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  • 2019年经济学人 词汇意义的变化(3) Sometimes they succeed. In 2012 Julia Gillard, Australias prime minister, gave her renowned misogyny speech, lambasting her rival Tony Abbott for referring to Ms Gillard making an honest woman of herself, and for posing by a sign reading ditch the wi
  • 2019年经济学人 食草系鳄鱼(1) Compared with mammals, living members of the crocodile clan have exceptionally boring dentition. 和哺乳动物相比,现存鳄鱼家族的成员有着异常无趣的牙列。 From the slender-snouted gharials of India and the nocturnal caimans of
  • 2019年经济学人 伦敦金融城能否挺过英国退欧(2) Londons prowess is something to behold. It hosts 37% of the worlds currency dealing and 18% of cross-border lending. It is a hub for derivatives, asset management, insurance and investment banks. Relations with EUrope are particularly intimate. The C
  • 2019年经济学人 木雕艺术家大卫·埃斯特利(1) Master and apprentice 大师与学徒 David Esterly, wood-carver, died on June 15th, aged 75 木雕艺术家大卫埃斯特利于6月15日去世,享年75岁 It might happen at any time of day. David Esterly would be at his workbench, gouge in hand,
  • 2019年经济学人 Facebook推出“天秤币”(3) Technically and financially, Facebook could probably pull off such an ambitious undertaking on its own. But not politically. Its culture is less amoral than it was in its youth, when it aspired to move fast and break thingsbut only a bit. Chary consu
  • 2019年经济学人 伦敦金融城能否挺过英国退欧(3) The first is by ripping up the legal framework, as the EU cancels the passports that let City firms operate across the continent. Activity may move in search of certainty. The second is by the remaining 27 EU members adopting an industrial policy tha
  • 2019年经济学人 食草系鳄鱼(2) This technique scans a tooth and measures the complexity of its surfaces. 这项技术扫描牙齿并测量其表面的复杂性。 Use of OPCR has demonstrated, in a quantifiable manner, that diet is closely related to tooth complexity. OPCR的使用以
  • 2019年经济学人 Facebook推出“天秤币”(4) Hard currency 硬通货币 In a project with so many moving parts, much can go wrong. Although Facebook says it has a working prototype, the technology is untested; sceptics doubt that a 100-node system, let alone a bigger one, could process thousand
  • 2019年经济学人 伦敦金融城能否挺过英国退欧(4) This sounds good for the EU, but it is likely to be a pyrrhic victory. The continents financial system is balkanised and dominated by sluggish banks. New business will be spread across several cities, fragmenting activity further. Europes heavy-hande
  • 2019年经济学人 一周要闻 美朝关系缓和 法国高温致学校停课 英外交大臣角逐首 The world this week 本周要闻 Politics 政治 Turkeys president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was humiliated by voters, as his attempt to reverse the mayoral election in Istanbul, which his party had lost, backfired spectacularly. At his behest, the elec
  • 2019年经济学人 俄罗斯正统论(1) A visitor to Moscow inquiring about the outlook for Russia's economy 前往莫斯科大厅俄罗斯经济前景的访客 will often be met with answers that take a detour into the country's past. 往往会得到一些有关该国往事的答案。 As
  • 2019年经济学人 俄罗斯正统论(2) Sanctions act like a global-capital quarantine. And Russia runs a biggish current-account surplus. 制裁就像是全球资本隔离一样。俄罗斯拥有较大的经常账户盈余。 But Russia is a more hazardous place for equity investors. A st
  • 2019年经济学人 一周要闻 美国制裁伊朗高层 美国威胁墨西哥加税 巴西G20期间爆 Mr Trump imposed new sanctions on Irans leadership. This came after he ordered and then called off air strikes on military installations in the country in response to Irans downing of an American spy drone. Ali Khamenei, Irans supreme leader, said th
  • 2019年经济学人 木雕艺术家大卫·埃斯特利(2) For him, as for Gibbon, the limewood responded beautifully, as only limewood could. It was soft, almost oily, with a nutty smell that filled the workshop and a crisp zip under the gouge; pliable, kindly, magically white and forgiving of mistreatment,
  • 2019年经济学人 记录别人的生活(1) Books arts 来源于《图书和艺术》版块 The lives of others 别人的生活 Bard of Britain 英国诗人 Modern British television has founds its Dickens 现代英国电视找到了现代狄更斯 Jack Thornes phone flashes with messages and