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  • 康宁发布第五代Gorilla Glass玻璃 手机屏幕将更耐摔

    Dropping your smartphone when taking a selfie could soon be less risky, says specialist glass maker Corning. 专业玻璃制造商康宁日前表示,自拍的时候不慎掉落手机可能不再会碎屏了。 Shattered or cracked screens are the n...

  • 中国第二季度三线城市用工需求"异军突起"

    Job opportunities grew during the second quarter in the central and western part of China and in third-tier cities, thanks to e-commerce and the sharing economy. 今年第二季度,电子商务和共享经济为中国的中西部城市和三线城市...

  • 中国首条无人驾驶地铁燕房线开启动车调试

    China's first fully-automatic subway, Yanfang Line linking Hebei's Yanjiao and Fangshan district in Beijing, will go on trial in December and is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2017. 中国的第一条全自动无人驾驶地铁线--连...

  • 中国首条无人驾驶地铁燕房线开启动车调试

    China's first fully-automatic subway, Yanfang Line linking Hebei's Yanjiao and Fangshan district in Beijing, will go on trial in December and is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2017. 中国的第一条全自动无人驾驶地铁线--连...

  • 暂时忘掉iPhone 7吧! 苹果新手机叫iPhone 6SE!

    Rumours about when the iPhone 7 will launch have been circulating for months. However, the latest puts a new twist on the mystery, claiming it won't be called the iPhone 7 at all. 有关iPhone 7何时发售的传闻已经流传好几个月了。但是最...

  • 25省份已公布上半年GDP数据 重庆西藏领跑全国

    Tibet came top of 25 Chinese provinces and municipalities that had released their half-year GDP growth figure as of last Monday, thanks to investment in infrastructure and local industries. 截止上周一,全国已有25个省区市公布了上半年...

  • 脱欧余波 成千上万英国人忙着办理欧盟国家护照!

    Thousands of Brits are so worried about losing their access to the European Union that they're lining up for passports from other countries in the bloc. 日前,由于成千上万的英国人担心自己无法自由出入欧盟国家,所以他们排...

  • 里约奥运地铁开通 过半列车全为中国制造

    More than half the subway trains running in Rio de Janeiro's metro system will be Chinese products after the city deploys 15 subway trains, with a total of 90 cars, on its newly built Line 4, reported CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co. 中国中车长...

  • 英式英语药丸 连英国人都开始使用美式拼写了

    British English may have come first, but around the world, the American way of spelling is now far more popular. 英式英语出现的较早,但从全球看,现今美式英语的拼写方式却更受欢迎。 A recent examination of these two var...

  • 未遂政变导致土耳其与美国关系紧张

    The strategically critical U.S.-Turkey relationship is coming under increasing strain as authorities in Ankara crack down on alleged coup plotters and sympathizers. 土耳其当局对被指称为军事政变策划者与同情者进行镇压之际,美...

  • 维基解密公布被泄露的民主党高层语音邮件

    WikiLeaks released 29 audio recordings Wednesday that it said were taken from Democratic National Committee servers. 维基解密星期三公布了据它所称从民主党全国委员会的服务器上获取的29条录音。 The voicemails, apparentl...

  • 奥巴马民主党大会演讲 希拉里最有资格当总统

    Hillary Clinton upstaged President Barack Obama with a surprise appearance at the end of his Democratic National Convention speech. 在美国民主党代表大会上,希拉里克林顿在美国总统巴拉克奥巴马的演讲接近尾声之际突然...

  • 亚马逊老板贝索斯成世界第三大富豪

    BBC News Strong earnings from Amazon and a boost to the company's stock have made its founder, Jeff Bezos, the world's third richest person, according to Forbes. Mr Bezos owns 18% of Amazon's shares, which rose 2% in trading on Thursday. Forbes estim...

  • 广岛的请求:让精灵宝可梦远离原子弹纪念馆

    BBC News The Japanese city of Hiroshima has asked Pokemon Go's creators to keep its virtual monsters out of memorials to victims of the atomic bomb. It wants the monsters removed by 6 August, when an annual ceremony is held on the anniversary of the...

  • 外媒爆料称中国001A航母几近完工 最快年底即可下水

    It seems that China is ready to launch its first indigenous aircraft carrier (CV), the Type 001A, by the end of the year. As a result, China, which operates a rehabilitated ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, is expected to become a full-fledged aircraft car...
