who designed the 3D IMAX machine. He explains how it helps us see the images as if we were right there.
Hugh Murray: 3D involves creating two movies. A right eye movie and a left eye movie. And then in the theater, because you can wear those glasses arranging things so, that your right eye only sees the right eye movie and the left eye only sees the left eye movie. And then as far as your brain is concerned it is seeing the world with two eyes and puts everything together and then you see what the camera sees in three dimensions.
Movie director Mark Cowen paired authentic5 NASA pictures of the lunar surface with an artificial massive lunar landscape built on the set.
Mark Cowen: So, the back plates that you see -- the mountain and things like that -- are actually the photographs that the astronauts took back during the Apollo moonwalks.
Full scale replicas7 of the Lunar Module8, the Lunar Rover and reproductions of Apollo space suits were used throughout the production. Stuntmen were connected to a series of wires and counterbalances to give the impression of moving in low gravity.
IMAX chairman and Lockheed Martin CEO Rich Gelfond says the movie will entertain, educate and inspire young people around the world.
Rich Gelfond: This film will be opening in China, in India, all over Europe, in Poland, in South America, in Mexico, and I think it gives people a vision.
The movie also sets the scene for the next Apollo moon landing. This is a program that few weeks ago, NASA administrator9 Michael Griffin called it "Apollo On Steroids."
Michael Griffin: We're hoping to send twice as many people to the moon for twice as long a period of time as we did the last time we sent somebody to the moon.
But this time NASA has even more far-reaching plans.
Michael Griffin: Once we learn how to live in space again and how to live on the moon we're going to use that experience and go to Mars.
A huge leap for mankind, one that follows in the footsteps the 12 Apollo astronauts took on the lunar surface almost 40 years ago.
Penelope Poulou, VOA news.
blurry [5blE:ri] adj. 模糊的,不清楚的
grainy [5^reini] adj. 粒状的,木纹状的
premiere [5premieE(r)] n. 初次的演出
Magnificent Desolation 《伟大的荒凉》,一部讲述飞船探险故事的电影
dimension [di5menFEn] n. 尺度,维(数)
authentic [C:5Wentik] adj. 可信的
lunar [5lu:nE(r)] adj. 月球的
landscape [5lAndskeip] n. 风景,地形
lunar module〈天〉登月舱
counterbalance [5kauntEbAlEns] n. 平衡块,平衡力
gravity [5^rAviti] n. 地心引力,重力

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adj.模糊的;污脏的,污斑的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.遗传因子,基因 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的 | |
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n.复制品 | |
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n.复制品( replica的名词复数 ) | |
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n.组件,模块,模件;(航天器的)舱 | |
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n.经营管理者,行政官员 | |
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