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    Britain's decision to leave the EU has led to a dramatic deterioration in economic activity, not seen since the aftermath of the financial crisis. 英国脱欧已导致经济活动急剧恶化,其严重程度为金融危机余波以来之最。 Dat...

  • 台湾第一银行多台ATM机遭欧洲黑客攻击

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    South Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn was stranded inside his car for hours last Friday, surrounded by an angry mob opposing the deployment of an advanced missile defense system in Seongju county in the country's south. 韩国总理黄教安上周五...

  • 调查显示 我国超七成民众认为高校学费太高

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  • 国家统计局 六月我国房价涨势放缓

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  • 老板自愿降薪改善员工薪水 员工送豪华车以表感谢

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  • 爱国无需暴力 警方对违法抵制活动发出警告

    Local police have been taking action to contain scattered protests in China calling for a boycott of US products, especially fast-food restaurants like KFC. 当地警方已经采取行动,以遏制中国各地爆发的对美国产品,尤其是肯德...

  • 最新超级英雄电影《自杀小队》首映票房或超1.25亿美元

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  • 美国电影科技集团子公司Imax中国前景光明

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  • 起底共和党幕后操盘手罗杰•艾尔斯

    God seems to be toying with American conservatives. On the same day Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, Roger Ailes, legendary creator of Fox News, was being ushered out of his role. 上帝似乎在戏耍美国的保守派。在唐纳德?特...

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    One is the suave servant of Her Majestys government. The other is a brute assassin, the rogue employee of a now defunct agency of the FBI. 一个是女王陛下政府倜傥的忠臣,另一个是冷酷杀手,联邦调查局(FBI)已经解散的一个...
