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  • 我国研发的全球首个量子卫星即将发射

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  • 法国部署反无人机技术 保证2016欧洲杯顺利进行

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  • 中国预计2020年推出成熟5G标准

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  • 北京首要空气污染物PM2.5下岗 取代者臭氧危害更大

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  • 腾讯最新报告 移动支付受骗者七成为男性

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  • 为了弘扬中国民乐 苹果更新GarageBand

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  • 小米获得2500多项专利

    BEIJING, June 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has secured 2,500 patents from Microsoft through a patent transfer and cross-licensing deal, a Xiaomi senior executive said in Beijing on Wednesday. As part of the deal with Microsoft, the B...

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  • 美国2016年总统大选 谁是幕后捐款者?

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