Some participants of the Fulbright Program,a prestigious1 international program coordinated2 by the US State Department, had completed only weeks of their stint3 before being told it was ending, because of the covid pandemic. My four brothers, my mom downsized because we all are old and moved out, and then now to have to come home and live in a her tiny like retirement4 home, like there's no space for us. But some because of dire5 personal circumstances were able to stay abroad. I don't have a great relationship with my family back home. It's not really a great place to be. So kind of honestly, through tears over the phone with somebody at the embassy and like the people here. I was like, I like until Healthwise. This is a much better place for me to be than going back home.
But the State Department cancelled the program in March, roughly eight months early for most participants. These Fulbrighters had to scramble6 to get on a plane home. Some wished they could have left even sooner. I am a little bit disappointed with the State Department, because I think they waited too long. So that and especially for Fulbright that we had to fly a home through Europe,and so that was late for that things who had already blown up in Italy and I was pretty uncomfortable. In an email to VOA a Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs spokesperson said that beginning February 28th, it repeatedly urged and offered assistance to American Fulbright participants to depart from overseas and return home. But many Fulbright Scholars say they didn't receive messages to consider leaving until early March. The following weeks were full of rapidly changing guidance and panic they say. March 11th we get a Tet or an email that saying, hey we we pretty much recommend that you don't travel for for spring break. But then two days later they sent another message that was like we strongly encourage you to get out of the country now. So the mood just changed to really really really fast. Participants are now considered alumni and will receive the title of Fulbright as well as the stipend7 through June. But beyond finding new homes and supplemental income, fulbrighters say they're most disappointed that they couldn't finish their projects. It's much more important and for me to have the experience, and I actually do the research and make great connections with the people here than it is to write Fulbright alumni on my resume. But other Fulbrighters say they don't fault organizers in the State Department. You know it's a pandemic. Everything changed and so I give a lot of breaks too.You know, everybody a decision had to be made. Whether they are looking for jobs in the United States or in their adopted country. Fulbright writers have had to change their career plans for the rest of the year. Yaser I VOA news Washington
但是国务院在三月取消了这项计划,对大多数参与者来说大约提前了8个月。这些福布莱特计划计划的参与者们不得不争先恐后地乘坐飞机回家。一些人希望能早点离开。我对国务院有点失望,因为我认为他们等太久了。所以特别是对于福布莱特计划,我们乘飞机回家途经欧洲,离开太晚了,意大利疫情已经爆发,这让我很不舒服。教育文化事务局发言人在发给美国之音的一封邮件中说,从2月28号开始,它一再督促和帮助美国福布莱特计划参与者离开海外,返回家里。但是许多福布莱特计划学者表示他们直到三月初才收到考虑离开的信息。他们说接下来的几周,指令多变,恐慌弥漫。三月11号,我们收到Tet,或一封电子邮件,上面写道,我们建议你们不要进行春假旅行。但两天后,他们又发出了另一个信息,那就是我们强烈鼓励你们现在离开这个国家。所以气氛很快就变了。参与者现在被视为校友,将获得福布莱特计划以及6月份的津贴。但是除了找的新的房子和额外的收入,福布莱特计划的参与者们表示他们最失望的问题在于他们无法完成项目。对于我来说,实际上拥有这段经历,做研究,与这里的人建立良好的关系比起在我的简历上写上福布莱特计划校友要更重要。但是其他的福布莱特计划参与者说他们不怪国务院的组织者。你知道这是一场疫情。一切都变了,我被迫休息。每个人都得做出决定。不管他们是在美国找工作,还是在移居的国家找工作。福布莱特计划作家不得不在今年剩下的时间里改变他们的职业计划。Yaser I,美国之音华盛顿新闻

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adj.有威望的,有声望的,受尊敬的 | |
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adj.协调的 | |
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v.节省,限制,停止;n.舍不得化,节约,限制;连续不断的一段时间从事某件事 | |
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n.退休,退职 | |
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adj.可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 | |
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v.爬行,攀爬,杂乱蔓延,碎片,片段,废料 | |
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n.薪贴;奖学金;养老金 | |
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