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  • 导游辱骂游客行为将被列入"黑名单"

    China has issued a new regulation to blacklist tourists and tourism service providers who indulge in inappropriate behavior. 近日,我国发布了一项新规,存在任性不文明行为的游客和旅游从业人员将被纳入黑名单。 Tour...

  • 谷歌CEO表态希望能重返中国大陆

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the Internet giant is open to returning its search business to China, if it could be done right, he told an industry conference. 日前,互联网巨头谷歌的首席执行官桑达尔皮查伊在行业会议上表示,...

  • 今年中国热门及冷门职业出炉

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  • 美国大学入学考试在韩国和香港被叫停

    BBC News An examination forstudents in South Korea and Hong Kong hoping to study at US colleges has beencancelled after credible evidence emerged that it had been leakedin advance. BBC新闻 希望在美国大学就读的韩国和香港学生要参加的...

  • 英国皇家海军最先进驱逐舰怕热

    The engines powering the Royal Navys cutting-edge fleet of Type 45 destroyers are unable to operate continuously in the warm waters of the Gulf, MPs were told on Tuesday. 周二,英国国会议员们被告知,英国皇家海军(Royal Navy)最先进...

  • 全球政府债券价格飙升 股市下行

    The global rally in government bonds broke records on Friday while equities buckled as a combination of anxiety over the world economy and Britains referendum on EU membership sent investors racing to safety. 全球政府债券价格飙升势头周五打...

  • 与巴菲特共进午餐 神秘客一掷千金

    The cost of the average restaurant meal has risen 2.7 per cent in the past year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, but if that looks steep against an economywide inflation rate of 1.1 per cent, it is nothing compared to the rising cost...

  • 职场达人揭秘 对于模特行业的5大误解

    There are many myths about the modeling profession that can create confusion for new models which may actually stop them from pursuing their lifelong dream of becoming a professional model. 人们对模特一行有许多错误观念,这给模特新人...

  • 沪深交易所发布停复牌新规

    China's two stock exchanges set the upper-time limit for listed firms' trading suspension to better protect investors' interests. 为了更好的保护投资者的利益,近日,上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所针对上市公司停牌时...

  • 中国学生英语学习呈低龄化趋势

    Chinese parents are having their children learn English earlier, according to a survey published by the China Youth Daily. 《中国青年报》近日进行的一项调查显示,如今,中国家长很早就让孩子学习英语。 English has bee...

  • 调查显示 五成初中学生遭受校园欺凌后选择沉默

    Nearly half the victims of bullying in junior middle schools choose to stay silent rather than seek help or solutions to the problem, China Youth Daily reported. 据《中国青年报》报道,在遭受校园欺凌后,近半初中生受害者选择...

  • 肯尼迪总统亲笔情书将在网上公开拍卖

    Before the days of Netflix and chill, people had to hand-write their desires for one another -- even presidents. 过去,在出去约炮之前,人们只能通过书信来传情达意,这一点,就连美国总统也不例外。 A four-page love...

  • 希拉里成为美国首位女总统候选人

    Hillary Clinton claimed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, which would make her the first woman to represent a major party in the race for the White House. 希拉里克林顿星期二赢得民主党总统候选人提名所需代表人票数...

  • 数千人参加拳王阿里的葬礼

    Thousands of people -- black and white, Muslims and Jews, old and young -- packed Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky Thursday for a traditional Muslim funeral for Muhammad Ali. 星期四,成千上万人聚集在肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的自由...

  • 毕业舞会没舞伴 这个英俊的小哥找了一只喵

    Finding a date for Prom can be a stressful experience for many. Just ask Sam Steingard. 对许多人来说,找一个毕业舞会的伴儿可能是一次压力满满的体验。那正好问问Sam Steingard吧! With the big date drawing ever nearer,...
