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  • 2021年经济学人 人猴杂交(1) Experimental biology 实验生物学 Fantastic beasts and how to make them 神兽以及如何创造神兽 Researchers have created embryos from a mix of monkey cells and human ones 研究人员创造出了半人半猴的胚胎 The ancient greeks were
  • 2021年经济学人 人猴杂交(2) The researchers began with 132 embryos of the crab-eating macaque. Six days after fertilisation these were injected with human extended pluripotent stem cells, which can develop into any other cell type found in the body. Tagging the human cells with
  • 2021年经济学人 人猴杂交(3) The researchers hope this biotechnological wizardry will help with two goals. One is to shed light on the complicated process of embryological development, which might eventually lead to treatments for some congenital diseases. Chimeras may offer a w
  • 2021年经济学人 我是男还是女,这是个问题(1) Gender medicine 性别医学 Second thoughts 三思 Doubts are growing about therapy for gender-dysphoric children 对于性别焦虑症儿童的治疗方法,人们的质疑越来越多 Gender medicine was once an obscure specialty. Patients with g
  • 2021年经济学人 我是男还是女,这是个问题(2) There is also evidence that the drugs may cause serious harm. One example is described by Michael Biggs of Oxford University in a letter published on April 26th in the Journal of Paediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. Bone-mineral density (BMD) usu
  • 2021年经济学人 一种用于飞机和导弹的新型燃料即将问世(1) Hypersonic flight 高超声速飞行 The rockets' green glare 火箭的绿色光芒 A new fuel for jets and missiles is on the cards 一种用于飞机和导弹的新型燃料即将问世 The latest buzzword in the world's aerospace skunk works is hy
  • 2021年经济学人 一种用于飞机和导弹的新型燃料即将问世(2) The second reason for zip fuel's abandonment was that the stuff itself proved disappointing. In jets, instead of burning completely, it produced a sticky residue which clung to turbine blades. Boron additives in rocket fuels also failed. The combusti
  • 2021年经济学人 昆虫阉割术,从根上消灭害虫(1) Pest control 害虫防治 Cas-9-trated CAS9阉割术 Genetic engineering may help control disease-carrying mosquitoes 基因工程有助于控制携带疾病的蚊子 Every year, hundreds of millions of people catch mosquito-borne diseases like malar
  • 2021年经济学人 昆虫阉割术,从根上消灭害虫(2) Crucially, the genetic tweak involved did not appear to hinder the modified mosquitoes in any other way. On every measure of healthiness they performed as well as their wild counterparts. And even though they were firing blanks, they were still able
  • 2021年经济学人 新款集水网--天网恢恢,疏而不漏(1) Water supply 供水 A better fog trap 更好的雾网 A clever upgrade of a humble but useful technology 一种不起眼但有用的技术的聪明升级 Every night, air cooled and moistened by the Humboldt current blows over Chile's northern coast
  • 2021年经济学人 新款集水网--天网恢恢,疏而不漏(2) Previous attempts to do this have coated the threads with metal. But that is expensive. As they describe in ACS Nano, Dr Stachewicz and her student Daniel Ura have done it by changing the way the threads are spun, which is cheap. 之前的尝试是在螺
  • 2021年经济学人 美国4月通货膨胀率创12年新高 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Business 商业版块 Americas annual inflation rate soared to 4.2% in April, higher than expected and fuelling concerns that rising consumer prices may become a problem for the American economy. Inflation hawks
  • 2021年经济学人 华尔街巨骗伯纳德·麦道夫在狱中去世(1) Obituary 讣告 Bernard Madoff 伯纳德麦道夫 Just one big lie 惊世骗局 Bernard Madoff, deviser of the biggest Ponzi scheme in history, died in prison on April 14th, aged 82 史上最大旁氏骗局策划者伯纳德麦道夫,于4月14日在狱
  • 2021年经济学人 华尔街巨骗伯纳德·麦道夫在狱中去世(2) Happy because, in that mysterious office, he was carrying on the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. It was simplicity itself. The money sent to him by new investors was used to pay existing investors, as well as any redemptions (which he honoured in fu
  • 2021年经济学人 华尔街巨骗伯纳德·麦道夫在狱中去世(3) Inspectors seldom got suspicious, however, because they liked and trusted him. He had not spent a third of his time in Washington in the late 1980s and early 1990s, cosying up to the Securities and Exchange Commission, for nothing. 事实却是,检查